Noy Thrupkaew: Human trafficking is all around you. This is how it works
Noj Trupkaev (Noy Thrupkaew): Trgovina ljudima je svuda oko vas. Evo kako funkcioniše
Noy Thrupkaew reports on human trafficking and the economics of exploitation through the lens of labor rights. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
a little bit of a hard time.
kroz težak period,
when she looked at me one day and said,
nije pogledala jednog dana i rekla:
until you were three?"
odgajao do treće godine?"
I said, "My parents."
Rekla sam: "Moji roditelji",
that's actually the case;
"Ne mislim da je bilo tako,
far more complicated than just this."
mnogo komplikovanije od ovoga.
but I knew she was serious.
ali znala sam da je ozbiljna,
the funniest person in the room.
najsmešnija osoba u sobi
but she caught on to me really quickly,
ali me je skapirala prilično brzo
she would look at me and say,
pogledala bi me i rekla:
and I asked my parents
i pitala sam svoje roditelje
until I was three?
do treće godine?
a distant relative of the family.
daleka rođaka.
when I was much older.
kada sam bila mnogo starija.
me like a curtain
poput zavese,
to the bathroom
that a child has sometimes
koje dete ponekad ima
also requires letting go.
zahteva i ostavljanje na miru.
memory of my auntie,
na moju tetu, međutim,
memories of life at all.
by another member of my family.
tukao i udarao.
and wanting it to stop,
i želje da to prestane,
to go out with her friends,
kao što je izlazak sa prijateljima
zbog tog ponašanja
beaten behind closed doors.
iza zatvorenih vrata.
that eventually she ran away.
da je na kraju pobegla.
when she was brought over from Thailand
kada su je doveli sa Tajlanda
on a tourist visa.
sa turističkom vizom.
in Illinois for a time,
vratila na Tajland,
at a political rally in Bangkok.
tokom političkog sastanka u Bangkoku.
when I was a child,
kao što sam radila kada sam bila dete,
I promised that I would call.
da ću je nazvati.
everything that she meant to me --
ako kažem šta mi je značila
of who I became to her care,
za najbolje delove onoga što sam postala
were like a thimble
and shame and rage I felt
stid i bes koje sam osećala
to care for me for as long as she had --
brinula o meni dokle god je morala -
I would never stop crying again.
nikada neću prestati da plačem,
and researching human trafficking
trgovinu ljudima
this personal story
povezala ovu ličnu priču
until pretty recently.
sve do skoro.
actually symbolizes
u stvari simbolizuje
about human trafficking.
pitanja trgovine ljudima.
prevalent, complex and close to home
složenija i ličnija
and law enforcement, NGO workers.
predstavnika zakona i NVO radnika
about human trafficking,
povodom trgovine ljudima,
ne pričamo o problemu kako bi trebalo.
about the problem right at all.
about someone like my auntie.
na nekoga kao što je moja teta.
about a young girl or woman,
na mladu devojku ili ženu
into prostitution by a violent pimp.
primorao na prostituciju.
and that is a real story.
of that situation, though.
stvarnost ove situacije.
we relate to each other through language,
na to kako se odnosimo jedni prema drugima
with all the gory, violent detail,
zajedno sa krvavim, nasilnim detaljima,
"look at her scars" journalism.
"pogledajte-njene-ožiljke" novinarstvo.
doing a bad thing to an innocent girl.
koji radi loše stvari nevinoj devojci.
that we might be indicted for,
za koji možemo biti optuženi,
or the poverty,
about forced prostitution,
samo prisilnu prostituciju,
in our everyday lives.
u naše svakodnevne živote.
šta podrazumevam pod tim.
22 percent of human trafficking.
22 procenta trgovine ljudima.
imposed forced labor.
koji nameće država,
is for the purpose of creating the goods
u svrhu stvaranja robe
that most of us rely on every day,
većina nas oslanja svaki dan,
domestic work and construction.
kućni poslovi i građevina.
and exploited today.
i eksploatisanim u svetu danas.
of force, fraud or coercion
prevare i prinude
and coltan mines,
rudnicima koltana,
u Norveškoj i Engleskoj.
bases in Iraq and Afghanistan.
u Iraku i Avganistanu.
ribarskoj industriji.
exporter of shrimp in the world.
najveći izvoznik škampa na svetu.
and plentiful shrimp?
kojih ima u izobilju?
Burmese and Cambodian migrants
burmanskih i kambodžanskih migranata
the men put to work,
ljudima je dat posao
if they made the mistake of falling sick,
napravili grešku da se razbole
na koji su se ophodili prema njima.
da bi se škampi nahranili.
to four major global retailers:
četvorici glavnih globalnih prodavaca:
i "Karforu".
on a smaller scale than just that,
u mnogo manjem obimu,
never even imagine.
to drive ice cream trucks,
da voze kamione sa sladoledima
u turističkim horovima dečaka.
in a hair braiding salon in New Jersey.
u salonima za pletenice u Nju Džerziju.
bila je neverovatna.
who were from Ghana and Togo,
koje su bile iz Gane ili Togoa
"your daughters are going to get
"ćerke dobiti dobro obrazovanje
of the green card lottery,
dobitnike zelene karte na lutriji
We'll pay your fees.
Platićemo vam troškove.
this young girl with you,
da povedete ovu devojku sa sobom.
ili supruga."
the young girls were taken away,
devojke su odvedene
nearly four million dollars.
blizu četiri miliona dolara.
to the criminal justice system.
sistemu krivičnog pravosuđa.
trafficking are poor and marginalized.
žrtava siromašna i marginalizovana.
too often part of the problem,
je prečesto deo problema,
from Bangladesh to the United States,
od Bangladeša do Sjedinjenih Država,
in the sex trade who were surveyed
seksom koji su ispitani reklo je
by the police in the past year alone.
ili napadnuti od strane policije
who have been trafficked into it,
kojima se trgovalo,
convictions for prostitution.
brojne presude za prostituciju.
so much more difficult
čini da im je još teže
or leave prostitution,
ili prostituciju,
they risk deportation.
rizikuju da budu deportovani.
employers have no problem
poslodavci nemaju problem
to try and threaten or deport
da zaprete deportacijom
of undocumented workers
radnika koji nisu zavedeni,
of law enforcement if they're caught.
policijskih hirova ako ih uhvate.
victims and prosecute traffickers.
i goni trgovce ljudima,
of human trafficking in the world,
trgovine ljudima u svetu,
fewer than 50,000 people.
manje od 50 000 ljudi.
to the population of Los Angeles,
sa populacijom Los Anđelesa,
5,700 convictions in 2013,
5700 presuda iz 2013. godine,
za trgovinu radnicima.
of all trafficking,
ukupne trgovine ljudima,
of the convictions.
happens where need meets greed.
da se trgovina dešava
workers are excluded from protections,
gde ljudi nisu uključeni u zaštitu
degraded work environments.
radnim okruženjima.
or war-torn states, or --
ili državama pogođenim ratom, ili..."
about the United States.
slučaj trgovine ljudima
a trafficking case called Global Horizons,
tajlandskih radnika na farmama.
to work in Hawaii pineapple plantations,
na havajskim plantažama ananasa,
and anywhere the work was needed.
i gde god da je rad potreban.
of solid agricultural work.
raditi solidan poljoprivredni posao.
their wives' jewelry,
nakit svojih supruga,
for this company, Global Horizons.
za posao kompaniji "Globalni horizonti".
and held at gunpoint.
they fainted in the fields.
onesvešćivali u poljima.
and I froze in the produce department.
u odeljenju za namirnice.
the Global Horizons survivors
koje su mi pravili oni koji su preživeli
I showed up to interview them.
kada bi se pojavila da ih intervjuišem.
of perfect, long-stemmed strawberries,
od savršenih jagoda sa dugim peteljkama,
you eat with somebody special
ako ih jedete sa nekim posebnim
whose hands picked them for you?"
ubrala za vas?"
later, I realized I had no idea
u prodavnici, shvatila sam
kome da se zahvalim za ovo obilje,
they were being treated.
digging into the agricultural sector.
po poljoprivrednom sektoru
and too few labor inspectors.
a premalo inspektora za rad.
of plausible deniability
verodostojnih poricanja
and processor, and God knows who else.
obrađivača i ko zna koga još.
brought to the States
dovedeni su u SAD
radnika posetilaca.
ties a person's legal status
vezuje legalni status osobe
the right to organize.
about this agricultural sector
u poljoprivrednom sektoru
is actually human trafficking.
nije u stvari trgovina ljudima.
legally tolerable.
zakonski tolerisati,
fertile ground for exploitation.
za zloupotrebu.
before I had tried to understand it.
što sam pokušala da ga razumem.
grappling with these issues.
uhvatila u koštac sa ovim pitanjima.
philanthropists in the world.
koji su protiv trgovine ljudima.
investing nearly 10 million dollars
investirajući skoro 10 miliona dolara
as having the worst working conditions
kao plantaža koja je imala
u slučaju "Globalnih horizonata".
were shocked and horrified,
bili su šokirani i užasnuti
an op-ed for a newspaper,
to learn everything we can
da naučimo sve što možemo
of the products that we support.
proizvodima koje podržavamo.
if each one of us decided
ako bi svako od nas odlučio
to support companies
from their labor and supply chains?
iz svog rada i lanaca snabdevanja?
pozivaju na isto?
their businesses and say, "no more"?
i reći "ne više"?
for migrant workers?
za zapošljavanje migranata?
trebalo da imaju pravo da se organizuju
should have the right to organize
around the world.
a fair-trade peach
iz poštene trgovine,
a guilt-free zone with your money.
kroz kupovinu zone bez krivice.
a system that is broken,
sistem koji ne valja
and benefit from for too long.
i imamo koristi iz toga predugo.
survivors' victimization.
onih koji su preživeli trgovinu ljudima,
been talking to them,
kada sam pričala sa njima,
more than our worst days.
od naših najgorih dana.
than what we have lived through.
što je preživeo,
trgovinu ljudima.
and resilient and responsible
najotporniji i najodgovorniji
would take a gamble on.
na koje biste se kladili.
because I have the chance
zato što mi se pružila prilika
because they're behind
social justice movements out there today.
za društvenu pravdu.
who marched with their families
koje su marširale sa svojim porodicama
an international treaty
internacionalni sporazum
kućnim poslovima.
into the sex trade --
u seksualnoj trgovini -
first anti-trafficking organization
protiv trgovine ljudima
by trafficking survivors themselves.
i voditi sami preživeli.
were trafficked
sa brodogradilišta trgovalo se
posle uragana Katrina.
but they broke out of their work compound
ali su izašli iz svojih radnih postrojenja
to Washington, D.C.,
zbog zloupotrebe na radu.
the National Guest Worker Alliance,
nacionalnih radnika posetilaca",
they have wound up helping other workers
da pomažu drugim radnicima,
and abuses in supply chains
i zloupotrebe u lancima snabdevanja
of Justice declined to take their case,
odbilo da preuzme njihov slučaj,
the first of a dozen civil suits
prvu od desetak građanskih parnica
their clients 14 million dollars.
za svoje klijente 14 miliona dolara.
for people they don't even know yet,
koje još uvek ne poznaju.
of a just world for all of us.
pravednog sveta za sve nas.
as a people and as a society;
kao ljudi i kao zajednica;
longer prosperity,
to other people's pain;
inextricably woven together;
jedni u druge
to make a different choice.
da napravimo drugačiji izbor.
my story of my auntie with you.
o svojoj teti sa vama.
i popela se na ovu binu,
and climbed up on this stage,
of people about it,
pričala o tome jer,
about your stories
da saznam vaše priče
if anything, about my own.
ako i uopšte, o sebi.
due diligence on this.
savesnu procenu ovoga.
of document requests,
bezbrojne zahteve,
a zatim i njihovu majku
of what happened, and of her life now.
šta se desilo, kao ni o njenom životu.
is messy and unfinished.
je u haosu i nedovršena,
and unfinished situation we're all in,
situaciju i haos u kom smo svi mi,
also part of its solution.
just world is our work to do,
pravedniji svet je naš posao
na koji je to trebalo da uradimo
we should have done,
Noy Thrupkaew - Global journalistNoy Thrupkaew reports on human trafficking and the economics of exploitation through the lens of labor rights.
Why you should listen
Noy Thrupkaew writes on global issues on a local scale. The focus of her studies (and the subject of her forthcoming book) is human trafficking and the exploitative economic systems and corrupt officials behind it. She is a keen critic of the role of anti-trafficking organizations in the struggle against it, calling for long-range approaches that go beyond mere prohibition.
As an independent journalist, Thrupkaew has written for a wide variety of outlets including The Nation, National Geographic and The New York Times.
Noy Thrupkaew | Speaker |