Dorothy Roberts: The problem with race-based medicine
Dorothy Roberts: O problema da medicina baseada na raza
Global scholar, University of Pennsylvania civil rights sociologist and law professor Dorothy Roberts exposes the myths of race-based medicine. Full bio
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to participate in a research study
nunha investigación
asked me to check a box for my race:
pedíame marcar a miña orixe étnica:
ou nativa americana.
how to answer the question.
responder a esa pregunta.
social backgrounds?
dos participantes na investigación?
with my social identity,
segundo a miña identidade social
were interested in investigating
interesados en estudar
and the risk for certain genetic traits?
o risco para certas calidades xenéticas?
something about my ancestry,
datos sobre os meus devanceiros,
scientific findings about my genes
científico cos meus xenes
as a black woman?
como muller negra?
a black woman with a white father
cun pai caucásico
with a black mother
cunha nai negra
importance of this question
desta pregunta
you identify yourself."
co que te identifiques."
in the results of a study
dos resultados dun estudo
so unscientifically.
unha variable tan relevante.
with the use of race in genetic testing
nas probas xenéticas
to make false biological predictions?
é a base de presuncións biolóxicas falsas?
throughout all of medical practice.
chega até o miolo da práctica médica.
the more disturbed I became.
peor era a sensación.
white, Asian, Native American, Latina,
caucásico, asiático, nativo americano
that have changed over time
mudando ao longo da historia
definitions of races.
legais das razas.
of social scientists.
científicos sociais.
of the human genome
do mapa do xenoma humano
ceremony in June 2000?
of genetic difference
the Human Genome Project
o Proxecto Xenoma Humano
(Institutos Nacionais de Saúde),
is the human race."
é a raza humana."
evidence-based medicine,
unha medicina baseada nas probas,
to join the genomic revolution.
a esta revolución xenómica.
by race lags far behind.
aos doentes en función da súa raza.
of kidney function, by race.
renal, segundo a raza.
in the blood of the patient,
do paciente,
a different GFR estimate
un GFR estimado diferente
the patient is African-American.
é ou non afroamericano.
have more muscle mass
teñen maior masa muscular
than that female bodybuilder?
que unha culturista?
and evidence-based
e acorde cos datos
of individual patients
de cada doente
they're using race as a shortcut.
a raza coma un atallo.
pero útil
like muscle mass,
coma a masa muscular,
tempo de comprobar.
no relevant information at all.
información útil.
the clinical measures.
indicadores clínicos.
os síntomas do doente,
they might have --
enfermidades que podería contraer...
than the patient's race.
que a raza do doente.
for these important clinical measures
estas importantes variables clínicas
benestar do doente.
race is just one of many factors
é só un dos moitos elementos
Asian patients differently
e asiáticos de xeito diferente
patients of color especially vulnerable
aos doentes de cor
are twice as likely
de posibilidades
aos doentes caucásicos,
fractura de óso longo
feel less pain,
senten menos dor,
a medicamentos.
approved a race-specific medicine.
e Drogas (FDA) aprobou un medicamento
É a píldora BiDil
African-American patients.
en doentes afroamericanos.
without regard to race or genetics,
sen importar a raza ou os xenes,
African-American subjects.
for some unknown genetic factor
algún factor xenético descoñecido
the dangerous message it sent,
que isto enviaba,
are so substandard,
son tan deficientes,
to work in other patients.
noutros pacientes.
marketing scheme failed.
da compañía farmacéutica fallou.
were understandably wary
os doentes negros receasen
só para xente negra.
in a community meeting and shouted,
nunha xuntanza comunitaria e berrou:
caucásica está a tomar!"
people are taking!"
en función da raza vos sorprenden
medicine surprising,
during the slavery era,
durante o tempo da escravitude,
intimamente ligada
of Pennsylvania Medical School.
da Universidade de Pennsylvania.
before the Civil War,
antes da Guerra Civil,
on what was then called "Negro medicine."
daquela se chamaba "medicina de negros".
suffer from different diseases
sofre patoloxías diferentes
common diseases differently.
de xeito diferente.
for black people
para a xente negra
have lower lung capacity than whites,
ten menor capacidade pulmonar,
sent to the brain
que chega ao cerebro
when under the white man's control,
baixo o control do home branco,
of red vital blood
deste sangue vermello
and barbarism when in freedom."
e á barbarie cando están en liberdade."
Cartwright helped to perfect
Cartwright axudou a perfeccionar
called the spirometer
a respiración chamado "espirómetro"
in black people's lungs.
nos pulmóns da xente negra.
uphold Cartwright's claim
a apoiar a afirmación de Cartwright
than white people.
que a xente caucásica.
rotulado "raza"
according to his or her race.
called "correcting for race."
que se chama "corrección por raza".
extends far beyond misdiagnosing patients.
vai máis alá da mala diagnose dos doentes.
racial differences in disease
innatas na enfermidade
racial gaps in health:
raciais en cuestións de saúde:
to high-quality medical care;
de alta calidade;
en barrios pobres;
of racial discrimination.
da discriminación racial.
non é unha categoría biolóxica
these health disparities
esas diferenzas de saúde
biological consequences,
of social inequality on people's health.
da inxustiza social na saúde da xente.
the answer to these gaps in health
que a resposta a estas carencias
inequities that produce them.
que son a súa base.
about ending race medicine
a medicina baseada na raza
exercen o seu labor
a false and toxic view of humanity.
visión errada e tóxica da humanidade.
in medicine we've been learning about,
dos que estamos sendo testemuñas,
stopped treating patients by race?
deixasen de tratar doentes pola raza?
the most advanced knowledge
o máis moderno coñecemento
into biological races?
se poden clasificar en razas biolóxicas.
as a crude proxy
como pobre substituto
and addressed that more important factor?
a ese outro factor directamente?
fosen a vangarda
the structural inequities
as inxustizas sistémicas
é mala praxe,
interpretation of humanity.
that truly divide us.
ás inxustizas sociais que nos dividen
Dorothy Roberts - Professor, author and social justice advocateGlobal scholar, University of Pennsylvania civil rights sociologist and law professor Dorothy Roberts exposes the myths of race-based medicine.
Why you should listen
Internationally recognized scholar, public intellectual and social justice advocate Dorothy Roberts studies the interplay of gender, race and class in legal issues. She has been a leader in transforming public thinking and policy on reproductive health, child welfare and bioethics.
Professor of Africana Studies, Law & Sociology at the University of Pennsylvania, Dorothy directs the Penn Program on Race, Science and Society. She has authored and co-edited ten books, including the award-winning Killing the Black Body and Shattered Bonds. Her latest book is Fatal Invention: How Science, Politics, and Big Business Re-create Race in the Twenty-First Century. She received the 2015 Solomon Carter Fuller Award from the American Psychiatric Association for "providing significant benefit for the quality of life for Black people."
Dorothy Roberts | Speaker |