Alexander Betts: Our refugee system is failing. Here's how we can fix it
Alexander Betts: Gure errefuxiatu sistema ez dabil. Hona hemen nola konpondu.
Alexander Betts explores ways societies might empower refugees rather than pushing them to the margins. Full bio
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really quite ashamed
arrived in Europe in need of our help,
iritsi dira Europara laguntza beharrean
frankly, has been pathetic.
benetan penagarria izan da.
heriotza tragikoaren aurrean
more than 200 children
in the Mediterranean.
are a shared responsibility,
aitortzen dutenak,
than the whole of Europe combined.
hartzea babesean.
of human smugglers,
our economic and demographic needs
zein demografikoak betetzen dituztenei
in opposition to fundamentalist Islam,
Islam fundamentalistaren kontra,
atxilotzen dituztenak,
from their families,
banatzen dituztenak,
konfiskatzen dituztenak.
response to a humanitarian crisis?
krisi humanitario bati erantzuteko?
it's because people don't care,
jendeari axola ez zaiolako denik
it's because people don't care.
ez dut hori sinetsi nahi.
our politicians lack a vision,
dela uste dut,
an international refugee system
egokitzeko sen falta
is take a step back
system not working?
oraingo sistema?
zer egin dezakegu konpontzeko?
iheslarientzako babes sistema
of the Second World War by these guys.
sortu zuten tipo hauek.
bere jendearen kontra jartzean,
or worse, turns against its own people,
until they can go home.
etxera bueltatu arte.
like the situation we see in Syria today.
sortu zen hain zuzen.
signed by 147 governments,
nazioarteko hitzarmen baten bidez
on the Status of Refugees,
admit people onto their territory
beren lurraldean onartuko zituztela
sistema hori huts egiten ari da.
have a right to seek asylum.
asilo eskubidea daukate.
block the path to safety.
babesa lortzeko bidea oztopatzen dute.
to a pathway to integration,
they've come from.
in almost indefinite limbo.
geratzen dira harrapatuta.
are a shared global responsibility.
that countries proximate the conflict
gatazkatik hurbil dauden herrialdeak dira
of the world's refugees.
hartzen dutenak.
because the rules are wrong.
arauak gaizki daudelako,
adequately to a changing world,
erabiltzen ari garelako baizik,
about how the current system works.
azaldu nahi dizuet.
sistemak benetan?
institutional perspective,
ikuspuntu instituzionaletik,
many of the people I've met in the region.
irudikatzen du Amirak.
of the world's refugees,
emakumea da,
because she comes from this city
hiri honetatik etorri delako,
of resettlement to a third country,
geratzeko itxaropenik ere,
soilik lor dezaketen loteria txartela baita.
of the world's refugees.
egiten diote aurre.
can take her family to a camp.
eraman dezake familia.
for Amira and her family.
Amira eta familiarentzat.
kokatzen dira kanpalekuak,
across the border in Syria at nighttime.
Siriako mugan zehar.
who are in camps
egon behar izaten du bertan.
choose that option.
bide hori.
to an urban area
like Amman or Beirut.
Amman edo Beirut, esaterako.
of Syrian refugees have taken.
aukeratutako bidea.
great difficulty as well.
zailtasun handiak daude.
don't usually have the right to work.
lan egiteko eskubiderik izaten.
significant access to assistance.
have used up their basic savings,
aurrezkiak gastatu ondoren
and likely to face urban destitution.
pobrezia larria jasateko arriskuan.
numbers of Syrians are taking.
aukeratzen ari direna.
itxaropena bila dezake
on a dangerous and perilous journey
bizia arriskatuz
in Europe today.
Europan ikusten ari garena.
with an almost impossible choice
ematen dizkiegu iheslariei.
and dangerous journeys.
eta bidaia arriskutsuak.
the global refugee regime today.
gaur egun iheslarientzat.
that are available to refugees,
aukera bakarrak
as a zero-sum issue,
gai moduan azaltzen dute;
we're imposing costs on citizens.
herritarrei kostuak inposatuko dizkiegu.
or burden to society.
direla gizartearentzat.
They can contribute.
eztabaidatu nahi dut,
expand that choice set
of how we think about refugees.
alda dezaketenak.
the opportunities of globalization,
eta merkatuen aukerak
about the refugee issue.
dugun iritzia eguneratzeko ere.
a very basic recognition
like everyone else,
beste guztiok bezala,
in extraordinary circumstances.
a research project in Uganda
abiatu nintzen Ugandara
it's representative of all host countries.
helmuga-herrialdeen eredu delako.
salbuespena baizik.
around the world,
ez bezala,
It gives them freedom of movement.
Mugitzeko askatasuna ematen die.
own a business that employs other people,
jendea enplegatzen duen negozio bat dauka
we found extraordinary examples
aparteko adibideak aurki daitezke.
and entrepreneurial businesses.
called Nakivale,
who runs a business that's available
eta bere negozioari esker
and recycled televisions.
eta telebistetan.
is a Congolese guy called Demou-Kay.
Demou-Kay izeneko kongoar bat da.
in the settlement with very little,
iritsi zen kokalekura,
he started a community radio station,
eskualde irrati bat sortu zuen,
out of very little.
ezer gutxitik abiatuta.
our response to refugees.
gidatu beharko luketenak.
bezala ikusi ordez,
upon humanitarian assistance,
with opportunities for human flourishing.
eman behar dizkiegu.
to connectivity, electricity,
aukerak eman behar ditugu,
to the global economy
is economic zones.
«zonalde ekonomikoak» dira.
host country in the world
their economies to refugees
modu horretan zabaltzen.
alternative options that we can use.
beste aukera pragmatiko batzuk.
with my colleague,
while we were there
eta gobernuarekin geundela,
and the government,
national development strategy.
bermatzen duena.
integrate the employment of refugees
integra genezakeen gunea
of Jordanian host nationals.
from the Zaatari refugee camp,
15 minutura soilik,
Bin Talal Development Area.
Garapen Gunea izenekoa.
over a hundred million dollars
baino gehiago gastatu ditu
connecting it to the road network,
eta errepide sarera konektatzeko
were able to work there
skills through vocational training
lanbide teknikak hobetzeko gai balira
that could benefit Jordan,
onura egingo ziola,
requires it to make the leap
aldaketa eskatzen baitu
to manufacturing.
ekoizle izatera.
but it could also contribute
gatazkaren ondoren,
reconstruction of Syria
to incubate refugees
of eventually rebuilding Syria.
dela onartuz.
in the journal Foreign Affairs.
argitaratu genuen ideia.
Syria Conference two weeks ago,
iragarri zen duela bi aste,
between states and refugees
«lehentasunezko lotura // batasuna» da
you see here in the selfie
argazkian bezala.
and a Syrian refugee.
what they want, where they want to go,
zer nahi duten, nora joan nahi duten,
the idea of matching markets,
«bat datozen merkatuen» ideia garatu du,
of the parties shapes an eventual match.
azken lotura irudikatzen duten.
and Alex Teytelboym
Will Jones eta Alex Teytelboym-ek
could be applied to refugees,
nola ezar litekeen aztertu dute,
their preferred destinations,
nahiago dituzten helmugak sailka ditzaten,
the types of refugees they want
iheslari motak sailka ditzaten
you'd need to build in quotas
and vulnerability,
the possibilities of matching.
modu bat da.
has been successfully used
arrakastaz erabili da
students with university places,
lotzeko, adibidez,
that exist on dating websites.
algoritmoen oinarria da.
to give refugees greater choice?
iheslariei aukera gehiago emateko?
at the national level,
auzietako bat
to accept refugees.
iheslariak onartzea da.
in my country, for instance,
nire herrialdean esaterako,
and farmers to the cities,
eta nekazariak hirietara,
to bring those preferences together
lehentasun horiek batu ahalko lirateke
of the populations that host
eta eskaerak entzun
is of humanitarian visas.
«bisa humanitarioak» dira.
we've seen in Europe
zati handi bat
in Europe's asylum policy,
oinarrizko kontraesan batek eragiten du.
by embarking on those dangerous journeys
bidaia arriskutsu batean abiatuta
in an era of the budget airline
hegaldi merkeen
of over 3,000 people
hil ziren horien erruz
and within European territory.
and seek asylum in Europe,
eta Europan asiloa eskatzea,
called a humanitarian visa,
to collect a visa at an embassy
kontsuletxe batean
from Turkey to the Greek islands.
Turkiatik Greziar irletaraino.
airline from Bodrum to Frankfurt.
Bodrum-etik Frankfurtera.
it would have major advantages.
abantaila handiak ekarriko lituzke.
the entire market for smugglers,
we see from Europe's front line
Europatik antzematen den anabasa
rather than a rational solution.
konponbide arrazional baten beharrean.
have been able to get humanitarian visas,
bisa humanitario bana eskuratu,
on arrival in Brazil.
aldarrikatu duten Brasilera iristean.
every Syrian who has gone through it
siriar bakoitzak
and been recognized as a genuine refugee.
eta iheslari zintzotzat hartu dute.
for it as well.
were used as travel documents
bidaiatzeko agiri moduan erabili ziren
Turks and Chechens
Europan zehar bidaia zezaten
aldarrika zezaten.
elsewhere in Europe.
International Refugee Office
Nansen Bulegoak
being a viable strategy.
that I've presented you
Amira's choice set.
moduak dira.
greater choice for refugees
lor ditzakegu
impossible three options
oinarrizko hiru aukeretatik harago
egoera ekonomiko hobean utzi.
we really need a new vision,
the choices of refugees
don't have to be a burden.
about refugees being a cost.
with skills, talents, aspirations,
dituzten gizakiak dira,
contributions -- if we let them.
-- aukera ematen badiegu.
will be with us for many years.
urte askotarako egongo da gurekin.
realistic ways of managing this --
eta errealistak aurkitu behar ditugu
of humanitarian assistance,
logika zaharretan oinarritzen ez direnak,
oinarritzen ez direnak,
eskaintzen dituzten aukeretan eraikitakoak.
markets and mobility.
and urge our politicians
eta gure politikariak bultzatzea
Alexander Betts - Social scientistAlexander Betts explores ways societies might empower refugees rather than pushing them to the margins.
Why you should listen
In media and in public debate, refugees are routinely portrayed as a burden. Professor Alexander Betts argues that refugees, who represent a wide spectrum of professional backgrounds, are in fact an untapped resource that could benefit nations willing to welcome them into their economies.
Betts is the director of the Refugee Studies Centre at the University of Oxford, where he spearheads research on refugee and other forced migrant populations. His book, Survival Migration, explores the predicaments of people who are fleeing disaster yet fall outside legal definitions of refugee status.
Alexander Betts | Speaker |