Wanis Kabbaj: What a driverless world could look like
Wanis Kabbaj: Ako by mohol vyzerať svet bez šoférov
UPS's Wanis Kabbaj works at the intersection of biology and transportation. Full bio
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by French wines.
francúzskymi vínami.
in life is, I have to admit,
a to musím priznať,
watching cities from the sky,
mi prináša pohľad na mestá –
that they can hardly contain,
ktorú len ťažko možno ovládnuť,
and highways that structure their space.
tvoriace štruktúru ich priestoru.
look dramatically red and golden:
vytvorené cestujúcimi:
performing its vital function
vykonáva dôležité funkcie
of commute every day,
aby ho stálo za to žiť.
that can reach 130 miles per hour
rýchlosť 130 míľ za hodinu
as 19th-century horse carriages?
ako povozy v 19. storočí?
commuting in 2014.
do práce 29,6 miliardy hodín.
26 Pyramids of Giza.
postaviť 26 pyramíd v Gíze.
energy and human potential.
energiou a ľudským potenciálom.
alebo rozšíriť už existujúce.
hundreds of historical buildings
historických budov,
in fast-growing emerging cities.
ktoré sa rýchlo rozvíjajú.
are almost impossible:
významné rozšírenie sietí:
is getting clogged, it's getting sick,
je stále viac upchatý, chorľavie,
of thinking is not working.
working in transportation,
when speaking with a biotech customer.
keď som sa rozprával s biotechničkou.
of our vascular system.
nášho vaskulárneho systému.
„náš vaskulárny systém –
in the transportation business
v dopravnom biznise
množstvo riešení
sophisticated transportation laboratory.
dopravné laboratórium vo svete.
challenges was inside us?
je ukryté v našom vnútri?
in our veins most of our lives,
našimi cievami takmer po celý život,
on a daily basis?
takmer každý deň?
at two very different networks.
na dve veľmi odlišné siete.
of blood vessels in our bodies --
60 000 míľ ciev v svojom tele –
the Earth's circumference,
are everywhere inside us,
vo vašom tele,
underground subway systems
is focused on the ground,
je sústredená na zemi,
the three dimensions inside us,
tri dimenzie vnútri nášho tela,
is mostly two-dimensional.
je viac-menej dvojrozmerná.
is to embrace that verticality.
that can straddle traffic jams --
ktorý môže obísť dopravné zápchy,
to think about space and movement
aby som inak myslel o priestore a pohybe
like we did with our electrical grid.
ako sme to urobili s elektrickou sieťou.
are talking about testing
of suspended magnetic pods.
závesných magnetických gondol.
on flying urban taxis
na lietajúcich mestských taxíkoch,
from science-fiction déjà vu
presúvajú zo sci-fi déjà vu
transportation network
and solve traffic jams.
a vyriešenia dopravnej zápchy.
that we made, like the vehicles we use.
ako napríklad vozidlá, ktoré používame.
are getting restless.
available in the area,
miesta na parkovanie,
of urban traffic is generated
prepravy tvoria vodiči,
only have one passenger.
in one Londonian red bus.
do jedného londýnskeho červeného autobusu.
if it is what we need the most?
keď ho v skutočnosti potrebujeme?
is fully utilized.
je plne využitý.
millions of red blood cells
milióny červených krviniek
blood cells is not wasted, either.
červených krvinkách nie je premrhaný.
of their oxygen capacity is utilized.
95 % ich objemu kyslíka.
we used in our cities
že by vozidlá v našich mestách
you would have to walk, to bike
využiť na prechádzky, byciklovanie
incredibly efficient
neuveriteľne efektívna, je,
are not dedicated
alebo tkanivu,
traffic jams in our veins.
v našich cievach dopravné zápchy.
the cells of our body.
gets its own deliveries of oxygen
má vlastnú donášku kyslíka,
and individual form of transportation.
ale aj individuálna forma transportu.
or extensive mass-transit systems.
alebo na masové prepravné systémy.
that combine the convenience of cars
ktoré vedia skombinovať výhody auta
in a fast and smooth urban train,
mestskom vlaku,
five, ten, fifteen times
you didn't have to stop?
while you're moving
dynamicky odpájať,
bez šoférov,
po druhotnej cestnej sieti.
that is headed toward your suburb.
smerom na predmestie.
right to your doorstep.
at the same time.
aj individuálne.
modular, driverless vehicles of tomorrow.
modulárnych, autonómnych áut zajtrajška.
buzzing with drones,
s bzučiacimi dronmi,
and suspended magnetic pods
a závesnými magnetickými gondolami
is just trying to earn its way
sa snaží dostať sa do dopravnej siete
made by and for humans.
which is relatively simple,
pravidlá, čo je relatívne jednoduché,
s ľudskou nepredvídateľnosťou,
when whole cities become driverless?
pohybovali autá bez vodičov?
v jazdných pruhoch.
a žiadne jazdné pruhy.
are driverless and connected,
bez vodičov a prepojené,
and reaction time, minimum.
a reakčný čas je minimálny.
that can speed them up
alebo zrýchli autá okolo nich.
dopravných pravidiel,
self-improving algorithms.
nepretržite zdokonaľujúceho sa algoritmu.
rigor of German autobahns
prísnych nemeckých diaľnic
of the intersections of Mumbai.
our traffic grid will be,
dopravná sieť robotizovaná,
its movement will feel.
organickejší a živší.
of a transportation genius today.
dopravného génia dneška.
billions of years,
of iterations and mutations.
to evolve our transportation system.
aby sme vyvinuli náš dopravný systém.
Wanis Kabbaj - Transportation geekUPS's Wanis Kabbaj works at the intersection of biology and transportation.
Why you should listen
As the director of global strategy for healthcare logistics at UPS, Wanis Kabbaj finds ways for organizations to transport their temperature-sensitive medicines and biotechnologies safely around the world. For more than 16 years, Kabbaj's professional engagements have always revolved around transportation and innovation. Some of his ventures involved helping EADS Astrium use its satellite space transportation expertise in unexpected markets or participating in the global launch of Logan, a revolutionary low-cost vehicle, that helped Renault-Nissan harness a surprising growth in emerging markets.
Kabbaj is a dual citizen of Morocco and France and lived in four continents. Experiencing constant cultural transitions throughout his life gave him a real taste for analyzing problems through non-traditional lenses and blending disciplines that are usually kept separate.
Wanis Kabbaj | Speaker | TED.com