Shane Koyczan: To This Day ... for the bullied and beautiful
Shane Koyczan: "Še danes" za ozmerjane in lepe
Shane Koyczan makes spoken-word poetry and music. His poem "To This Day" is a powerful story of bullying and survival, illustrated by animators from around the world. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
da se definiramo,
ki bi sladkale moja stara leta.
da so me starši zapustili, ker me niso želeli imeti.
Ko sem bil star 13, sem želel ubiti nekega mulca.
naj resno razmislim o karieri.
se je kot bumerang vrnila nazaj k meni.
da sovražim samega sebe.
da sem se spopadel z vsako prelomljeno obljubo.
je pričakoval skoraj popoln rezultat
ki je bil 28 od 30,
ko me je zmedeno pogledal
da nadaljujem s tem.
da debeli otroci niso narejeni za plezanje po drevesih,
ker sem se igral, kjer se ne bi smel.
opazila modrico
ki bi v nas prebudil občutek, da so sonce
in mi smo se poskusili izprazniti, da ne bi ničesar čutili.
ki so jo pripeli na drugo družinsko drevo,
monsuna antidepresivov.
lahko šel domov k mami in očetu,
ki bi to želel slišati,
od akrobatov do krotilcev levov,
ki so bili kilometre pred tem, kdo smo.
namesto rok, bradate ženske
da bi se pozdravili.
in malo dalj strmite,
in ga sami podpisali.
in zlomljene zobe, a tega nikoli niste povedali,
Shane Koyczan - PoetShane Koyczan makes spoken-word poetry and music. His poem "To This Day" is a powerful story of bullying and survival, illustrated by animators from around the world.
Why you should listen
Shane Koyczan is a poet, author and performer. He performed at the opening ceremonies of the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics, where an audience of more than 1 billion people worldwide heard his piece “We Are More.”
He has published three books: Stickboy, Our Deathbeds Will Be Thirsty and Visiting Hours, selected by both the Guardian and the Globe and Mail for their Best Books of the Year lists.
In 2012, he released a full-length album with his band Shane Koyczan and the Short Story Long. The album includes the viral hit “To This Day,” which explores the anguish of anyone who grew up feeling different or just a little bit alone. To bring visual life to this image-rich poem, Koyczan invited artists from around the world to contribute 20-second segments of animation to the project. Posted on YouTube on February 19, 2013, by the close of the month the video had been viewed 6 million times.
Shane Koyczan | Speaker |