Kristen Marhaver: Why I still have hope for coral reefs
Kristen Marhaver: Prečo sa nevzdávam nádeje pre koralové útesy
TED Senior Fellow Kristen Marhaver is a marine biologist studying the ecology, behavior and reproduction of reef corals. Full bio
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pri ostrove Curaçao v južnom Karibiku.
som spoznala každý jeden z nich.
of diving on the same reef,
and ripped off their skin,
ktoré sa len ťažko zotavovali,
that would have a hard time healing,
ktoré celé obrastali riasami.
that would get overgrown by algae.
na celom útese hurikán napáchal,
klesla na dno a plakala som.
to try to fight for them?
za ich záchranu za svoju úlohu?
takýto príbeh od žiadneho iného vedca.
tell that kind of story
„plakal do potápačskej masky“.
nášho výskumu a plakali sme.“
the results of our coral surveys,
is having a moment, guys.
je špeciálna chvíľka, ľudia.
miznú doteraz nevídanou rýchlosťou.
than we've ever seen before.
počas leta tak dlho taká teplá,
in the summers,
normálne fungovať.
can't function normally.
that lives in their skin,
ktoré na nich žijú,
zvyčajne uhynú od hladu, odhnijú
that's left usually starves to death
ktoré potom obrastú riasy.
over an unbelievable scale.
v severnej časti o dve tretiny koralov
lost two-thirds of its corals last year
are in a nosedive right now,
how bad it's going to get,
sme tým už prešli.
through centuries of intense human abuse.
zaobchádzaním zo strany ľudí.
how the story goes.
what happens next.
the amount of coral on the seafloor,
koralov na morskom dne
of ratcheting human pressure,
jedným z 3 spôsobov.
alebo vzdialenejšie od ľudskej činnosti,
further from humans --
takýto útes dosiahnuť nulu.
pri severnom pobreží Curaçao v roku 2011.
sketchy diving there.
aby sme našli cestu späť,
so we could find our way back out,
that felt like an hour,
že plávam už hodinu,
až k útesu, ostala som v šoku.
lined up one after another.
tisícročných koralov.
of European colonialism in the Caribbean,
európskeho kolonializmu v Karibiku,
when it was given a chance to thrive.
ak má šancu prosperovať.
as we lose so many corals,
ich masívneho odumierania,
this massive coral die-off,
a niektoré budú nádherné.
and giving us food to eat
nás jedlom a podporovať turizmus,
vynášať miliardy dolárov.
billions and billions of dollars a year.
was 50 years ago,
útesov bol pred 50 rokmi,
bieleniam sa niektoré koraly zotavia.
in 2010 in the Caribbean
takýchto strhaných koralov.
on boulder corals like these.
ostala len polovica.
neskôr pozreli na jeho hranu,
of this coral a few years later,
a koral sa zotaví.
and a reasonable temperature.
a primeranú teplotu vody.
we take off them locally --
znečistenie splaškami a hnojivami,
sewage pollution, fertilizer pollution,
kým nestabilizujeme klímu,
as we stabilize the climate,
tough and necessary process
a nutným procesom stabilizácie klímy Zeme,
of planet Earth,
how corals make babies,
nájsť cestu na útesy,
find their way to the reef,
im prežiť tieto chúlostivé štádiá života.
to help them survive
coral babies of all time
koralov sa zjavil po hurikáne Omar.
I was studying before the storm,
vidíte veľmi zriedka.
babies of this species --
this little circle of polyps,
kruh polypov, má iba niekoľko rokov.
bratranci a sesternice po bielení.
tiež chce žiť 1 000 rokov.
and in the ocean
zmenili náš časový horizont.
on the short term,
byť neskutočne pesimistickí
a čo sme považovali za samozrejmé.
môžeme byť optimistickí a ambiciózni,
on the long term,
about what we fight for
a čo čakáme od našich vlád a od planéty.
for hundreds of millions of years.
už stovky miliónov rokov.
of the dinosaurs.
utrpieť obrovskú traumu
tremendous trauma and fully recover
ak dostanú šancu a ochranu.
and it's given protection.
been playing the long game,
a teraz oň ide aj nám.
Kristen Marhaver - Coral reef biologistTED Senior Fellow Kristen Marhaver is a marine biologist studying the ecology, behavior and reproduction of reef corals.
Why you should listen
Dr. Kristen Marhaver's work combines classic scientific methods with new technologies to help threatened coral species survive their early life stages. She was the first person to rear juveniles of the endangered Caribbean Pillar Coral. Now she's now developing bacterial tools to improve coral survival at all life stages.
Marhaver's research has been covered by NPR, BBC, The Atlantic and Popular Science, among hundreds of outlets. She's earned five fellowships and grants from the US National Science Foundation and multiple awards for science communication. Marhaver is a TED Senior Fellow, a WINGS Fellow, and a World Economic Forum Young Scientist.
Outside the lab, Marhaver advocates for stronger ocean conservation and smarter science communication. Her talks and articles have been featured by Google, Wired UK, Mission Blue and by ocean and scuba festivals around the world.
A scuba diver from the age of 15, Marhaver is a graduate of Georgia Institute of Technology and the Center for Marine Biodiversity and Conservation at Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Her lab is based at the CARMABI Research Station on the island of Curaçao.
Kristen Marhaver | Speaker |