Kailash Satyarthi: How to make peace? Get angry
Kailash Satyarthi: Cum să facem pace? Să ne înfuriem.
2014 Nobel Peace Prize winner Kailash Satyarthi is a tireless activist fighting to protect the rights of voiceless children everywhere. Full bio
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leaving the school
could not afford textbooks
nu îşi permiteau manualele
of a desperate slave father
care urma să fie vândută unui bordel,
about to be sold to a brothel
in a pool of blood,
we were taught anger is bad.
toţi ne învaţă
and suppress our anger.
for the larger good of society?
în ceva util societăţii?
pentru a îndrepta răul din lume?
the evils of the world?
came to my mind out of anger.
le-am avut din cauza furiei.
in a locked-up, tiny prison.
când eram închis.
of how I got a name for myself.
of Mahatma Gandhi since my childhood.
India's freedom movement.
în India.
the most vulnerable sections,
lucrurile sensibile, oamenii defavorizaţi,
with dignity and respect.
de la naşterea lui Mahatma Gandhi, în 1969
birth centenary in 1969 --
many of you might know,
se nasc în caste inferioare.
are born in the lowest segment of caste.
to go to the temples,
and shops of high-caste people.
castei superioare.
the leaders of my town
erau împotriva acestui sistem de caste
the caste system and untouchability
let us set an example
cooked and served
de cei din castele inferioare.
so-called untouchable, people,
but it was unthinkable for them.
It never happened."
Nu se va întâmpla."
sunt împotriva sistemului.
they are against untouchability.
we can set an example."
vom da un exemplu."
and invited political leaders.
i-am invitat pe conducătorii politici.
mă simţeam puternic
agreed to come.
We can set an example.
Vom schimba societatea.”
three women and two men,
din castele inferioare,
the best of their clothes.
hundreds of times
pentru că era de neimaginat pentru ei.
for them to do.
ca liderii să întârzie 1 oră şi ceva.
that the leaders become late,
and went to these leaders' homes,
să le reamintim.
perhaps he cannot come."
Nu cred că poate veni.”
„Tu du-te, că vine.”
"Okay, you go, he will definitely join."
will take place,
chiar dacă nu la un nivel mare.
a newly built Mahatma Gandhi Park.
Mahatma Gandhi's statue.
rather exhausted.
the food was lying.
am izbucnit în lacrimi.
of an untouchable woman.
a unei femei din casta inferioară:
"Kailash, why are you crying?
cooked by untouchables,
şi asta nu s-a mai întâmplat.”
high-caste elderly people
în curtea mea.
elderly women were crying
to these elderly people
to outcaste my whole family.
că ne surghiunesc din castă.
is the biggest social punishment
pentru o familie.
and the punishment was purification.
să mă pedepsească doar pe mine
away from my hometown
for priests, 101 priests,
pentru 101 preoţi,
kitchen and my own dining room,
în bucătăria şi sufrageria mea
they wanted to outcaste me.
au vrut să mă excludă.
the entire caste system.
să exclud eu întregul sistem de caste.
the beginning would have been
de familie sau prenumele,
family names are caste names.
reprezintă numele castei.
a new name to myself: Satyarthi,
care înseamnă „Căutător al adevărului".
of my transformative anger.
a children's rights activist?
pentru drepturile copiilor?
and lives of millions.
pentru milioane de oameni.
uncontrollable form of energy
and making society better.
pentru binele societăţii.
when I was caught in the prison:
a dozen children from slavery,
câţiva copii,
when I free a child.
to come back to my hometown, Delhi,
were arriving;
tiny shell, like an animal.
ca pe un animal.
and biggest ideas was born.
una din cele mai măreţe idei.
children, and 50 more will join,
când mai erau alţi 50 în aceeaşi situaţie,
was the first time
or anywhere in the world,
for child-labor-free rugs.
we have been successful.
in a fall in child labor
exploatarea copiilor prin muncă.
consumer's power, or consumer's campaign
a consumatorilor
and other industries,
maybe shoes -- it has gone beyond.
încălţăminte – a avut efect.
education is for every child,
are dreptul la educaţie
and help the poorest children.
ca să-i ajut pe săraci.
campaign for education
a societăţii civile:
the whole thinking towards education
despre educaţie
to the human rights mode,
the reduction of out-of-school children
abandonului şcolar
to be sold to a brothel,
să fie vândută unui bordel,
of raid and rescue,
de depistare şi salvare,
that it is not one or 10 or 20,
de 1, 10 sau 20 de copii,
to physically liberate 83,000 child slaves
83.000 de copii din sclavie
back to their families and mothers.
against child labor
împotriva exploatării copiilor
a new international convention
unei noi convenţii internaţionale
who are in the worst forms.
aflaţi în cele mai grele situaţii.
the number of child laborers globally
că numărul global al copiilor
in the last 15 years.
Which I tried to do.
Asta am făcut.
be vanished, can never be destroyed.
nu poate dispărea.
be translated and harnessed
a more just and equitable world?
şi mai frumoasă?
for a few seconds:
the narrow shells of egos,
de graniţele înguste ale ego-ului
hatred, violence, revenge, destruction.
răzbunare, distrugere.
into a great power.
într-o putere nebănuită.
by using our inherent compassion
compassion to make this world better.
ca s-o facem mai bună.
transformed into it.
again, as a Nobel Laureate,
ca laureat al Premiului Nobel
into idea and action.
în idee şi acţiune.
you've been an inspiration to others.
and that is the truth,
that he will ever come back to his mother,
va vedea familia,
can ever come back and sit in her lap,
rolls down on her cheek,
this is my biggest inspiration.
asta este inspiraţia mea.
as I said before, but thousands of times,
in the faces of those children
pe faţa copiilor
Kailash Satyarthi - Children’s rights activist2014 Nobel Peace Prize winner Kailash Satyarthi is a tireless activist fighting to protect the rights of voiceless children everywhere.
Why you should listen
Kailash’s work has involved organizing almost weekly raid, rescue and recovery missions on workplaces that employ and enslave children. Since 2001, Satyarthi’s has risked his own life to rescue these children and has convinced families in more than 300 Indian villages to avoid sending their children to work, and instead putting them in school.
Satyarthi’s has also managed to grab and retain the world’s attention on the problem. He organized the Global March Against Child Labor in the 1990s to raise awareness and free millions of children shackled in various forms of modern slavery. His activism was also instrumental in the adoption of Convention No. 182 by the International Labour Organization, a statue that's become a guideline for many governments on child labor.
In 2014, he and Malala Yousafzai were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for “their struggle against the suppression of children and young people and for the right of all children to education.”
Kailash Satyarthi | Speaker | TED.com