Scott Dinsmore: How to find work you love
Skot Dinzmor (Scott Dinsmore): Kako da pronađete posao koji volite
Scott Dinsmore founded Live Your Legend, a career and connection platform to inspire people to find their passion. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
what this would feel like.
kako će ovo izgledati.
I got the worst career advice of my life.
najgori savet o karijeri u svom životu.
you like the work you're doing now.
kojim se trenutno baviš.
na izgrađivanje tvog CV-a.“
from living in Spain for a while,
gde sam živeo neko vreme
I thought, "This is fantastic.
Imaću veliki uticaj u svetu.“
big impact on the world."
And within about two months,
I had this strange urge
oko 10 časova imam čudnu potrebu
through the monitor of my computer.
da su svi konkurenti u našem prostoru
that all the competitors in our space
this sage advice to build up my resume.
taj mudri savet da izgrađujem svoj CV.
to jump out of and change things up,
ću da skočim i kako da promenim stvari,
from Warren Buffett, and he said,
Vorena Bafeta, koji kaže:
is the same as saving up sex for old age."
je isto kao čuvanje seksa za stare dane.“
and that was all I needed.
and I left with one intention:
sa jednom namerom -
That's how tough it was.
nije bilo bitno o čemu se radi.
It didn't matter what it was.
that I wasn't alone:
ne uživa u svom poslu.
of the people around
that Deloitte has done with their studies.
Deloit kroz istraživanja.
what is it that sets these people apart,
po čemu se ti ljudi razlikuju,
kojim menjaju svet,
world-changing work,
the other 80 percent
ljude koji se bave inspirativnim radom,
doing this inspiring work,
on purpose and career and all this,
karijeri i svemu tome,
really for the selfish reason of --
iz sebičnih razloga -
koji ne mogu da ne radim,
that I couldn't not do,
sve više ljudi je počelo da me pita:
more and more people started to ask me,
a ja ne volim svoj posao.
Can we sit down for lunch?"
But I would have to warn them,
Ipak, morao bih da ih upozorim
my quit rate was also 80 percent.
moja stopa otkaza takođe 80%.
80 percent would quit their job
u roku od dva meseca.
that I had any special magic.
a nije bila u pitanju neka posebna magija.
one simple question.
poslom kojim se bavite?“
the work that you're doing?"
da tako treba da radim.“
told me I'm supposed to."
people around us
that someone tells them to climb,
na koje im neko kaže da se penju,
against the wrong wall,
sa ovim ljudima i uvideo ovaj problem,
these people and saw this problem,
create a community,
kao da tu pripadaju
could feel like they belonged
to do things differently,
where that was encouraged,
i ljudi se nadahnjuju da se promene?“
„Proživite svoju legendu“,
what I now call Live Your Legend,
I noticed a framework
world-changers have in common,
koji strastveno menjaju svet,
or if you're just, you know,
koja ima pekaru na kraju ulice,
the bakery down the street.
koji je oličenje onoga što ste.
that embodies who you are.
tako da ih možemo koristiti kao objektiv
so we can use them as a lens
and hopefully the rest of our life.
i života, nadam se.
passionate work framework
za strastveni posao
and understanding yourself,
i razumeti samog sebe,
what you're looking for,
is going to do this for us.
neće to uraditi umesto nas.
on passion and purpose and career.
o strasti, svrsi i karijeri.
obavezan dvostruki program,
a required double major,
birajući televizor za studentsku sobu
picking out a dorm room TV set
and your area of study.
it's on us to figure that out,
we need a way to navigate through this.
način da se krećemo kroz to.
finding out what our unique strengths are.
je pronalaženje naših jedinstvenih snaga.
čim se probudimo bez obzira na sve,
loving to do no matter what,
the things that people thank us for?
stvari na kojima su nam ljudi zahvalni?
i alatka na internetu.
is a book and also an online tool.
what it is that you're naturally good at.
onoga u čemu ste prirodno dobri.
ili hijerarhija za donošenje odluka?
or our hierarchy for making decisions?
our family, health,
naše porodice, zdravlja,
all this stuff?
uspeh, sve te stvari?
da bismo doneli te odluke,
to make these decisions,
od čega nam je sačinjena duša,
to some cause we don't give a shit about.
za koji nas uopšte nije briga.
We learn things every day, every minute
šta volimo, šta mrzimo,
what we're terrible at.
paying attention to that
obraćanju pažnje na to,
it's all for nothing.
onda je sve uzaludno.
every month of every year
samo u razmatranju toga šta je bilo dobro,
just reflecting on what went right,
and what do I want to repeat,
na svoj život.
as you see people, especially today,
zbog kojih govorite:
things where you say
I want to be like him."
hteo bih da budem kao on.“
Open up a journal.
što vas inspiriše.
that inspires you.
everything about their life,
pribeležite to,
this repository of things
and have a more passionate existence
da ga primenimo na svoj život,
i da ostvarimo veći uticaj.
to put these things together,
what success actually means to us,
šta uspeh zaista znači za nas,
of the compass, it's impossible.
to je nemoguće.
imamo život po scenariju
we have that scripted life
going up this ladder to nowhere.
koje ne vode nikud.
if anybody saw that,
ako ga je neko gledao,
the big Wall Street banker CEO,
velikog direktora, bankara sa Vol Strita:
Everyone's got a number,
they'll leave it all."
of most of the people
u razumevanju onoga što im je bitno,
understanding what matters for them,
that doesn't mean anything to us,
što nam ništa ne znači,
said we're supposed to.
da bi tako trebalo.
stvari koje nas oživljavaju.
the things that make us come alive.
could come and hit you in the face,
i da vas zvekne u facu,
a vi biste je mogli odbaciti
you might throw it away
a way of identifying it.
nešto što je u skladu sa mojim snagama,
that's congruent with my strengths,
I'm going to do something with it,
da time ostvarim uticaj.
and try to make an impact with it.
and the movement we've built
i pokret koji smo izgradili
this compass to identify,
ovaj kompas da prepoznam:
and make a difference with."
i da time ostvarim traga.“
we're never going to find it,
nikada to nećemo naći,
this framework, this compass,
na ono što je sledeće -
and that's not me up there --
i pomerajući svoje granice.
and pushing our limits.
zbog kojih ljudi ne rade stvari.
why people don't do things.
they can't do them,
da ne mogu da ih urade
tell them they can't do them.
da ne mogu da ih urade.
or we never start in the first place.
until somebody did it.
dok to neko nije uspeo.
every new thing in the world,
ljudi su najpre mislili da je to suludo.
bilo je to fizički nemoguće
it was a physical impossibility
u pešačkoj trci
in a foot race
nije suočio sa tim i uspeo.
je prešlo milju za 4 minuta.
16 people broke the four-minute mile.
za koje smatramo da su nemoguće
that we think are impossible
koje čekaju da budu ostvarene
waiting to be accomplished
your physical body and fitness
sa fizičkim telom i sposobnošću najpre,
because we can control that.
da pretrčite milju,
da pretrčite milju ili dve,
you can run a mile or two,
or whatever it is,
dva kila, šta god,
into the rest of your world.
of this a little bit with my friends.
da to pomalo radim sa prijateljima.
We go on physical adventures,
in a kind of precarious spot.
u nekakvom nezgodnom mestu.
that same fear
broj 1, 2, 3 i 4 jedno šest puta
Jaws 1, 2, 3 and 4 like six times
I can already feel it right now.
mogu već sad da osetim.
to je slatka voda,
it's fresh water, totally unfounded fear,
besmisleno, ali tu je.
sam se našao na remorkeru
I find myself on this tugboat
and people are getting sick on the boat,
ljudima postaje muka na brodu,
and I'm looking out the window
i gledam kroz prozor
da ću upravo zaploviti u svoju smrt.
I'm about to swim to my death.
across the Golden Gate.
might have done that before.
u ovoj prostoriji možda to već uradili.
who had talked me into it,
koji me je nagovorio na to,
u kakvom sam stanju.
and he could see the state I was in.
šta je najgore što se može desiti?
what's the worst that could happen?
You're not going to sink.
just hop on one of the 20 kayaks.
samo naskoči na jedan od 20 kajaka.
why are they going to pick you
zašto bi odabrala tebe
So thanks, that helps.
samo se zabavi. Srećno.“
just have fun with this. Good luck."
skroz delovao i imao sam
and I felt this total feeling of calm,
da je to jer je Džonatan imao 13 godina.
Jonathan was 13 years old.
the ages of nine and 13.
your world differently
pristupali svetu
da možete da preplivate 2,5 km
you could swim a mile and a half
from Alcatraz to San Francisco.
od Alkatraza do San Franciska.
What would you have tried?
Šta biste probali?
stižem u vodeni park,
I get to Aquatic Park,
polovina dece je već završila,
are already finished,
and they're all excited.
ako je iko od vas plivao u Zalivu,
if anyone's ever swam in the Bay,
and I'm watching people finish.
i gledam kako ljudi završavaju.
nešto nije izgledalo kako treba.
something didn't look right.
before he slams his head back down.
pre nego što opet tresne glavom dole.
were watching too,
the same thing I was:
istu stvar kao i ja:
da plivaju od Alkatraza.
swim from Alcatraz.
run up and grab him,
pritrčavaju i zgrabe ga,
and they're dragging him like this,
i vuku ga ovako,
they walk a few more feet
insane show of victory I've ever seen.
u najluđem prikazu pobede
i energiju tog dečka
and the energy on this guy
in his wheelchair.
u njegovim kolicima.
going to be in 20 years?
do that, that he would die if tried that?
da će umreti ako to proba?
you prove yourself wrong,
male postepene pomake
little incremental pushes
the fastest marathoner in the world,
to accomplish those,
with passionate people.
za koje mislite da to ne možete
you don't think can be done
with people already doing them.
koji ih već rade.
you spend the most time with."
sa kojima provodiš najviše vremena.“
in the history of the world
u istoriji sveta
to where you want to be
na ono gde želiš da budeš
to put in your corner.
da postaviš uz sebe.
and it's a proven fact.
i to je dokazana činjenica.
with a bunch of cyclists,
istraživanje sa gomilom biciklista
around the track in a group,
in the group would cycle faster.
svaki put vozili brže.
in all kinds of walks of life since then,
u najrazličitijim oblastima života
and environment is everything.
i da je sve u okruženju.
jer može delovati i dobro i loše.
because it can go both ways.
who don't like the work they do,
koji ne vole posao koji obavljaju,
ne u ovoj prostoriji, ali svuda drugde,
not in this room, but everywhere else,
from pursuing the things that matter to us
da težimo stvarima koje su nam bitne,
sa tim okruženjima.
they poured their heart and soul into,
ili strast u koji je uneo srce i dušu,
so badly want to call it a business,
i toliko žele da to nazovu poslom,
i to ne zarađuje ni dinara?
and it doesn't make a dime?
to build this Live Your Legend movement
„Proživi svoju legendu“
cared about and that inspired them,
i koji ih inspiriše.
three people paying attention,
my mother, father and my wife, Chelsea.
moja majka, otac i moja žena Čelsi.
it grew at zero percent for four years,
da sam ga negovao sa nula posto
i bio sam nadomak zatvaranja,
da upoznajem neke veoma zanimljive ljude
to meet some pretty interesting people
lifestyles of adventure,
pun avantura,
i pomogali ljudima na značajan način.
and helped people in a meaningful way.
ima porodicu od osam članova
now, he has a family of eight,
writes for twice a week.
dva puta nedeljno.
posle mesec dana u Evropi, svi zajedno.
in Europe, all of them together.
Kako je to uopšte moguće?
How does this even exist?
by seeing this,
kada sam to video
I decided, let's take it seriously.
rešio sam da se uozbiljim.
da bih provodio vreme,
to spend my time,
da bih obigravao oko tih ljudi,
trying to hound these guys,
and workouts, whatever it was.
i vežbanje, šta god bilo.
of hanging around these people,
druženja sa ovim ljudima,
grew by 10 times.
uvećala se 10 puta.
it grew by 160 times.
povećala se 160 puta.
from 158 countries
on a monthly basis.
i povezivanje na mesečnom nivou.
that community of passionate folks
strastvenih osoba
o kojoj sam maštao
that I dreamed of
toliko godina unazad.
and this is why --
nisam poznavao nikoga u tom prostoru
I knew nobody in this space,
that people could do this stuff,
da ljudi mogu da postignu te stvari,
i svi oko mene su to radili.
and everyone around me was doing it.
pa je moje razmišljanje išlo od:
from how could I possibly do this
ka: „Kako je moguće da to ne uradim?“
that switch goes on in your head,
upali vam se lampica u glavi,
your standards go from here to here.
vaši standardi dođu odavde dovde.
You just need to change your surroundings.
Samo treba da promenite okruženje.
being around this whole group of people,
u društvu cele te grupe ljudi,
na koji mogu,
na putu ka poslu, šta god da je u pitanju.
on the way to work, whatever it is.
that inspires possibility.
koja inspiriše mogućnosti.
to spend together and plenty more.
i još više od toga.
in terms of these three pillars,
u pogledu ova tri potporna stuba,
more than anything else.
više nego bilo šta drugo.
da ne možete da saznajete o sebi.
you can't learn about yourself.
da ne možete pomeriti svoje granice,
you can't push your limits
and push that.
i to pogurate napred.
surround yourself with inspiring people
okružiti inspirativim ljudima
who bring you down.
koji vam ubijaju volju.
or getting in a car accident.
da li će vas otpustiti
if we decide to do something about it.
u vezi sa time.
on a widespread level.
na vrlo širokom nivou.
da je vlada SAD-a prvi put objavila
reported for the first time
više ljudi dalo otkaz
had quit their jobs
but it's happened three months straight.
ali dogodilo se tri meseca zaredom.
da je sredina okrutna,
it's kind of a tough environment,
životu po scenariju,
to this scripted life,
da treba da ih radite,
say you're supposed to do,
and do the things that inspire them.
i rade stvari koje ih inspirišu.
uz ovu mogućnost
are waking up to this possibility,
possibility now is imagination.
koja ograničava mogućnost u trenutku.
what passion, what hobby.
kakva je to strast, kakav hobi.
someone who is killing it knitting,
da nađete nekog ko razbija u pletenju
to learn from the folks speaking,
da učimo od ljudi koji govore,
u „Proživi svoju legendu“ svakog dana,
on Live Your Legend every day,
are doing the extraordinary,
or Steve Jobs, doing something crazy.
ili Stiv Džobs, da radite nešto ludo.
that matters to you,
do čega vam je stalo
that only you can make.
koji samo vi možete da ostvarite.
he was a recovering lawyer,
on je bio izlečeni advokat,
something that mattered to him,
nečemu do čega mu je bilo stalo,
that I absolutely live by.
po kome ja apsolutno živim.
then they laugh at you,
until somebody did it.
dok to neko nije uradio.
who tell you it can't be done
koji vam kažu da to ne može
koji inspirišu mogućnost,
who inspire possibility,
to show the world
da pokažemo svetu
can become that new normal.
može postati novo normalno,
to do the things that inspire them.
da rade stvari koje njih inspirišu.
and make those discoveries.
i doći do tih otkrića.
of people love the work they do.
voli posao koji obavlja.
How would you treat the people around you?
se ophodili prema ljudima oko sebe?
I have just one question to ask you guys,
imam samo jedno pitanje da vam postavim,
question that matters.
koje je značajno.
you can't not do?
koji ne možete da ne radite?
but for everybody around you,
već i za sve oko vas,
to change the world.
koji ne možete da ne radite?
Scott Dinsmore - Writer, travelerScott Dinsmore founded Live Your Legend, a career and connection platform to inspire people to find their passion.
Why you should listen
Entrepreneur Scott Dinsmore left life at a Fortune 500 company to help others do work that they love. After researching what thousands of employees truly wanted out of life, he founded the organization Live Your Legend. As the Chief Experimenter, he not only supplied practical career tools but connected more than 100,000 people worldwide to encourage each other's dreams -- putting community at the center of success. Dinsmore died in September 2015 while on a year-long trek around the world. His legacy will live on through his passion, dedication and strong community of dreamers and doers.
Scott Dinsmore | Speaker |