Karoliina Korppoo: How a video game might help us build better cities
Каролина Корпу (Karoliina Korppoo): Како нам видео игра може помоћи да изградимо боље градове
Inspired by classic city simulation games, Finnish designer Karoliina Korppoo and her fellow game developers at Colossal Order are infusing a venerable gaming genre with fresh perspectives. Full bio
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светске популације
interested in cities as systems.
градови као системи.
immensely interesting.
million people have played it.
преко три и по милиона људи.
sharing systems.
које су створили наши играчи.
властите личности,
posed by the simulation.
проблема које намеће симулација.
what your cities look like.
како изгледају ваши градови.
interesting city designs I have seen.
градских планова које сам икада видела.
on the real world,
заснована на стварном свету,
програм за израду мапа
a city made by someone else
град који је неко други направио
that could be in the Netherlands.
који би могао бити у Холандији.
of cities in the Netherlands
densely populated.
these small town centers together.
ове мале градске центре.
on the fantasy side.
још више замишљању.
are what I love the most.
који је направио Конфликтнерд,
that you have concentric circle routes.
руте у облику концетричних кругова.
all of the services in the center,
све службе у центар,
on the outer ring,
less noise, less pollution,
буке, загађења,
are still really close by.
where you should put the things.
само да имате болницу.
that we might be seeing someday.
and plays the game.
на Јутјубу и игра игру.
was actually a 12-point series
у дванаест делова
what he's doing and why.
шта ради и зашто то ради.
with an actual urban planner
on the concept of walkability.
проходности простора.
if you want your citizens to walk,
ако желите да ваши грађани ходају,
as a reasonable means of transportation.
буде прихватљив начин кретања.
да се стигне до одређених места.
was that he explained this concept,
to the city that he was building.
на град који је правио.
is Yuttho's vision of the future:
walkways, plazas,
пешачког простора, тргова,
the future might look like.
works really well for this.
овде функционише веома добро.
real-world uses to this game.
у стварном свету.
are using it as a sketching tool,
користе као средство за нацрте,
is not completely realistic,
није реалистична у потпуности,
that if something works in the game,
ако нешто функционише у игри,
will also work in the real world,
да ће функционисати и у стварном свету,
да испробате ствари,
might fit this kind of a situation.
можда уклапа у ову ситуацију.
да ли ће то помоћи?
with this game.
да урадите са овом игром.
interesting contest held
веома интересантно такмичење
was that they had a new area
које су желели да развију у том граду.
that they would want to develop
који су желели да изграде
to the city council.
that they use one of these plans
један од ових планова
coming up with new kinds of solutions.
који проналазе нова решења.
living in cities is projected to rise.
које живи у градовима порасти.
different kinds of solutions.
that is really important.
that might be real one day.
који могу постати стварни једног дана.
Karoliina Korppoo - Game designerInspired by classic city simulation games, Finnish designer Karoliina Korppoo and her fellow game developers at Colossal Order are infusing a venerable gaming genre with fresh perspectives.
Why you should listen
Developed by gaming upstarts Colossal Order and guided by Korppoo as lead designer, Cities: Skylines has become the gold standard for city simulation games -- an honor previously held by the genre-defining Sim City.
At the core of Colossal Order’s rejuvenated game designs is their dedication to creating an accessible experience for all users, whether through ease of use or by allowing users to suggest their own modifications. As a result, Colossal Order doesn’t shy away from game projects that touch on the problems of urbanization, gentrification or the possibilities of servicing a city with nothing but gravel roads.
Karoliina Korppoo | Speaker | TED.com