Yuval Noah Harari: What explains the rise of humans?
Јувал Ноје Харари (Yuval Noah Harari): Шта објашњава успон људи?
In his book "Homo Deus," Yuval Noah Harari explores the future of humankind: the destinies we may set for ourselves and the quests we'll undertake. Full bio
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were insignificant animals.
су били безначајне животиње.
about prehistoric humans
у вези са праисторијским људима
much greater than that of jellyfish
није био већи од утицаја медузе,
we control this planet.
from insignificant apes,
in a corner of Africa,
у неком углу Африке,
between us and all the other animals
између нас и свих других животиња
to a dog or a pig, or a chimpanzee.
од пса или свиње, или шимпанзе.
on the individual level,
to a chimpanzee.
and put us together on some lonely island,
саме ставили на неко усамљено острво,
to see who survives better,
да видимо ко је бољи у преживљавању,
on the chimpanzee, not on myself.
на шимпанзу, а не на себе.
wrong with me personally.
да нешто није у реду са мном лично.
of you, and placed you alone
било кога од вас,
and all other animals
и свих других животиња
because they are the only animals
зато што су они једине животиње
and in very large numbers.
флексибилно и у великом броју.
the bees, the ants --
but they don't do so flexibly.
али не чине то флексибилно.
in which a beehive can function.
на који кошница функционише.
or a new danger,
или нова опасност,
the social system overnight.
друштвени систем преко ноћи.
execute the queen
of worker bees.
the dolphins, the chimpanzees --
one of the other.
једно другог.
cooperate with you?
како могу да сарађујем са тобом?
the two abilities together
ове две особине
and still do so in very large numbers
и у великим групама
against 1,000 chimpanzees,
против 1 000 шимпанзи,
for the simple reason
cannot cooperate at all.
уопште да сарађује међусобно.
100,000 chimpanzees
100 000 шимпанзи
or into Wembley Stadium,
with 100,000 chimpanzees.
са 100 000 шимпанзи.
gather there in tens of thousands,
се нормално окупљају у десетинама хиљада,
and effective networks of cooperation.
и ефектна мрежа сарадње.
of humankind throughout history,
кроз историју,
or flying to the moon,
или лет на месец,
on individual abilities,
не на појединачним способностима,
flexibly in large numbers.
да сарађују флексибилно у великим групама.
that I'm giving now:
који сада држим:
of about 300 or 400 people,
од око 300 или 400 људи,
all the people who have organized
баш све људе који су организовали
and the crew members of the plane
ни чланове посаде у авиону
yesterday, to London.
who invented and manufactured
који су изумели и произвели
which are recording what I'm saying.
које снимају оно што говорим.
who wrote all the books and articles
који су написали све књиге и чланке
припремајући се за овај говор.
over the Internet,
преко интернета
we don't know each other,
this global exchange of ideas.
како бисмо створили ову размену идеја.
traveling to some distant chimpanzee band
да путује до неке удаљене групе шимпанзи
or about elephants,
или слоновима,
interest chimpanzees.
што би могло да занима шимпанзе.
not always nice;
have been doing throughout history --
кроз историју -
some very horrible things --
on large-scale cooperation.
на сарадњи великих размера.
of cooperation;
are a system of cooperation.
and prisons and concentration camps.
затворе ни концентрационе логоре.
to convince you perhaps that yes,
да вас убедим да можда јесте тако,
cooperate flexibly in large numbers.
да сарађујемо флексибилно у великом броју.
to cooperate in such a way?
од свих животиња, сарађујемо на тај начин?
with countless numbers of strangers,
флексибилно са безброј странаца,
the animals on the planet,
од свих животиња на планети,
fictional stories.
измишљене приче.
in the same fiction,
the same rules,
their communication system
свој систем комуникације
There's a lion, let's run away!"
Ено лава, хајде да бежимо!"
over there! Let's go and get bananas!"
Хајде да одемо и узмемо банане!"
not merely to describe reality,
не ради пуког описивања стварности,
fictional realities.
замишљене стварности.
there is a god above the clouds!
"Гледај, ено га бог изнад облака!
and send you to hell."
и пошаље у пакао."
that I've invented,
коју сам измислио,
norms and laws and values,
законима и вредностима,
to give you a banana
да вам да банану
you'll go to chimpanzee heaven ..."
отићи ћеш у рај за шимпанзе..."
of bananas for your good deeds.
за своја добра дела.
believe such a story.
неће никада поверовати у такву причу.
in zoos and research laboratories.
и истраживачким лабораторијама.
by believing in the same fictions.
верујући у исту причу.
to build a cathedral or a mosque
како би изградили катедралу или џамију
they all believe in the same stories
или џихаду, зато што верују у исте приче
is that exactly the same mechanism
јесте да исти механизам
of mass-scale human cooperation,
људске сарадње великих размера,
are based on a belief in human rights.
заснива се на вери у људска права.
are just a story that we've invented.
само прича коју смо измислили.
about homo sapiens.
cut him open, look inside,
отворите га, погледајте унутра,
neurons, hormones, DNA,
неуроне, хормоне, ДНК,
are in the stories
јесу приче
over the last few centuries.
током последњих неколико векова.
very good stories,
врло добре приче,
that we've invented.
које смо ми измислили.
in modern politics are states and nations.
јесу државе и нације.
you can ever smell it.
чак и да је помиришете.
Француске или Немачке,
in the global economy
у данашњој глобалној економији
for a corporation,
раде за неку корпорацију,
законите фикције.
it has no objective value.
нема објективну вредност.
of paper, the dollar bill.
новчаницу од једног долара.
these master storytellers --
ти мајстори приповедања -
видите ово парче зеленог папира?
whom I've never met before,
кога никада пре нисам срео,
which I can actually eat.
које могу заправо да једем.
са шимпанзама.
I'll give you a banana."
а ја ћу да ти дам банану."
a worthless piece of paper
the most successful story
everybody believes.
and in the dollar bill.
и у новчаницу од долара.
and American religion
и америчку религију
to American dollars.
ништа против америчких долара.
because we live in a dual reality.
у дуалној стварности.
in an objective reality.
живе у објективној реалности.
of objective entities,
од објективних ентитета,
and lions and elephants.
in an objective reality.
у објективној реалности.
and trees and lions and elephants.
дрвеће, лавови и слонови.
of this objective reality
like money, like corporations.
as history unfolded,
како се историја одвија,
more and more powerful
forces in the world
and trees and lions and elephants
лавова и слонова
of fictional entities,
измишљних ентитета,
like the World Bank --
Светске банке -
in our own imagination.
a new book out.
нову књигу.
још једну,
yet translated into ...
али није преведена на...
the translation as we speak.
на преводу.
understand it correctly,
that we are experiencing right now
до којих данас долазимо
make our lives better,
just as the industrial revolution did."
баш као и индустријска револуција."
of the urban proletariat.
урбаног пролетаријата.
history of the last 200 years involved
протеклих 200 година бавио се
and the new problems and opportunities.
и новим проблемима и приликама.
massive class of useless people.
нове масивне класе бескорисних људи.
in more and more fields,
на све више поља,
computers will out-perform us
да ће нас компјутери надиграти
humans redundant.
људе технолошким вишком.
and economic question
и економско питање
so many humans for?"
we have is to keep them happy
да их држимо срећним
like a very appealing future.
in the book and now,
сада и у књизи говорите,
about the growing evidence
we are just kind of at the beginning
ми смо некако тек на почетку
of possibilities before us.
пред нама.
of a new massive class of useless people.
нове класе бескорисних људи.
the division of humankind
into virtual gods,
у виртуалне богове,
to this level of useless people.
на ниво бескорисних људи.
coming up in a year or two.
нови TED говор за годину, две.
Yuval Noah Harari - Historian, authorIn his book "Homo Deus," Yuval Noah Harari explores the future of humankind: the destinies we may set for ourselves and the quests we'll undertake.
Why you should listen
In his book, Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow, Yuval Noah Harari explores the projects, dreams and nightmares that will shape the 21st century -- from overcoming death to creating artificial life. He maps the future and asks fundamental questions: Where do we go from here? How will we protect this fragile world from our own destructive powers? The book has sold four million copies since its publication in 2016.
Harari's previous book, Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, explores what made homo sapiens the most successful species on the planet. His answer: We are the only animal that can believe in things that exist purely in our imagination, such as gods, states, money, human rights, corporations and other fictions, and we have developed a unique ability to use these stories to unify and organize groups and ensure cooperation. Sapiens has sold eight million copies and been translated into more than 50 languages. Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and President Barack Obama have recommended it as a must-read.
Harari lectures as a Professor of history at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where he specializes in world history, medieval history and military history. His current research focuses on macro-historical questions: What is the relationship between history and biology? What is the essential difference between Homo sapiens and other animals? Is there justice in history? Does history have a direction? Did people become happier as history unfolded? Harari has written for newspapers such as The Guardian, Financial Times, the Times, Nature magazine and the Wall Street Journal.
Harari's new book, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century, will take the pulse of our current global climate, focusing on the biggest questions of the present moment: What is really happening right now? What are today’s greatest challenges and choices? What should we pay attention to? The book will be published in multiple languages in September 2018.
Yuval Noah Harari | Speaker | TED.com