Julia Galef: Why you think you're right -- even if you're wrong
Julia Galef: Zašto mislite da ste u pravu -- čak i kada niste
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
in the heat of battle.
or a medieval archer
ili srednjovjekovni strijelac
there are some things that are constant.
ima nekih stvari koje su nepromjenjive.
from these deeply ingrained reflexes,
duboko ukorijenjenih refleksa,
to protect yourself and your side
da zaštitite sebe i svoju stranu
playing a very different role,
u vrlo drugačijoj ulozi,
to attack or defend.
identifying potential obstacles.
utvrđuje moguće prepreke.
that, say, there's a bridge
saznati da, recimo, postoji most
wants to know what's really there,
čega tamo stvarno ima
the soldier and the scout are essential.
i vojnik i izviđač su ključni.
of these roles as a mindset --
svaku od uloga kao način razmišljanja --
process information and ideas
obrađujemo informacije i ideje
is that having good judgment,
da dobra prosudba,
making good decisions,
donošenje dobrih odluka
način razmišljanja imate.
te načine razmišljanja u praksi,
to 19th-century France,
piece of paper
bezazlenog izgleda
political scandals in history.
političkih skandala u povijesti.
by officers in the French general staff.
generalnom stožeru u 1894.
that someone in their ranks
military secrets to Germany.
quickly converged on this man,
brzo usmjerene na ovog čovjeka,
no motive as far as they could tell.
nikakav motiv, kako im se činilo.
Jewish officer at that rank in the army,
časnik toga reda u vojsci,
the French Army was highly anti-Semitic.
vojska bila vrlo antisemitska.
to that on the memo
rukopis s tim dopisom
professional handwriting experts
stručnjaci za rukopis
in the similarity,
Dreyfus's apartment,
and they didn't find anything.
i nisu ništa našli.
that Dreyfus was not only guilty,
Dreyfus nije samo kriv,
he had hidden all of the evidence
očito sakrio sve dokaze
through his personal history
njegovu osobnu povijest
foreign languages in school,
učio strane jezike u školi
to conspire with foreign governments
zavjerom sa stranim vladama
was known for having a good memory,
Dreyfus bio poznat po dobrom pamćenju,
has to remember a lot of things.
zapamtiti mnogo stvari.
and Dreyfus was found guilty.
i Dreyfus je osuđen.
into this public square
his insignia from his uniform
the Degradation of Dreyfus.
to life imprisonment
off the coast of South America.
blizu obale Južne Amerike.
and there he spent his days alone,
tamo je svoje dane proveo sam,
to the French government
francuskoj vladi u kojima ih je
so they could discover his innocence.
njegov slučaj kako bi otkrili da je nevin.
France considered the matter closed.
to smatrala završenim slučajem.
to me about the Dreyfus Affair
zaista zanimljiva o aferi Dreyfus
were so convinced
časnici bili toliko uvjereni
that they were setting him up,
da su mu smjestili,
that's what happened.
da se to dogodilo
that the case against Dreyfus was strong.
imaju jak slučaj protiv Dreyfusa.
call "motivated reasoning."
znanstvenici zovu "motivirano rasuđivanje"
our unconscious motivations,
naši podsvjesni motivi,
tumačimo informacije.
feel like our allies.
čine se kao naši saveznici.
We want to defend them.
Želimo ih braniti.
or ideas are the enemy,
ili ideje su neprijatelj
motivated reasoning, "soldier mindset."
nazivam vojničkim načinom razmišljanja.
zbog veleizdaje.
or politics, so you might have noticed
politiku pa ste mogli primijetiti
that your team committed a foul,
vaša ekipa napravila prekršaj,
to find reasons why he's wrong.
razloge zašto je u krivu.
committed a foul -- awesome!
napravila prekršaj -- odlično!
let's not examine it too closely.
nećemo je pobliže preispitivati.
an article or a study
ili istraživanje
kontroverznu politiku,
that it's not effective,
ona nije djelotvorna,
to find all the reasons
that capital punishment works,
support capital punishment, same thing.
influenced, unconsciously,
jakim utjecajem, nesvjesno
želimo da pobijedi.
about our health, our relationships,
o svojem zdravlju, našim vezama,
about motivated reasoning
u vezi s motiviranim rasuđivanjem
objective and fair-minded
objektivni ili pravedni
of an innocent man.
život nevinog čovjeka.
his story is not over.
njegova priča još nije gotova.
in the French Army,
časnik u francuskoj vojsci.
he assumed Dreyfus was guilty.
je da je Dreyfus kriv.
he was at least casually anti-Semitic.
bio je barem ležerno antisemitist.
Picquart began to suspect:
Picquart je počeo sumnjati:
u vezi s Dreyfusom?"
he had discovered evidence
jest da je pronašao dokaze
that another officer in the army
matched the memo,
to his superiors,
svojim nadređenima,
they either didn't care
oni ili nisu marili
to explain his findings,
da bi objasnili njegova saznanja,
Picquart, is that there's another spy
jest da postoji još jedan špijun
Dreyfus's handwriting,
after Dreyfus left.
nakon što je Dreyfus otišao.
to get Dreyfus exonerated.
uspjelo osloboditi Dreyfusa.
he himself was in prison
can't really be the hero of this story
ne može stvarno biti junak ove priče
and that's bad, which I agree with.
i to je loše, s čime se slažem.
the fact that Picquart was anti-Semitic
da je Picquart bio antisemitist
čini zadivljujućima
the same reasons to be biased
jednake razloge da bude pristran
and uphold it trumped all of that.
i podrži je prevladala sve to
for what I call "scout mindset."
nazivam "izviđačkim načinom razmišljanja".
one idea win or another lose,
ne pobijedi niti izgubi,
or convenient or pleasant.
ili povoljno ili ugodno.
I'm personally passionate about.
razmišljanja sam vrlo strastvena.
examining and trying to figure out
proučavajući i pokušavajući shvatiti što
and biases and motivations
predrasude, pristranost i motive
and the evidence
is rooted in emotions
razmišljanja ukorijenjen u emocijama,
plemenske pripadnosti, i
they feel pleasure
when they encounter something
zainteresirani kada naiđu na nešto
različite vrijednosti.
they think it's virtuous
misle da je kreposno
that someone who changes his mind
netko tko promijeni mišljenje
they are about any particular topic.
ili u krivu u vezi s određenom temom.
that capital punishment works.
that it doesn't, they can say,
da to nije tako, mogu reći,
Doesn't mean I'm bad or stupid."
To ne znači da sam loš ili glup."
is what researchers have found --
što su istraživači otkrili --
to leave you with about those traits
prenijeti o ovim osobinama
not about how smart you are
na to koliko ste pametni
very much with IQ at all.
u korelaciji s IQ-om.
coming back to, by Saint-Exupéry.
kojem se stalno vraćam.
to collect wood and give orders
drvo i davati im naredbe
for the vast and endless sea."
žude za velikim i beskrajnim morem."
our judgment as individuals
naše rasuđivanje kao pojedinaca
is not more instruction in logic
nije poduka o logici
vjerojatnosti ili ekonomiji,
are quite valuable.
to use those principles well
da dobro iskoristimo ta načela je
instead of ashamed
ponosnima umjesto posramljenima
have been wrong about something.
u vezi s nečime bili u krivu.
instead of defensive
zainteresirani umjesto obrambeni
that contradicts our beliefs.
koje su suprotne našim uvjerenjima.
to leave you with is:
as clearly as you possibly can?
svijet što je jasnije moguće?
Julia Galef - WriterJulia Galef investigates how and why people change their minds.
Why you should listen
Julia Galef co-founded the Center for Applied Rationality, a nonprofit organization devoted to helping people improve their reasoning and decision-making, particularly with the aim of addressing global problems. Julia’s background is originally in statistics, and she did social science research at Columbia and Harvard Business Schools for several years before becoming a writer for venues such as Slate, Science, Scientific American and more. For the last six years, Julia has hosted the Rationally Speaking podcast.
Julia Galef | Speaker | TED.com