Tiffany Watt Smith: The history of human emotions
Tiffany Watt Smith: Sejarah emosi manusia
Tiffany Watt Smith investigates the hidden cultural forces which shape our emotions. Full bio
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with a little experiment.
sedikit eksperimen.
if you would close your eyes
untuk menutup mata
to tell anyone or anything.
siapa pun.
or perhaps hard you find it
mudah atau sulit bagi Anda
yang sedang dirasakan.
10 seconds to do this.
untuk melakukannya.
a little bit under pressure,
of the person next to you.
di sebelah Anda.
have their eyes closed?
strange, distant worry
dan sedikit khawatir
you've got planned for this evening.
Anda rencanakan malam ini.
that comes when we get together
saat berkumpul
which wash the world in a single color,
dunia ini dengan satu warna,
crowd and jostle together
dan bercampur semua
to tell them apart.
you'd hardly even notice them,
hingga tak disadari,
that will make you reach out
in the supermarket.
di supermarket.
that we hurry away from,
to search a loved one's pockets.
memeriksa isi kantong pasangan.
which are so peculiar,
emosi yang sangat aneh,
a little tingle of a desire
sedikit kegelisahan
French sociologist called "ilinx,"
menamainya "ilinkx,"
with minor acts of chaos.
dari kekacauan-kekacauan kecil.
and emptied the contents of your bag
dan mengosongkan isi tas
untranslatable emotions
yang tak bisa diterjemahkan
English equivalent.
kata Bahasa Inggris yang cocok.
the Dutch called "gezelligheid,"
bahasa Belanda disebut "gezelligheid,"
when it's cold and damp outside.
saat di luar dingin dan lembab.
is an extremely important commodity,
komoditas yang sangat penting,
to explain many things,
menjelaskan banyak hal,
of being able to recognize and name
kemampuan untuk mengenali dan menyebutkan
and those of other people,
is taught in our schools and businesses
diajarkan di sekolah kita dan bisnis
pelayanan kesehatan kita.
is becoming impoverished.
emosi menjadi miskin.
what an emotion even is.
apa itu emosi sebenarnya.
can be boiled down
yang ada bisa disederhanakan
about 2,000 years old,
2000 tahun yang lalu,
have suggested that these six emotions --
menyarankan 6 emosi ini --
disgust, anger, surprise --
rasa jijik, kemarahan, dan rasa takjub --
in exactly the same way,
di seluruh dunia dengan cara yang sama.
the building blocks
melindungi kita dari bahaya.
your heart rate quickens,
jantung berdetak cepat.
you run very, very fast.
lari dengan sangat, sangat cepat.
what an emotion is.
apa itu emosi.
is extremely important,
why we feel the way we do
kita merasakan yang kita rasakan
that in the 12th century,
bahwa di abad ke-12,
or boredom like we do today,
seperti yang kita kenal hari ini.
of the deepest love?
dari perasaan cinta yang mendalam?
brave men -- knights --
para pria pemberani -- para kesatria --
who lived in the desert
yang hidup di padang pasir
who mainly came out at lunchtime
biasanya keluar pada waktu makan siang
they called "accidie,"
sebuah emosi yang mereka sebut "accidie,"
that was sometimes so intense
terkadang sangat intens
as we know and love it today,
yang kita tahu dan sukai hari ini,
by the Victorians,
oleh para Viktorian,
about leisure time and self-improvement?
tentang waktu senggang dan perbaikan diri?
untranslatable words for emotions
tidak mudah diterjemahkan
might feel an emotion more intensely
mungkin merasakan emosi dengan intens
to name and talk about it,
membicarakan emosi itu,
in cognitive science show
di kognitif-sains menunjukkan
refleks sederhana,
that we've inherited
yang telah kita warisi
but by our thoughts,
tubuh, tapi juga pikiran kita,
has become very interested
menjadi sangat tertarik
between words and emotions.
antara kata-kata dan emosi.
a new word for an emotion,
mempelajari kata baru dari emosi,
that as language changes,
menduga bahwa begitu bahasa berubah,
to see that emotions have changed,
melihat bahwa emosi kita telah berubah,
and religious beliefs,
kultural dan kepercayaan religus baru
jenis kelamin, etnisitas dan umur,
and economic ideologies.
dan ideologi ekonomi yang baru.
starting to understand.
to learn new words for emotions,
mempelajari kata-kata baru untuk emosi,
lebih jauh lagi.
emotionally intelligent,
cerdas secara emosi,
where those words have come from,
kata-kata itu berasal,
we ought to live and behave
kita seharusnya hidup dan bersikap
in the late 17th century,
di akhir abad ke-17,
living some 60 miles away from home.
tinggal 60 mil jauhnya dari rumah.
and they find him dejected and feverish,
dan menemukan ia bersedih dan demam.
that prayers are said for him
mulai mendoakannya
to return this young man home
memulangkan pria muda ini
onto the stretcher,
to the gates of his hometown,
kampung halamannya,
from a very powerful form of homesickness.
kerinduannya terhadap kampung halaman.
that it might have killed him.
Johannes Hofer,
Johannes Hofer,
sebagai "nostalgia."
in medical circles around Europe.
di seputaran Eropa.
they were probably immune
mungkin saja kebal
in the empire and so on.
melakukan perjalanan.
cropping up in Britain, too.
kasus terjadi di Inggris juga.
during the First World War in France.
selama Perang Dunia Pertama di Perancis.
that you could die from nostalgia
karena nostalgia
mean something different --
berarti sesuatu yang lain --
rather than a lost place --
dari pada jarak fisik --
is seen as less serious,
dipandang remeh
you could die from
menyebabkan kematian
your kid might be suffering from
ketika menginap
in the early 20th century.
di permulaan abad ke 20.
or the expansion of the railways?
atau ekspansi jalur kereta?
datangnya modernitas,
and travel and progress
dan kemajuannya
transformation in values,
yang masif di dalam nilai-nilai itu,
feel homesickness today
tidak merasa rindu kampung
influence our emotions
pengaruh dari emosi kita
how we feel about how we feel.
bagaimana kita merasa.
to make us better workers
menjadi pekerja yang lebih baik
hidup lebih lama.
most of those things.
hal-hal itu.
self-help books from that period
buku penyemangat
para pembaca
to be disappointed.
alasan untuk menjadi kecewa.
you could cultivate sadness as a skill,
menggali kesedihan sebagai keterampilan
would make you more resilient
membuat Anda lebih ulet
as invariably it would.
kemungkinan besar akan terjadi.
impatient, even a little ashamed.
tidak sabar, bahkan sedikit malu.
and you might feel a little bit smug.
merasa sedikit sombong.
don't just change across time,
seiring waktu,
speak of "awumbuk,"
menyebutnya "awumbuk,"
when a houseguest finally leaves.
ketika tamu akhirnya pergi.
merasa lega,
to shed a sort of heaviness
meninggalkan beban
lebih mudah,
and causes this awumbuk.
menyebabkan awumbuk ini.
a bowl of water out overnight
semangkuk air sepanjang malam
they wake up and have a ceremony
mereka mengadakan upacara
and geographical realities combining
nyata ke dalam hidup
is a Japanese word, "amae."
sebuah kata Jepang, "amae."
hard to translate.
the pleasure that you get
Anda dapatkan
hand over responsibility for your life
menyerahkan tanggung jawab hidup Anda
might have been named and celebrated
dinamakan dan dirayakan
traditionally collectivist culture,
memiliki budaya yang kolektif
amongst English speakers,
berbicara bahasa Inggris,
self-sufficiency and individualism.
dan individualisme.
tell us not just about what we feel,
berusaha menyampaikan yang kita rasakan
to pay attention to our well-being
untuk memperhatikan kesehatan
of naming our emotions.
menamai emosi kita.
label yang netral.
values and expectations,
ekspektasi kita,
about who we think we are.
siapa kita.
for emotions will help attune us
tidak biasa akan membantu menyelaraskan
aspects of our inner lives.
bagian di dalam kita.
words are worth caring about,
layak untuk diperdulikan,
how powerful the connection is
betapa kuat koneksi
requires that we understand
membutuhkan kita untuk mengerti
the cultural forces
to believe about our emotions
tentang emosi kita
or hatred or love or anger
kebencian atau kasih atau kemarahan
tell us how important they are,
mengatakan pentingnya itu,
tentang mereka
truly speak to us now.
relevan dengan kita sekarang.
yang saya rasakan
that you feel in an unfamiliar place.
bahwa Anda merasa di tempat yang asing.
of being a historian
I've completely taken for granted,
saya terima begitu saja
dari hidup saya
just a little glimpse of it right now.
mengalaminya sekilas sekarang.
Tiffany Watt Smith - Cultural historianTiffany Watt Smith investigates the hidden cultural forces which shape our emotions.
Why you should listen
Tiffany Watt Smith is the author of The Book of Human Emotions, which tells the stories of 154 feelings from around the world. It has been published in 9 countries so far. She is currently a Wellcome Trust research fellow at the Centre for the History of the Emotions at Queen Mary University of London, and she was educated at the Universities of Cambridge and London. Her writing has appeared in The Guardian, the BBC News Magazine and The New Scientist. In 2014, she was named a BBC New Generation Thinker. In her previous career, she was a theatre director.
Tiffany Watt Smith | Speaker |