Mundano: Trash cart superheroes
Mundano: Pimp my...trash cart?
Mundano's bold, colorful street art isn't just eye candy. His projects call attention to social, environmental and political issues, while raising chuckles from passersby. Full bio
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all superpowers: invisibility.
superputere: invizibilitatea.
materials for a living.
pentru a-şi câştiga existanţa.
social inequality, unemployment,
a şomajului
waste collection system.
serviciilor de salubritate.
honest and essential work
onestă şi importantă
But they are not acknowledged for it.
Dar meritele nu le sunt recunoscute.
of all the waste that's actually recycled.
din totalitatea deşeurilor reciclate.
culegând gunoaie de pe stradă
selling to junk yards at very low prices.
la preţuri de nimic.
coşuri de cumpărături,
bicycles and carroças.
built from wood or metal
sau metal, pe străzi în Brazilia,
marginalized superheroes.
pe aceşti supereroi marginalizaţi.
and political in nature.
de mediu şi de politică.
and onto the carroças,
la carroças,
a mesajului meu.
giving voice to the catadores.
it became more appealing,
a devenit mai atrăgătoare,
to the catadores
şi le-a crescut respectul de sine.
on the streets, on mass media and social.
în mass media şi în societate.
şi nu m-am mai oprit din lucru.
and have not stopped working since.
carroças in many cities
în multe oraşe
and trips worldwide.
şi excursii prin toată lumea.
in their invisibility,
prin invizibilitatea lor,
Bolivia, Africa de Sud, Turcia
as the United States and Japan.
precum SUA şi Japonia.
to have more people join the cause
ca mai mulţi să se alăture cauzei
movement called Pimp My Carroça --
Pimp My Carroça -
paint = pictură
a large crowdfunded event.
de oameni de pretutindeni. Mulţumesc.
crowdfunded event
eveniment social
şi a căruţelor lor.
professionals and healthcare,
sociali şi din sănătate,
hair stylists, massage therapists
maseuri şi mulţi alţii.
gloves, raincoats and eyeglasses
pelerine de ploaie şi ochelari,
sunt renovate de voluntari minunaţi.
by our incredible volunteers.
benzi reflectoare, claxoane şi oglinzi.
şi devin exponate
amazing mobile art exhibition.
expoziţie mobilă.
of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Curitiba.
São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro şi Curitiba.
including outside of Brazil,
chiar dinafara Braziliei,
which is inspired by TEDx,
crowdfunded edition of Pimp My Carroça.
cu implicare socială a Pimp My Carroça.
800 volunteers and 200 street artists
800 voluntari şi 200 de pictori stradali
în mişcarea Pimp My Carroça,
Pimp My Carroça movement,
învăţarea reciclării la o şcoală locală.
in teaching recycling at a local school.
îşi lasă deoparte invizibilitatea
invisibility behind
mai respectaţi şi apreciaţi.
respected and valued.
they are able to fight back to prejudice,
pot acum să înfrunte prejudecăţile,
their interaction with society.
şi să interacţioneze social.
to start looking at and acknowledging
şi să luaţi seama la căutători
invisible superheroes from your city.
din oraşele voastre.
without boundaries or frontiers.
fără graniţe sau frontiere.
de căutători în întreaga lume.
catadores worldwide.
of our society.
Mundano - Graffiti artist + activistMundano's bold, colorful street art isn't just eye candy. His projects call attention to social, environmental and political issues, while raising chuckles from passersby.
Why you should listen
Mundano is a Brazilian street artist and activist whose work makes people stop and think about the issues swirling around them everyday. In 2007, he began using his graffiti skills to paint "carroças," the wooden and metal carts used by the trash collectors throughout Brazil who haul off junk and recyclables. He painted 200 carroças and in the process made these invisible superheroes visible—not only in the streets, but also in the media. The effort led to "Pimp My Carroça," which made this initiative do-it-yourself, crowdfunded and global. It has brought in 170 trash collectors in cities around the world, teaming them up with 200 street artists and 800 volunteers. It is quickly becoming a movement.
At home in Brazil, Mundano works on other projects too. Since 2008, he has used the posters and banners that plaster Brazilian cities during elections to create thought-provoking art. For the election in 2014, he turned these enormous plastic banners into a giant voting booth filled with waste in a square in Rio de Janeiro. "I use these ads to get people to reflect on the corrupted political system. On all the false promises, and all the awful waste," he explains.
Mundano | Speaker |