Rainn Wilson: Ideas worth dating
Rainn Wilson: Myšlienky, s ktorými sa oplatí ísť na rande
Rainn Wilson is an actor, writer and co-creator of media and production company SoulPancake. Full bio
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Byť sám si vyberá svoju daň.
its toll, being alone.
to make a real connection.
vytvoriť skutočné puto.
that matches with who I really am?
v súlade s mojím skutočným ja?
zdravé potraviny?
and defiant act you can do.
a ťažšie ako záhradkárstvo.
our fingers dirty for a first date, huh?
si ale riadne zašpiníme ruky, čo?
a ťažšie ako záhradkárstvo.
and defiant act you can do.
veľmi nekvalitné potraviny.
they're exposed to crappy food.
že pestovať si vlastné potraviny,
that growing your own food
a jedlo je aj riešenie.
and food is the solution.
všetky možné slová do slovníka.
possible into the dictionary.
ktoré ste si práve vymysleli,
that you've just made up,
že vidíte skutočnosť?
ale povedzme, že áno.
nearsighted, but yeah.
ktoré očami a ušami prijímate,
that your eyes are receiving,
pretože môžu znamenať čokoľvek.
because it could mean anything.
buď niečo veľké a vzdialené,
ale bol to len vlčiak.
but it was just a German shepherd.
Bonobo sú spolu so šimpanzmi
are, together with chimpanzees,
častému a promiskuitnému sexu,
and solve social issues.
a spoločenské problémy.
alebo spoločenský problém,
that needs managing
you're on a date with my idea,
ktorý je navzdory všetkým očakávaniam
of someone who, against all odds,
so extraordinarily positive,
tak neskutočne pozitívny,
until you achieved it.
až kým ste ho nedosiahli.
v živote nedarilo.
good at life" face.
really honest with you.
to do something,
we're left powerless.
ktorí riešia problémy,
s problémami nového storočia.
of the next century.
to a movie or something?
what they say in Russia.
4,6 miliárd pozretí.]
spoločného objavovania myšlienok.]
Rainn Wilson - Actor, writerRainn Wilson is an actor, writer and co-creator of media and production company SoulPancake.
Why you should listen
Rainn Wilson is best known for playing Dwight Schrute on NBC's Emmy-winning show, "The Office." He has also acted in Super, Cooties, Juno, Monsters vs. Aliens and The Rocker, among other movies.
Wilson co-founded SoulPancake, a media company that seeks to tackle "life's big questions." He's a board member of Mona Foundation and co-founded Lidè, an educational initiative in rural Haiti that empowers young, at-risk women through the arts.
Rainn Wilson | Speaker | TED.com