Maryn McKenna: What do we do when antibiotics don't work any more?
Maryn McKenna: Čo budeme robiť, keď prestanú účinkovať antibiotiká?
Maryn McKenna recounts the often terrifying stories behind emerging drug-resistant diseases that medical science is barely keeping at bay. Full bio
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basketbalista a newyorský požiarnik.
and a semi-pro basketball player
he loved being a fireman,
v požiarnej stanici.
he started polishing all the brass,
a kovanie na stenách.
the fittings on the walls,
jedna z hubíc požiarnych hadíc,
his shoulder started to hurt.
and when they got the local doctor in,
and took him to the hospital.
that he had an infection,
have called "blood poisoning,"
because the things we use now
the first antibiotic,
a mali šťatie, uzdravili sa.
either recovered, if they were lucky,
shaking with chills,
skončil v kóme.
lined up to give him transfusions
surging through his blood.
z rovnakého dôvodu ako on.
my great uncle died.
of cancer or heart disease,
in the West today.
modernú západnú civilizáciu.
because they didn't live long enough
z novovzniknutých tovární.
of the Industrial Revolution --
when antibiotics arrived.
been a death sentence
you recovered from in days.
the golden epoch of the miracle drugs.
v zlatej dobe zázračných liekov.
predantibiotickej éry.
of the pre-antibiotic era.
postantibiotickej éry,
of the post-antibiotic era,
aj také jednoduché infekcie,
when simple infections
will kill people once again.
môj prastrýko Joe.
vinou fenoménu,
because of a phenomenon
for resources, for food,
that they direct against each other.
pred takýmito chemickými útokmi
that chemical attack.
and made our own versions of them,
týchto smrtiacich zlúčenín
the way they always had.
arrived by 1945.
uviedli v roku 2003
the most recent drugs, in 2003,
len o rok neskôr - v roku 2004.
just a year later in 2004.
„hrali na preskakovačku“.
a game of leapfrog --
potom ich rezistencia,
and then resistance again --
that pharmaceutical companies
strácajú záujem vyvíjať nové antibiotiká.
is not in their best interest,
ale vo svete teraz existujú infekcie,
moving across the world
than 100 antibiotics
Centrum pre kontrolu a prevenciu chorôb
Control and Prevention, the CDC,
na takmer všetky antibiotiká okrem dvoch.
to all but two drugs.
a na Stredný východ.
u indického pacienta inú infekciu,
with a different infection
na všetky antibiotiká okrem jedného.
from India into China, Asia, Africa,
Ázie, Afriky, Európy, Kanady a do USA.
are extraordinary cases,
ročne zomrie 50 000 ľudí na infekcie,
britskou vládou,
by the British government
Správa o antimikrobiálnej rezistencii,
on Antimicrobial Resistance
takto ročne umiera až 700 000 ľudí.
right now is 700,000 deaths a year.
that you don't feel at risk,
were hospital patients
v nemocniciach na JIS,
v opatrovateľských ústavoch.
near the ends of their lives,
s neznámymi infekciami
are remote from us,
do ktorých sa nedokážete vžiť.
na čo nepomyslel nikto z nás:
none of us do,
moderný spôsob života.
almost all of modern life.
pre ľudí s oslabeným imunitným systémom,
with weakened immune systems --
ktorí majú rakovinu či AIDS,
na vnesení cudzorodých objektov do tela,
foreign objects in the body:
inzulínové pumpy pre cukrovkárov,
nové bedrové alebo kolenné kĺby?
need new hips and knees?
that without antibiotics,
každý šiesty pacient.
podávajú profylaktické dávky antibiotík.
otvoriť „skryté zákutia“ ľudského tela.
the hidden spaces of the body.
that now seem minor.
a to v tých najčistejších nemocniciach.
in the cleanest hospitals,
out of every 10.
we live our everyday lives.
v každodennom živote.
could kill you,
len tak dolu svahom?
zavesiť vianočné osvetlenie?
your Christmas lights,
aby sa pri bejzbale vrhlo na domácu métu?
ktorému podali penicilín,
to receive penicillin,
Albert Alexander,
that his scalp oozed pus
nerobil nič nezvyčajné.
something very simple.
a poškriabal si tvár na tŕni ruže.
and scratched his face on a thorn.
which estimates that the worldwide toll
podľa ktorého sa odhaduje,
nedostaneme pod kontrolu do roku 2050,
get this under control by 2050,
will be 10 million deaths a year.
umierať až 10 miliónov ľudí.
we did it to ourselves.
neodvratný biologický proces,
biological process,
za jeho urýchlenie.
for accelerating it.
that now seems shocking.
voľnopredajný liek.
over the counter until the 1950s.
ešte stále voľnopredajné.
most antibiotics still are.
v nemocniciach podávajú antibiotiká,
in hospitals are unnecessary.
pri ťažkostiach a chorobách,
written in doctor's offices
that antibiotics cannot help.
jednoducho nie sú určené.
dávajú väčšine zvierat chovaných na mäso.
get antibiotics every day of their lives,
and to protect them against
na veľkochovných farmách.
they are raised in.
asi 80 % predaných antibiotík
go to farm animals, not to humans,
nie na liečenie ľudí.
that move off the farm
a mäsom z týchto zvierat.
sa antibiotiká používajú
a citrusových plodov pred chorobami.
citrus, against disease.
their DNA to each other
odovzdávajú kufre na letisku,
a suitcase at an airport,
vznik určitej rezistencie,
that resistance into existence,
the man who discovered penicillin.
in 1945 in recognition,
this is what he said:
ktorý sa zahráva s liečbou penicilínom,
with penicillin treatment
for the death of a man
organizmom rezistentným na penicilín.“
can be averted."
na nových antibiotikách,
on novel antibiotics,
have never seen before.
dotácie na vývoj liekov,
into making antibiotics again.
aby opäť začali pracovať na antibiotikách.
nová generácia baktérií.
every 20 minutes.
trvá vývoj nového lieku 10 rokov.
10 years to derive a new drug.
kódy nášho obranného systému.
to tell us automatically and specifically
vedeli „merať“ používanie antibiotík.
na objednávanie liekov tak,
into drug order systems
gets a second look.
prešiel dodatočnou kontrolu.
prestali používať v poľnohospodárstve.
to give up antibiotic use.
kde sa začína prejavovať rezistencia.
is emerging next.
to change a habit.
we've done that in the past.
into the streets,
to the possibility of cancer,
were expensive,
a nie sú v našom najlepšom záujme.
ktoré sa týkajú antibiotík.
around antibiotic use too.
of antibiotic resistance
kúpili úspornú žiarovku,
a fluorescent lightbulb
about climate change,
na obale od krekrov,
the deforestation from palm oil,
palmového oleja sa odlesňuje,
k riešeniu nesmierneho problému.
an overwhelming problem.
for antibiotic use too.
urobiť prvé krôčiky správnym smerom.
ak sme si nie istí, že sú to tie správne.
if we're not sure it's the right one.
antibiotík pre naše deti pri zápale uší,
for our kid's ear infection
by sme sa mohli opýtať,
kurence, krevety alebo ovocie
or shrimp or fruit
za pomoci antibiotík.
of the post-antibiotic world.
príchod postantibiotickej éry.
éru antibiotík v roku 1943.
the antibiotic era in 1943.
priviedli na pokraj katastrofy.
up to the edge of disaster.
Maryn McKenna - Public health journalistMaryn McKenna recounts the often terrifying stories behind emerging drug-resistant diseases that medical science is barely keeping at bay.
Why you should listen
Maryn McKenna’s harrowing stories of hunting down anthrax with the CDC and her chronicle of antibiotic-resistant staph infections in Superbug earned her the nickname “scary disease girl” among her colleagues.
But her investigations into public health don’t stop there: she blogs and writes on the history of epidemics and the public health challenges posed by factory farming. For her forthcoming book, McKenna is researching the symbiotic history of food production and antibiotics, and how their use impacts our lives, societies and the potential for illness.
Maryn McKenna | Speaker |