Jon Ronson: When online shaming goes too far
Jon Ronson: Çfarë ndodh kur turpërimi në internet del jashtë kontrollit
Jon Ronson is a writer and documentary filmmaker who dips into every flavor of madness, extremism and obsession. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
it was like a place of radical de-shaming.
ishte nje vend radikal kunder turperimit.
shameful secrets about themselves,
turperuese per veten,
"Oh my God, I'm exactly the same."
"Oh Zot, jam ekzakteshisht njesoj."
that they had a voice,
or homophobic column,
ndonje kolone rraciste ose homofobike,
something about it.
that we understood but they didn't --
qe ne e kuptonim dhe ata jo--
their advertising.
reklamimet e tyre.
misused their privilege,
keperdornin privilegjet e tyre,
democratization of justice.
pop science writer called Jonah Lehrer --
diskredituar i shkences pop Jonah Lehner--
and faking quotes,
dhe pervetesuar kuotime,
and regret, he told me.
at a foundation lunch.
ne nje dreke Fondacioni.
important speech of his life.
me i rendesishem ne jeten e tij.
live-streaming his event,
live eventin,
until he turned up,
deri ne momentin qe mberriti,
Twitter feed right next to his head.
ngjitur me koken e tij
(Te qeshura)
in his eye line.
ne vijen e tij te shikimit.
because they were monstrous.
sepse ishin monstruoz.
I think this was a unique moment
mendoj qe ky ishte nje moment unik
horrific reality.
gjithmone e me te frikshem.
that were cascading into his eye line,
qe po i kalonin perpara syve,
te kerkonte ndjese:
into forgiving him."
deri ne faljen e tij."
that he is capable of feeling shame."
eshte i afte te ndiej turp."
by the best psychiatrist ever,
psikiatri me i mire i te tera koherave,
a tiny figure behind a lectern.
figure aq te zvogeluar pas podiumit.
a frigging sociopath."
nje sociopat i m***t."
to do, to dehumanize the people we hurt.
per tu thene, per te dehumanizuar njerezit qe lendojme.
but not feel bad about it.
por te mos ndihemi keq rreth kesaj.
te ishte nje gjyq i vertete,
begging for another chance,
duke u pergjeruar per nje mundesi tjeter,
courtroom dramas, we tend to identify
drama ne sallen e gjyqit, identifikohemi
and we become like hanging judges.
dhe ne behemi si gjykates vares.
perceived to have misused his privilege,
se kishte keqperdorur privilegjet e tij,
and we were still kicking,
dhe ne ende po e gjuanim,
for punching up.
per gjuajtjet.
when there wasn't a powerful person
kur nuk kishte nje person te fuqishem
that we could get.
qe ne ti pervisheshim.
began to feel like a day
filloi te ndihej si nje dite
te quajtur Justine Sacco.
with 170 Twitter followers,
me 170 ndjekes ne Twitter,
acerbic jokes to them,
shaka te hidhura,
from New York to London:
nga New York ne Londer:
It's 2014. Get some deodorant."
Eshte 2014-ta. Perdor deodorant."
Thank god for pharmaceuticals.]
Shyqyr zotit ekzistojne farmaceutiket.]
and pressed send, and got no replies,
"dergo" dhe nuk mori asnje pergjigje,
qe te tere ndjejme
congratulate us for being funny.
nuk na pergezon qe kemi humor.
doesn't talk back.
nuk na pergjigjet.
and she had a little time to spare
dhe kishte pak kohe te lire
another funny little acerbic joke:
nje shaka tjeter te hidhur dhe gazmore:
Just kidding. I'm white!]
Bej shaka. Jam e bardhe!]
got on the plane, got no replies,
hipi ne avion, nuk mori asnje pergjigje,
was taxiing on the runway,
qe avioni po zbriste ne piste
a message from somebody
nje mesazh nga dikush
to since high school,
qe prej gjimnazit,
to see what's happening to you."
te shoh se cfare po te ndodh."
from a best friend,
nga nje shoqe e ngushte,
trending topic on Twitter."
ne rang boteror."
of her 170 followers had sent the Tweet
ndjekesit e saj e kishte derguar Tweet-in
retweeted it to his 15,000 followers:
ripostuar tek 15,000 ndjekesit e tij:
from IAC's PR boss]
nga shefi i PR tek IAC]
to the Gawker journalist.
me gazetarin e Gawker.
and he said, "It felt delicious."
dhe ai tha, "Mrekullisht."
"But I'm sure she's fine."
"Por jam i sigurt qe ajo eshte shume mire."
because while she slept,
sepse nderkohe qe ajo flinte,
and dismantled it piece by piece.
dhe e shperbeu ate pjese pjese.
words ... bother you,
ju shqetesojne,
@CARE's work in Africa.]
punes se @CARE ne Afrike.]
racist tweet, I'm donating to @care today]
shpifura rraciste, po dhuroj tek @care sot]
racist as fuck tweet from Justine Sacco.
te shpifur dhe rracist nga Justine Sacco.
that night? A few of you.
ate nate? Disa prej jush.
your Twitter feed the way it did mine?
faqen tuaj te Twitter sic me ndodhi mua?
what everybody thought that night,
ate qe cdokush mendoi ate nate,
duke u bere e temerrshme!"
that joke was intended to be racist.
ajo shaka kishte qellim te ishte rraciste.
flaunting her privilege,
me privilegjet e saj,
flaunting of privilege.
mburrje me privilegjet.
or Randy Newman.
ose Randy Newman.
as good at it as Randy Newman.
qe s'ishte aq e zonja sa Randy Newman.
a couple of weeks later in a bar,
disa jave me vone ne nje bar,
puts us in a bit of a bubble
te vendos brenda nje flluske sapuni
in the Third World.
ne Boten e Trete.
night, a New Statesman writer Helen Lewis,
nje shkrimtare e re, Helen Lewis,
and wrote that she Tweeted that night,
dhe shkroi qe publikoi nje Tweet ate nate,
was intended to be racist,"
kishte qellim te ishte rraciste,"
a fury of Tweets saying,
nje furi Tweet-esh qe shkruanin,
a privileged bitch, too."
je nje k***e e privilegjuar."
as Justine's life got torn apart.
se si jeta e Justine u coptua.
this cunt @JustineSacco]
kete k****n @JustineSacco]
qe ajo te pushohej nga puna.
in the new year. #GettingFired]
ne vitin e ri. #PushimngaPuna]
to get her fired.
ta pushonin nga puna.
of your career. #SorryNotSorry
i karrieres tende. #NukmeVjenKeq]
hoping to sell their products
shpresen e shitjes se produkteve te tyre
stupid before you take off,
dicka idiote para se te niseni me avion,
on a @Gogo flight!]
me nje udhetim @Gogo flight!]
good money that night.
duke bere shume para ate nate.
Googled 40 times a month.
kerkohej ne google rreth 40 here ne muaj.
and the end of December,
fund te Dhjetorit,
1,220,000 here.
that that meant that Google made
qe kjo nenkuptonte qe Google beri
and 468,000 dollars
dhe 468,000 dollare
those of us doing the actual shaming --
ne qe bene turperimin e drejteperdrejt--
shaming interns for Google.
pa pagese per Google.
Justine Sacco gets aids? lol]
qe Justine Sacco te marri SiDA? lol]
this bitch and then we'll find out
duhet ta perdhunoj kete k****n
ngjyra e saj e lekures e mbron nga AIDS."
about destroying Justine,
te shkaterronim Justine,
are so simple-minded,
eshte kaq i thjeshte,
destroying somebody
te shkaterronim dike
destroying Justine.
ne menyre te papershtatshme.
a lot of disparate groups that night,
shume grupe te deshperuara ate nate,
You demented bitch...
nga puna! K***e e cmendur...
to ride bare back while in Africa.]
kalerosh pa shale nderkohe qe je ne Afrike.]
me te veshtire se meshkujt.
"I'm going to get you fired."
"Do bej te te pushojne nga puna."
and raped and cut out your uterus."
dhe te te perdhunojne dhe te te presin uterusin.'
outrageous, offensive comment.
nje koment ofendues dhe i papranueshem.
unreachable on an intl flight.]
e paarritshme ne nje udhetin nderkombetar.]
turned to excitement:
@JustineSacco's face when her plane lands
fytyren e @JustineSacco kur avioni i saj te zbrese
her inbox/voicemail. #fired]
is going to have the most painful
do te kete momentin me te dhimbshem
when her plane lands.]
kur avioni i saj te zbresi.]
bitch get fired. In REAL time.
@JustineSacco te pushohet nga puna. Ne kohe reale.
she's getting fired.]
a delightful narrative arc.
ishte nje hark narrativ tejet i bukur.
less judicial than this?
gjykuese se kjo.
and unable to explain herself,
ne pamundesi per te shpjeguar veten,
a huge part of the hilarity.
ishte pjese e madhe e gallates.
like toddlers crawling towards a gun.
si femije qe po zvarriteshim drejt nje arme.
which plane she was on, so they linked
ne cilin avion ishte, dhe e lidhen
On-time - arrives in 1 hour 34 minutes]
mberrin ne kohe- per 1 ore e 34 minuta]
to see someone self-destruct
te shohesh dike te vetshkaterrohet
ate qe po i ndodh. #akazbriturJustineende]
to go to bed, but everyone at the bar
qe te shtihem ne shtrat, por te gjithe tek bari
Can't look away. Can't leave.]
Nuk mund te bej sikur nuk shoh. Nuk mund te iki.]
thing to happen to my Friday night.]
me e mire qe i ka ndodhur te premtes time.]
to the airport to tweet her arrival?
ne aeroport te presi zbritjen e saj?
at Cape Town international.
ne Cape Town Internacional.
what it looks like to discover
se si duket dikush
because of a misconstrued liberal joke,
te nje shakaje liberale te keqkuptuar,
por nga njerez te sjellshem si ne,
sunnies as a disguise.]
syzet si nje mbulim.]
a mutual approval machine.
nje makine aprovimi reciprok.
who feel the same way we do,
qe ndihen ne te njejten menyre si ne,
we screen them out.
ne i perjashtojme ata.
that's the opposite of?
about people dying of AIDS in Africa.
per njerezit qe po vdisnin nga AIDS ne Afrike.
is what led us to commit
eshte ajo qe na nxiti drejt
in the Boston Review,
ne shkrimin tek Boston REview,
It's a cathartic alternative."
eshte nje alernative per katharsis."
meeting people like Justine Sacco --
duke takuar njerez si Justine Sacco--
of people like Justine Sacco.
njerez si Justine Sacco.
but they're not fine.
por ata nuk jane mire.
and suicidal thoughts.
dhe mendimeve vetvrasese.
who also told a joke that landed badly,
po ashtu tha nje shaka qe u mor per keq,
with learning difficulties,
me veshtiresi ne te mesuar,
because social media demanded it.
sepse rrjetet sociale e kerkuan.
of the night, forgetting who she was.
dhe harronte se kush ishte.
to have misused her privilege.
qe po perdorte privilegjet e saj.
to get people for than the things
me e mire per tu vene nen shenjster
like having children out of wedlock.
si te paturit femije jashte martese.
is becoming a free pass
po kthehet ne nje leje
anybody we choose to.
kedo qe ne zgjedhim.
our capacity for empathy
aftesine tone per empati
and unserious transgressions.
serioze dhe atyre joserioze.
and so to make it work,
dhe per ta bere te funksiononte,
ne nje karakter joreal.
the mining billionaire Desmond Sacco.
miljarderit te minierave Desmond Sacco.
her father is a SA mining billionaire.
i ati i saj eshte milrajder minierash.
And neither is her father.]
e vertet rreth Justine,
about her billionaire father,
per babain e saj miljarder,
the early days of Twitter,
diteve te hershme te Twitter,
shameful secrets about themselves,
sekrete te turpshme rreth vetes,
"Oh my God, I'm exactly the same."
"O zot, jam ekzaktesisht keshtu."
for people's shameful secrets.
per sekretet e pista te njerezve.
can overwhelm it all,
mund ta permbysi te gjithen,
te te keqit sekret brenda teje.
of people in the world:
humans over ideology,
njeriut perpara ideologjise,
ideology over humans.
ideologjise perpara njeriut.
perpara ideologjise,
for constant artificial high dramas
per dramacitet artificial te vazhdueshem
a magnificent hero
hero i mahnitshem
about our fellow humans.
per njerezit.
we are clever and stupid;
ne jemi te zgjuar dhe budallenj,
qe ne jemi ne zona gri.
was how it gave a voice
ishte dhenia e nje zeri
a surveillance society,
nje shoqeri vezhgimi,
is to go back to being voiceless.
eshte te kthehesh ne te qenin pa ze.
Google her name today,
e saj ne Google sot,
100 pages of Google results --
100 faqet e para ne rezultatet e Google
ju permendni nje histori tjeter
taken on by a reputation management firm,
nga nje firme e menaxhimit te reputacionit,
innocuous stories about her love for cats
histori te pafajshme rreth dashurire se saj per macet
managed to get the story
arriti ta hiqte historine
results, but it didn't last long.
por nuk zgjati shume.
creeping back up to the top result.
te ngjiteshin serish ne fillim te rezultateve.
the very best thing we can do,
gjeja me e mire qe mund te bejme,
or an ambiguous shaming,
turperimi te pandershem
the worst thing that happened to Justine
qe gjeja me e keqe qe i ndodhi Justine
like, everyone was against her,
te gjithe ishin kunder saj,
that you need to get out.
qe duhet te largohesh.
a babble of voices, like in a democracy,
disa zera, si ne demokraci,
I think that's much less damaging.
mendoj qe kjo eshte shume me pak e demshme.
stand up for somebody,
del ne mbrojtje te dikujt,
duke shkruajtur kete lliber.
reading for everybody, okay?
te lexohet nga te gjithe, dakord?
actually puts the spotlight on shamers.
e vendos fokusin tek "turperuesit".
have friendly reactions on Twitter.
miqesore ne Twitter.
with some people.
me disa njerez.
to just concentrate --
and were really nice about the book.
dhe ishin shume te sjellshem per librin.
stories about abuses of power,
histori rreth abuzimeve me fuqine,
over there in the military,
atje tek ushtria,
everybody applauds me.
te gjithe me duartrokasin.
people abusing our power now,"
qe po abuzojme me fuqine tone."
"Well you must be a racist too."
"Atehere dhe ti duhet te jesh nje racist."
yesterday -- we were at dinner,
dje- ishim duke ngrene darke,
with people around the table --
me njerezit rreth tavolines--
constructive discussion.
i kendshem dhe konstruktiv.
you turned to your phone,
ndiznit telefonin
We had like a TED dinner last night.
Kishim si nje darke TED mbreme.
and nice, and I decided to check Twitter.
dhe une vendosa te kontrolloja Twitter.
a white supremacist."
nje supermacist i bardhe."
a nice conversation with somebody,
nje bisede te kendshme me dike,
made the world a worse place.
e bente boten nje vend me te keq.
a John Carpenter movie from the 1980s,
si nje film i John Carpenteer i 1980's
will start screaming at each other
do fillojne ti bertasin njeri-tjetrit
and then eventually everybody
dhe ne nje moment dikush
as a really nice option.
nje opsion te mire.
JR: Thank you, Bruno.
JR: Faleminderit Bruno.
Jon Ronson - Writer, filmmakerJon Ronson is a writer and documentary filmmaker who dips into every flavor of madness, extremism and obsession.
Why you should listen
For his latest book, So You've Been Publicly Shamed, Jon Ronson spent three years traveling the world and talking to people who'd been subjected to high-profile public shamings. Whatever their transgression, the response was to be faced by an angry mob, as Ronson calls them "collective outrage circles" devoted to tearing down said person from any position of power. It does not, Ronson suggests gently, reflect so well on society as a whole.
In a previous book, The Psychopath Test, Ronson explored the unnerving world of psychopaths -- a group that includes both incarcerated killers and, one of his subjects insists, plenty of CEOs. In his books, films and articles, Ronson explores madness and obsession of all kinds, from the US military's experiments in psychic warfare to the obscene and hate-filled yet Christian rap of the Insane Clown Posse. He wrote a column for the Guardian, hosted an essay program on Radio 4 in the United Kingdom, and contributes to This American Life.
Jon Ronson | Speaker |