Johann Hari: Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong
Johann Hari: Viskas, ką žinote apie priklausomybes – netiesa
Johann Hari spent three years researching the war on drugs; along the way, he discovered that addiction is not what we think it is. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
mano atsiminimų,
one of my relatives and not being able to.
ir man nepavyksta.
so I didn't really understand why,
tad nelabai supratau kodėl.
priklausomų nuo narkotikų,
drug addiction in my family,
Iš dalies dėl to, kad šiemet sukanka
partly because it's now exactly 100 years
pirmąkart buvo uždrausti narkotikai
in the United States and Britain,
ir likusiame pasaulyje.
on the rest of the world.
lemtingo sprendimo
this really fateful decision
and make them suffer,
it would give them an incentive to stop.
duos paskatą liautis.
some of the addicts in my life who I love,
mylimus priklausomus artimuosius
if there was some way to help them.
galėčiau jiems padėti.
of incredibly basic questions
neįtikėtinai paprastų klausimų,
that doesn't seem to be working,
kurie nepadeda?
that we could try instead?
kurį mums vertėtų pabandyti?
the answers I was looking for,
atsakymų į šiuos klausimus.
with different people around the world
su žmonėmis iš viso pasaulio,
if I could learn from them.
mokytis iš jų.
going over 30,000 miles at the start,
daugiau kaip 48 000 km.,
skirtingų žmonių.
loads of different people,
Bronsvilyje Brukline,
in Brownsville, Brooklyn,
šerdamas mangustus haliucinogenais,
feeding hallucinogens to mongooses
tik ypatingomis aplinkybėmis.
in very specific circumstances --
dekriminalizavo visus narkotikus,
decriminalized all drugs,
nunešė man stogą:
that really blew my mind is,
apie priklausomybes, yra netiesa.
we know about addiction is wrong,
faktus apie priklausomybes,
the new evidence about addiction,
a lot more than our drug policies.
negu savo narkotikų politiką.
žinantys, ką aš maniausi žinąs.
we know, what I thought I knew.
vartotumėte kokainą triskart per dieną.
off and used heroin three times a day.
atrodo geriau nusiteikę nei kiti.
enthusiastic than others at this prospect.
tai įsivaizduojamas eksperimentas.
it's just a thought experiment.
vienos teorijos.
happen that we've been told for a century.
cheminius kabliukus
chemical hooks in heroin,
dependent on those hooks,
užkimba ant tų kabliukų,
you'd all be heroin addicts. Right?
visi būtumėte narkomanai. Taip?
susijusių su šia teorija,
that something's not right with this story
and I get hit by a car and I break my hip,
partrenkia mašina, lūžta dubens kaulas.
and I'll be given loads of diamorphine.
ir suleidžia daug diamorfino.
than you're going to buy on the streets,
nei galima būtų gauti gatvėje,
from a drug dealer is contaminated.
prekeivių yra užteršta.
gauni mediciniškai gryną produktą.
from the doctor is medically pure.
a long period of time.
nemažus kiekius heroino.
you've taken quite a lot of heroin.
tai vyksta.
anywhere in the world, this is happening.
kaip ją įsivaizduojame,
about addiction is right --
tų medžiagų su kabliukais...
to all those chemical hooks --
Jie turėtų tapti priklausomais.
They should become addicts.
labai atsakingai.
jūsų močiutė po dubenkaulio operacijos
if your grandmother had a hip replacement,
pasirodė keista,
it seemed so weird to me,
ką buvau girdėjęs ir maniausi žinąs.
everything I thought I knew,
sutikau Bruce Alexander.
until I met a man called Bruce Alexander.
of psychology in Vancouver
to understand this issue.
kurią turime įsikalę į galvas,
got in our heads, that story,
in the 20th century.
jei esate kiek sadistiškas.
if you feel a little sadistic.
Duodi du buteliukus vandens.
and you give it two water bottles:
vanduo su trupučiu heroino arba kokaino.
laced with either heroin or cocaine.
pasirinks narkotinį vandenį.
prefer the drug water
kill itself quite quickly.
viskas ir vyksta.
That's how we think it works.
peržiūrėjo šį eksperimentą
along and he looks at this experiment
į tuščią narvelį.
the rat in an empty cage.
tik tuos narkotikus.
except use these drugs.
pavadino jį „Žiurkių parku“.
that he called "Rat Park,"
spalvotų kamuoliukų,
they've got loads of colored balls,
They can have loads of sex.
Ir daug sekso.
the normal water and the drugged water.
gryno vandens ir narkotinio.
like the drug water.
narkotinis vanduo.
šimtu procentų,
when they're isolated
have happy and connected lives.
kai gyvena laimingai ir drauge.
Professor Alexander thought,
prof. Alexander pamanė,
o jos juk smarkiai skiriasi nuo mūsų.
they're quite different to us.
bet kažkiek skiriasi.
but, you know --
tokiu pat principu vyko
a human experiment
at the exact same time.
vartojo daugybę heroino
troops were using loads of heroin,
reports from the time,
į to laikmečio naujienas,
they thought, my God, we're going to have
kad, Dieve, juk kai baigsis karas,
on the streets of the United States
loads of heroin were followed home.
namuose buvo stebimi.
did a really detailed study,
atliko detalius tyrimus.
Jie nepatyrė abstinencijos.
They didn't go into withdrawal.
about chemical hooks,
but Professor Alexander began to think
bet prof. Alexander ėmė svarstyti,
story about addiction.
priklausomybių teorija.
ne dėl cheminių kabliukų?
about your chemical hooks?
to your environment?
prisitaikymas prie aplinkos?
called Peter Cohen in the Netherlands
Peter Cohen, kuris sakė,
even call it addiction.
to vadinti priklausomybe.
and innate need to bond,
we'll bond and connect with each other,
megsime ryšius ir prisirišime tarpusavyje.
or beaten down by life,
ar gyvenimo nuskriausti,
that will give you some sense of relief.
kas suteikia palengvėjimo jausmą.
that might be pornography,
gali būti pornografija,
that might be cannabis,
gali būti kanapės.
with something because that's our nature.
nes tai įgimta.
a difficult thing to get my head around,
to think about it is,
a bottle of water, right?
buteliukas vandens.
of you have bottles of water with you.
vandens buteliukus.
of water could be bottles of vodka, right?
būtų visiškai legalu.
I might after this -- (Laughter) --
Aš gal ir prisigersiu po to. (Juokas.)
the approximately gazillion pounds
kad patektumėt į TED.
I'm guessing you guys could afford
for the next six months.
and the reason you're not going to do that
Ir nedarote to ne todėl,
bonds and connections
ir prisirišimų.
turite mylimų žmonių.
You've got people you love.
the evidence suggests,
o tai kyla iš įrodymų,
to be present in your life.
dalyvauti savo gyvenime.
significant implications.
are for the War on Drugs.
Karui su narkotikais.
with a group of women
saying, "I was a drug addict,"
„Aš buvau narkomanė“.
while members of the public jeer at them,
kapo duobes, aplinkiniai nužiūrinėjo jas.
they're going to have criminal records
su teistumo įrašais.
in the legal economy again.
nebedirbs legaliai.
obviously, in the case of the chain gang,
su tais viešaisiais darbais.
everywhere in the world
elgiamasi panašiai.
įrašome į teistųjų sąrašus.
We give them criminal records.
Dr. Gabor Maté.
Dr. Gabor Maté, an amazing man,
sistemą priklausomybėms skatinti,
a system that would make addiction worse,
pasielgti atvirkščiai.
to do the exact opposite,
kaip tai veikia.
buvo viena didžiausių Europoje.
one of the worst drug problems in Europe.
priklausomi nuo heroino – nesuvokiama.
to heroin, which is kind of mind-blowing,
amerikietišką metodą.
the American way more and more.
and shamed them more,
su opozicijos lyderiu.
the leader of the opposition got together,
vis daugėtų priklausomų nuo heroino.
ever more people becoming heroin addicts.
ir gydytojų komandą,
of scientists and doctors
genuinely solve the problem.
žmogus Dr. João Goulão.
an amazing man called Dr. João Goulão,
nuo kanapių iki kreko, bet
from cannabis to crack, but" --
on cutting addicts off,
išleisdavome izoliuodami
on reconnecting them with society."
žmones atgal į visuomenę.
as drug treatment
gydymą nuo narkotikų
that does have some value.
tai vertinga.
tai visiška priešybė mūsų veiksmams:
was the complete opposite of what we do:
priklausomiems programa
of job creation for addicts,
verslo kūrimui priklausomiems.
to set up small businesses.
dirbtuves ir sako:
to a garage, and they'll say,
ir mes mokėsime pusę jo atlyginimo.
we'll pay half his wages.
narkomanas Portugalijoje
that every addict in Portugal
of bed for in the morning.
su priklausomais asmenim,
in Portugal,
as they rediscovered purpose,
and relationships with the wider society.
prieš 15 metų.
since that experiment began,
Portugalijoje nukrito,
Journal of Criminology,
HIV is massively down among addicts.
ŽIV infekuotų žymiai sumažėjo.
is significantly down.
pagal visus rodiklius.
so well is that almost nobody in Portugal
niekas Portugalijoje
of implications
vis labiau pažeidžiami
feel really increasingly vulnerable
Tai būtų išmanieji telefonai,
whether it's to their smartphones
jūs tai žinote,
you guys know this --
to have our smartphones on,
išsijungti išmaniuosius.
atrodėte kaip priklausomi,
looked an awful lot like
prekeivis bus nepasiekiamas
was going to be unavailable
ir gali skambėti keistai,
and it might sound weird to say,
pagrindinis priklausomybės variklis.
is a major driver of addiction
turinti visuomenė.
society that's ever been, surely.
kuriuos mes turime,
that the connections we have
iš tiesų tėra žmogiško ryšio parodija.
of parody of human connection.
pastebėsite vieną dalyką.
you'll notice something.
Twitter pasekėjai.
who come to sit with you.
who help you turn it round.
išlipti iš duobės.
who you have deep and nuanced
su kuriais turite gilius,
santykius akis į akį.
relationships with,
Bill McKibben, the environmental writer,
apie tyrimus,
the average American believes
turi artimų draugų,
steadily since the 1950s.
nuo 1950-ųjų.
an individual has in their home
we've traded stuff for connections,
iškeitėme ryšius į daiktus,
loneliest societies there has ever been.
vienišiausių visuomenių istorijoje.
the Rat Park experiment, says,
„Žiurkių parko“ eksperimentą, sako:
about individual recovery,
turime omenyje asmeninį sveikimą
bendruomeninį sveikimą.
about social recovery.
not just with individuals but as a group,
ne su asmenybėm, bet su grupe.
for a lot of us,
like that isolated cage
why I went into it.
įsivėliau į visa tai.
the political stuff, the social stuff.
ar socialinių reikalų.
the people I love.
mylimiems žmonėms.
long journey and I'd learned all this,
sužinojęs visa tai,
savo gyvenime,
it's hard loving an addict,
sunku mylėti priklausomą žmogų,
who know in this room.
why this debate is so charged
tokia emocinga.
of each of us, right?
iš mūsų, ar ne?
that looks at an addict and thinks,
priklausomą žmogų mąstome:
to deal with the addicts in our lives
priklausomybėm mūsų gyvenime,
if you guys have ever seen it.
gal esat kas matę?
is defined by reality TV,
įtakota realybės šou,
the show "Intervention,"
in their life, gather them together,
surenkam visus žmones jo gyvenime,
jei nesusiimsi,
and they say, if you don't shape up,
su priklausomuoju,
the connection to the addict,
they make it contingent
kodėl šis būdas neveikia.
why that approach doesn't work,
the importing of the logic of the Drug War
perkeliame Karą su narkotikais
how could I be Portuguese?
kaip galėčiau tapti portugalu.
and I can't tell you I do it consistently
negaliu pasakyti, kad darau tai nuolat,
mano gyvenime,
the connection with them,
whether you're using or you're not.
vartoja jie ar ne.
jūs bebūtumėte,
I'll come and sit with you
aš pabūsiu su jumis,
want you to be alone
kad būtumėte vieni,
of how we respond to addicts,
santykiuose su priklausomaisiais,
war songs about addicts.
karo maršus priklausomiesiems.
singing love songs to them,
meilės dainas.
is not sobriety.
tai ne blaivybė.
Johann Hari - JournalistJohann Hari spent three years researching the war on drugs; along the way, he discovered that addiction is not what we think it is.
Why you should listen
British journalist Johann Hari is the author of the New York Times best-selling book Chasing The Scream, from which his talk on addiction was adapted and for which he spent three years researching the war on drugs and questioning the ways in which we treat addiction.
He has written for many of the world’s leading newspapers and magazines, including The New York Times, Le Monde, The Guardian, New Republic, The Nation,, and The Sydney Morning Herald. He was a columnist for the British newspaper The Independent for nine years.
Hari was twice named National Newspaper Journalist of the Year by Amnesty International, was named Gay Journalist of the Year at the Stonewall Awards -- and won the Martha Gellhorn Prize for political writing.
Johann Hari | Speaker |