Miriam Zoila Pérez: How racism harms pregnant women -- and what can help
Miriam Zoila Pérez: Com el racisme afecta les dones embarassades i com podem ajudar.
Miriam Zoila Pérez investigates how race and gender affect health -- and the people who create spaces for healing. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
to what I'm feeling right now.
podeu entendre com em sento.
és una mica superficial.
are obviously the result
que aquestes sensacions familiars
de ser davant de milers de vosaltres
in front of a thousand of you
that might be streamed online
pot ser retransmesa
I'm experiencing right now
que experimento ara mateix
basic mind-body mechanism.
d'un mecanisme ment-cos més bàsic.
a flood of hormones
envia al meu torrent sanguini
into my bloodstream.
com el cortisol i l'adrenalina.
response that sends blood and oxygen
que envia sang i oxigen
that I might need
que ho necessitin
a una possible amenaça.
amb la resposta,
on a daily basis,
de factors estressants a diari,
period of time,
durant molt de temps,
happens infrequently: super-necessary
gaire freqüent, és molt necessària
examining the relationship
que examinen la relació
que les malalties coronàries
a relationship to stress.
too much activation from stress
massa activació de l'estrès
that keep me healthy.
que em mantenen sana.
that I was pregnant.
que estigués embarassada.
of my pregnancy,
when I tell you
during pregnancy is not good.
durant l'embaràs no és bo.
to initiate labor too early,
es posi de part massa aviat,
the stress communicates
a safe place for the child.
un lloc segur per al nadó.
with things like high blood pressure
amb la pressió arterial alta
of health challenges
de problemes de salut
particularly in our modern lifestyle,
en l'estil de vida modern,
to give a TED Talk,
una xerrada TED
presentation at work,
amb una presentació a la feina,
with a family member or friend.
amb un familiar o amic.
of stress we experience
d'estrès que experimentem
in a relaxed state long enough
estat de relaxació suficient estona
more discrimination
que pateix més discriminació
a tenir mala salut.
by police while driving your car,
et pararà mentre condueixes,
Dr. David Williams,
the tools that have proven these linkages,
que han demostrat aquests vincles,
groups in our society
de la nostra societat
and more impacts on their health.
més conseqüències en la seva salut.
for over a decade.
des de fa més d'una dècada.
en la salut materna
instead sent me down a path
en estudis de pre-medicina em va dur
to help pregnant people.
d'ajudar dones embarassades.
entrenada per ajudar
and a Spanish speaker,
i parlant d'espanyol,
at a public hospital in North Carolina,
a un hospital públic de Carolina del Nord,
impacted the experiences
i la classe repercutien
about the rates of illness
sobre els nivells de malalties
outlined by Dr. Williams.
descrit pel Dr. Williams.
experience than white women
que no pas les dones blanques
their babies are born healthy.
que els nadons neixin sans.
particularly the Deep South,
especialment al Sud Profund,
and infant death for black women
i infants de raça negra
those rates in Sub-Saharan African.
de l'Àfrica subsahariana.
és gairebé zero.
tenen quatre cops més probabilitats
are four times more likely
de morir.
for their infants to die
que els seus nadons morin
més probable
o massa prims,
to have higher rates of these problems
que tinguin índexs més alts de problemes
turned journalist and blogger,
periodista i bloguera
the experiences of women of color,
les experiències de les dones de color
and birth in the US.
a l'embaràs i el part als EUA.
about these appalling statistics,
d'aquestes estadístiques horroroses
that it's about either poverty
que es deu o bé a la pobresa
tell the whole story.
no ho diuen tot.
still have much worse outcomes
també obtenen resultats molt pitjors
white counterparts.
de classe mitja homòlogues.
is definitely still a problem,
essent un problema,
the recommended prenatal care
l'atenció prenatal recomanada
to poor health,
a l'estrès i a la mala salut
that many people of color know to be true:
que molta gent de color coneix ben bé:
particularly black and Latina immigrants,
especialment els de raça negra i llatina,
they first arrive in the United States.
quan acaben d'arribar als EUA.
the worse their health becomes.
pitjor és la seva salut.
to Cuban immigrant parents,
i de pares immigrants cubans,
worse health than my grandparents did.
pitjor salut que els meus avis.
"the immigrant paradox,"
"la paradoxa de l'immigrant"
in the US environment
a l'ambient del país
is making people of color,
fa que la gent de color,
women and babies, sick, is vast.
emmalalteixin, és enorme.
with you talking about it,
parlant sobre això
to tell you about one solution.
d'explicar-vos una solució.
that isn't particularly expensive,
que no és una solució massa cara
any fancy drug treatments
súpertractament farmacològic
"el mètode JJ".
in the Orlando, Florida area
pregnant women for over a decade.
des de fa més de deu anys.
com ella en diu,
to over 600 women per year.
atenció prenatal a més de 600 dones l'any.
Haitian and Latina,
negres, haitianes i llatinas
and respectful prenatal care,
atenció accesible i respectuosa
to healthy, full-term babies.
nadons sans i no són prematurs.
start at the front desk.
comencen a la recepció.
and every moment a women is at her clinic,
sempre que la dona és a la clínica,
due to lack of funds.
per falta de recursos.
no matter what the hurdles.
sense importar els obstacles.
late to their appointments.
per arribar tard a la consulta.
your aunt's living room than a clinic.
d'estar de la tieta que una clínica.
"a classroom in disguise."
"una classe disfressada".
arranged in a circle,
formant un cercle,
in one-on-one chats
tenen entrevistes personals
to your appointment,
per la visita,
and moms themselves.
afroamericanes i mares.
keeping food down due to nausea.
per retenir aliment degut a les nàusees.
your prescription, OK?
la medicació, d'acord?
aspect of Jennie's model.
molt crucial dins el model de la Jennie.
alongside the woman and her family,
que, junt amb les dones i la família,
que no neixi prematur.
are actually the center of her care model,
són el centre del seu model d'atenció
is just to support their work.
és donar suport a la feina d'elles.
on her cell phone,
amb el mòbil,
about all sorts of things.
sobre tot tipus de coses.
she was prescribed at the hospital
que li havíen receptat a l'hospital
of an infant born under Jennie's care.
infant nascut sota l'atenció de la Jennie.
to see the provider,
per veure l'assistent,
in the waiting room,
in the bathroom.
al lavabo.
from the traditional medical model,
del model de medicina tradicional,
responsibility and information
responsabilitat i informació
where you might be chastised
on pots ser castigat
with provider recommendations --
to low-income women --
les dones de pocs recursos,
as supportive as possible.
és ser el màxim de comprensiu.
una protecció fonamental
facing these women every day.
que aquestes dones enfronten cada dia.
about Jennie's model:
del model de la Jennie:
to give birth too early,
tinguin nens prematurs,
of pregnancy and childbirth?
de l'embaràs i el part.
eliminated those problems,
aquests problemes per complet,
"skinny babies."
anomena "bebès prims".
her clients to term
donessin a llum
This is a baby girl
És una nena
this past June.
del juny passat.
of women in Jennie's area
al de la zona de la Jennie
hospital her clients did
que les seves clientes
into what has been seen for decades
que durant dècades s'ha vist
that The JJ Way requires
que el mètode JJ precisa
is not the center of Jennie's model,
el centre del model de la Jennie
and in order to maintain her model,
de mantenir el seu model
of clients to cover costs.
per cobrir costos.
a ton of time with each woman,
molt de temps amb cadascuna
can provide the support, information
poden facilitar ajuda, informació
is that she actually believes
és que verdaderament creu
in pretty much any health care setting.
àmbits de l'atenció a la salut.
just waiting to happen.
esperant a ocórrer.
with you are big.
són greus.
of racism, classism,
de racisme i classisme,
en l'estratificació de raça i classe.
and class stratification.
physiological mechanisms
actually make us sick.
ens posa malalts.
from my work as a doula,
a la meva feina com a doula
support can go a really long way.
pot tenir un gran impacte.
are incredibly resilient,
que la gent és molt resistent
erradicar el racisme
from it overnight,
environments that provide a buffer
que proporcionin protecció
experience on a daily basis.
viu diàriament.
that buffer can be an incredible tool
pot ser una eina increïble
Miriam Zoila Pérez - Writer, activistMiriam Zoila Pérez investigates how race and gender affect health -- and the people who create spaces for healing.
Why you should listen
Miriam Zoila Pérez began her career as a doula, a layperson who provides support to people during pregnancy and childbirth. That work led her to explore the complex ways our identities shape our health, especially for people of color, LGBT folks and women. As a writer, Pérez has illuminated these topics, and much more, for outlets like Fusion, Talking Points Memo, The American Prospect, Feministing and Colorlines, where she is the gender columnist.
For ten years Pérez has run Radical Doula, a blog that explores the political aspects of doula work. She's the author of The Radical Doula Guide, a political primer that has influenced a generation of activist doulas.
A frequent speaker at colleges, universities and conferences around the US, Pérez brings her perspective as a queer Cuban-American to the issues she explores. A lover of music, Pérez is also the co-host for the popular Latinx music podcast Radio Menea with Verónica Bayetti Flores.
Miriam Zoila Pérez | Speaker | TED.com