Tim Harford: A powerful way to unleash your natural creativity
Tim Harford: Snažan način da oslobodite svoju prirodnu kreativnost
Tim Harford's writings reveal the economic ideas behind everyday experiences. Full bio
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is to do neither."
znači ne raditi nijednu.“
of multitasking, isn't it,
multitaskinga, zar ne,
the Roman writer Publilius Syrus,
rimskom piscu Publiliju Sirijcu,
he probably never said it.
najverovatnije to nikad nije rekao.
is -- is it true?
for emailing at the dinner table
za pisanje mejlova za večerom,
for live tweeting at TED Talk, as well.
i tvitovanje uživo tokom TED govora.
that for an important kind of activity,
da je za jednu važnu aktivnost
or three or even four --
ili tri ili čak četiri -
four remarkable scientific papers.
izvanredna naučna rada.
that atoms exist,
o postojanju atoma
behind most of financial economics.
iza većeg dela finansijske ekonomije.
of special relativity.
teoriji relativnosti.
on the photoelectric effect,
it's a nice one.
radi se o sjajnom radu.
you might have heard of:
za koju ste možda čuli:
shouldn't do several things at once.
da radite više stvari odjednom.
and the photoelectric effect --
relativnosti i fotoelektričnom efektu -
kind of multitasking
you're watching "Westworld."
dok gledate „Zapadni svet“.
Einstein's -- he's Einstein,
Ajnštajn je - on je Ajnštajn,
that Einstein was demonstrating,
koji je Ajnštajn pokazivao
among highly creative people,
među veoma kreativnim ljudima,
feels like a counterintuitive idea.
deluje kao nelogična zamisao.
on the go at the same time,
koji se istovremeno odvijaju
between topics as the mood takes you,
između tema prema raspoloženju
into multitasking out of desperation.
u multitasking iz očaja.
we want to do everything at once.
da obavimo odjednom.
to slow multitasking down,
da usporimo sa multitaskingom,
quite brilliantly.
krajnje fantastično.
by the name of Bernice Eiduson
po imenu Bernis Ejduson
and the working habits
su bili Nobelovci,
and Richard Feynman.
i Ričarda Fejnmana.
professor Eiduson herself had died.
i same profesorice Ejduson.
are able to go on producing important work
iznova da stvaraju važna dela
is it their skill set,
da li to skup njihovih veština,
and I think to some people surprising.
i, verujem, nekim ljudima iznenađujući.
kept changing the subject.
published research papers.
istraživačkih radova.
enduringly creative scientists
dosledno kreativnih naučnika
in their first 100 research papers.
u prvih 100 istraživačkih radova.
to creativity is multitasking
u multitaskingu,
we need to reclaim multitasking
da moramo da ovladamo multitaskingom
how powerful it can be.
koliko moćan može da bude.
to have found this.
koja je ovo otkrila.
to study different highly creative people
različitih visoko kreativnih ljudi
they have multiple projects in progress
imaju višestruke projekte u toku
than most of us to have serious hobbies.
tome da imaju ozbiljne hobije.
among creative people is ubiquitous.
je sveprisutan među kreativnim ljudima.
an idea from its original context
ideju iz njenog prvobitnog konteksta
from one box into another.
iz jednog kalupa u drugi.
consider the original eureka moment.
uzmite prvobitni eureka momenat.
with a difficult problem.
the displacement of water.
upotrebom zapremine vode.
as he's taking a bath,
the water level rise and fall.
kako se nivo vode podiže i pada.
while having a bath isn't multitasking,
tokom kupanja nije multitasking,
that multitasking can work
može da funkcioniše
da radite nešto drugo.
o prednostima kombinovanog treninga.
about the benefits of cross-training.
your mind, too.
podvrgnuti kombinovanom treningu.
18 randomly chosen medical students
18 nasumično odabranih studenata medicine
at the Philadelphia Museum of Art,
u Filadelfijskom muzeju umetnosti,
and analyze works of visual art.
i analiziraju dela vizuelne umetnosti.
with a control group
sa kontrolnom grupom
at performing tasks
u obavljanju zadataka,
by analyzing photographs.
analizom fotografija.
better at what we do,
bolji u onome što radimo,
neko vreme radeći nešto drugo,
doing something else,
appear to be as completely distinct
čine potpuno suprotnim
example than Einstein? OK.
primer od Ajnštajna? U redu.
of "Jurassic Park" and "E.R."
i „Urgentnog centra“.
he originally trained as a doctor,
je prošao obuku za doktora,
the original "Westworld" movie.
„Zapadni svet“.
about computer programming.
kompjuterskom programiranju.
the fruits of all this variety
u plodovime sve te raznolikosti
most commercially successful book.
najuspešnijih knjiga na svetu.
successful TV series.
televizijskih serija na svetu.
successful movie.
najuspešniji film na svetu.
can help us solve problems.
može pomoći da rešimo probleme.
when we're stuck.
kad zapadnemo u škripac.
of working on a crossword puzzle
kada rešavate ukrštenicu
the wrong answer is stuck in your head.
je pogrešan odgovor stalno na pameti.
just go and do something else.
i uradite nešto drugo.
to pop into the front of your mind.
da iskrsne u vašem umu.
that interests me,
koja mene interesuje,
your rockets keep crashing.
vaše rakete stalno padaju.
about a school for wizards.
roman o školi za čarobnjake.
to the problem that you're working on.
za problem na kome radite.
means stasis, stress,
podrazumeva stagniranje, stres,
challenging project to work on,
izazovan projekat na kom radite,
to do something else.
da radite nešto drugo.
even Albert Einstein.
čak i Albert Ajnštajn.
miraculous year that I described,
čudnovate godine koju sam opisao,
of his theory of general relativity,
svoje opšte teorije relativnosti,
emission of radiation.
emisiju radijacije.
-SER u reči laser.
foundation for the laser beam,
temelje za laserski zrak,
and he's refreshed.
to believe it for years.
ne može da poveruje u nju.
on laser beams,
for slow-motion multitasking.
za usporeni multitasking.
that it's going to turn you into Einstein.
da će da vas pretvori u Ajnštajna.
to turn you into Michael Crichton.
pretvori u Majkla Krajtona.
to organize our creative lives.
organizacije naših kreativnih života.
becoming completely overwhelming?
da nas u potpunosti preplave?
straight in our minds?
sve te ideje u našim umovima?
a practical solution
praktičnog rešenja
choreographer, Twyla Tharp.
koreografkinje Tvajle Tarp.
mixed genres, won prizes,
izmešala žanrove, dobila nagrade,
from Philip Glass to Billy Joel.
od Filipa Glasa do Bilija Džoela.
multitasker, of course she is.
usporeni multitasking, to je jasno.
projects from becoming overwhelming
da je prosto preplave
a big cardboard box,
veliku kartonsku kutiju,
on the side of the box.
and books, magazine cuttings,
knjige, isečke iz časopisa,
of creative inspiration.
kao izvor kreativne inspiracije.
have to worry about forgetting.
da brinem da ću da zaboravim.
for a creative person
kod kreativnih osoba
and put it in a safe place.
i smestili na bezbedno mesto.
or in their digital equivalents.
ili njihovih digitalnih pandana.
of slow-motion multitasking.
usporenog multitaskinga.
multitasking is so staggering,
multitasking toliko zapanjujući
da bih vam sve to objasnio.
was doing at different times,
u različitim periodima
Howard Gruber and Sara Davis
Hauard Gruber i Sara Dejvis
and his notebooks.
i njegove sveske.
the onboard naturalist on the "Beagle."
brodski prirodnjak na „Biglu“.
that eventually took five years
potrebno pet godina
the southern oceans of the Earth,
oko zemljinih južnih okeana,
prolazeći kroz Indijski okean.
passing through the Indian ocean.
he began researching coral reefs.
počeo je da izučava koralne grebene.
between his two interests
njegova dva interesovanja,
about slow processes.
o sporim procesima.
even further: psychology, botany;
još više, na psihologiju, botaniku;
between these different fields.
između ovih različitih oblasti,
ne napuštajući ni jednu.
on two very interesting projects.
na dva veoma zanimljiva projekta.
which he titles
studying my field, economics.
da izučava moju oblast, ekonomiju.
by the economist Thomas Malthus.
could emerge and evolve slowly,
mogle da nastanu i polako evoluiraju
of the survival of the fittest.
he writes it all down,
of the theory of evolution,
experiment right there,
razvoj ljudskog novorođenčeta.
the development of a human infant.
Darwin starts making notes.
da pravi beleške.
on the theory of evolution
na teoriji evolucije
enough about taxonomy.
dovoljno o taksonomiji.
becoming the world's leading expert
postajući svetski vodeći stručnjak
for his entire life, he never finishes it.
čitav svoj život, nikad je ne dovršivši.
all the basic elements.
izložio sve osnovne elemente.
controversial book.
kontroverzna knjiga.
the development of the human infant.
ljudskog novorođenčeta.
when he could see his son, William,
njegovog sina Vilijama
floor in front of him.
William was 37 years old.
Vilijam je imao 37 godina.
in pots, with glass covers.
u kutijama sa staklenim poklopcima.
to see if they'll respond.
proveravajući da li će da reaguju.
to see if they move away.
da proveri da li će da pobegnu.
to see if they have a sense of smell.
da bi video da li imaju čulo mirisa.
at the earthworms.
o ovom velikom čoveku
of his book "The Descent of Man."
njegove knjige „Poreklo čoveka“.
or turn on the television.
na Fejsbuk ili da uključimo televizor.
into the billiard room to relax
u sobu za bilijar da se opusti
that one of his last great works
od njegovih poslednjih značajnih dela:
Through The Action of Worms."
mogao da dreždi
projects for 44 years.
kreativnom ili naučnom projektu.
from the great slow-motion multitaskers.
od velikih upražnjavalaca multitaskinga.
to Michael Crichton and Twyla Tharp.
preko Majkla Krajtona i Tvajle Tarp.
to present us with a choice.
nudi nam izbor.
from browser window to browser window,
od jednog do drugog prozora pretraživača,
to the exclusion of everything else.
isključujući sve ostale.
da preokrenemo u svoju korist,
našu prirodnu kreativnost.
Tim Harford - Economist, journalist, broadcasterTim Harford's writings reveal the economic ideas behind everyday experiences.
Why you should listen
In the Undercover Economist column he writes for the Financial Times, Tim Harford looks at familiar situations in unfamiliar ways and explains the fundamental principles of the modern economy. He illuminates them with clear writing and a variety of examples borrowed from daily life.
His book, Adapt: Why Success Always Starts With Failure, argues that the world has become far too unpredictable and complex for today's challenges to be tackled with ready-made solutions and expert opinions. Instead, Harford suggests, we need to learn to embrace failure and to constantly adapt, to improvise rather than plan, to work from the bottom up rather than the top down. His next book, Messy: Thriving in a Tidy-Minded World will be published in September 2016.
Harford also presents the BBC radio series More or Less, a rare broadcast program devoted, as he says, to "the powerful, sometimes beautiful, often abused but ever ubiquitous world of numbers."
He says: "I’d like to see many more complex problems approached with a willingness to experiment."
Tim Harford | Speaker | TED.com