Jimmy Carter: Why I believe the mistreatment of women is the number one human rights abuse
Џими Картер (Jimmy Carter): Зашто верујем да је злостављање жена најважније кршење људских права
The president of the United States from 1977 to 1981, Jimmy Carter has used his post-presidency years to work for peace, teach, write and engage in global activism. Full bio
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since I left the White House,
након што сам отишао из Беле куће,
in The New Yorker a couple of years ago.
од пре пар година, из Њујоркера.
at his father,
I want to be a former president."
желим да будем бивши председник.”
as a former president,
био велики благослов,
in the world have ever had
around this whole universe.
with the 50 states in the United States,
са 50 америчких држава,
more than 145 countries in the world,
више од 145 држава,
programs in 80 nations on Earth.
сталне програме у 80 нација.
when we go into a country,
the king or the president,
in the most remote areas of Africa.
из најизолованијих делова Африке.
at the Carter Center
у Центру Картер
I can tell you without any equivocation
могу да вам кажем без недоумица,
of human rights on Earth
на свету,
is the abuse of women and girls.
злостављање жена и девојака.
that I'll mention to begin with.
овог феномена.
of religious scriptures, holy scriptures,
текстова, светих записа,
New Testament, Quran and so forth,
Курану, и осталим,
who are now in the ascendant positions
мушкараца који су сад у моћним позицијама,
and in the mosques.
to make sure that women
да се осигурају да се жене
to a secondary position
It's ordinarily not addressed.
на који се често не обраћа пажња.
a Southern Baptist for 70 years --
јужњачки баптиста 70 година.
Sunday school every Sunday;
сваке недеље.
in the year 2000 decided
је 2000. одлучила
a secondary position,
споредну улогу,
pastors, deacons in the church,
попови, ђакони у цркви,
у просторији,
стихове у Библији,
teach a man, and so forth.
да учи мушкарца, итд.
are misinterpreted
текстови погрешно тумачени
for instance, wants to cheat women,
на пример, жели да превари жене,
are not equal in the eyes of God,
нису једнаке у очима бога,
као једнаке себи?
for doing the same kind of work?
за обављање истог посла?
is the excessive resort to violence,
јесте прекомерно прибегавање насиљу,
tremendously around the world.
for instance, we have had
на пример,
in abuse of poor people,
у злостављању сиромашних људи,
by putting them in prison.
тако што их стављамо у затворе.
as governor of Georgia,
were in prison.
био је у затвору.
per 1,000 are in prison.
се налазе у затвору.
in the number of women
у броју жена
у затвору.
[one of the only countries] on Earth
that is a developed country.
али и даље практикује смртну казну.
the countries that are most abusive
које су најнасилније
in encouraging the death penalty.
тако што одобравамо смртну казну.
and I figured out the other day
и пре неки дан сам схватио
four billion dollars
4 милијарде долара
for the death penalty.
dollars it costs California
које Калифорнија плаћа
abolishing the death penalty,
који укида смртну казну,
of poor people and helpless people
и беспомоћних људи коме прибегавамо
in abuse of women.
у злостављању жена.
abuses of women that concern me most,
злостављања које ме највише брину,
a limited amount of time, as you know.
као што знате, имам ограничено време.
and not known by American women,
и непознато већини америчких жена,
very soon in her life,
by a so-called cutter
такозваним секачем
in a non-sterilized way,
of a woman's genitalia.
but not very rare cases,
али не веома ретким,
can just urinate or menstruate.
да уринира и менструира.
the same cutter goes in
тај исти секач
so she can have sex.
да има односе.
it's against the law in most countries.
закона у већини држава.
that live in Egypt today
it's more than 98 percent
је већи од 98 посто
before they reach maturity.
пре него што одрасту.
is honor killings,
из части,
again, of a holy scripture --
тумачећи неки свети запис -
that mandates this --
што захтева ово -
that her father does not approve,
кога њен отац не одобрава,
wears inappropriate clothing.
неприкладну одећу.
of her own family,
so-called disgrace to the family.
обешчасти породицу.
not so long ago by the United Nations
урадиле анализу у Египту,
of these murders of a girl
да је 75% убистава ових девојака
the uncle or the brother,
are conducted by women.
particularly is slavery,
јесте ропство
sold from Africa into slavery
је продато у ропство из Африке
the 19th century and the 18th century.
now living in slavery.
now has a mandate from Congress
од Конгреса
that 800,000 people are sold
да је 800.000 људи продато
every year into slavery,
сваке године, у ропство,
of those sold are women,
in human bondage, or slavery.
the Carter Center is located
где се Центар Картер налази
people sold into slavery every month.
у ропство сваког месеца.
in the nation because of that.
по људској трговини.
airport in the world,
на свету,
that come from the Southern Hemisphere.
из Јужне хемисфере.
that has brown or black skin,
several times more than that,
and in the United States now
и САД-у тренутно
the total drug trade in Atlanta, Georgia.
премашује трговину наркотицима.
and the basic problem is prostitution,
а основни проблем је проституција,
a whorehouse in America
of police or the mayor and so forth.
градоначелнику, и тако даље.
of the worst problems,
increasingly and put into sexual slavery
у сексуално ропство
decided to change the law,
Шведска је одлучила да промени закон,
and the male customers are prosecuted,
и мушке муштерије кривично гоњени,
prostitution has gone down.
just the opposite position.
for illegal sex trade,
због илегалне трговине сексом,
in the United States of America.
towards this so-called Swedish model.
приступ по шведском моделу.
која се може учинити.
in this country that all of us admire:
у овој земљи које сви ценимо:
university system.
универзитетски систем.
how many sexual assaults take place.
број сексуалних напада.
there were 26,000 sexual assaults
на 26.000 сексуалних напада
are actually prosecuted,
су заправо кривично гоњени,
officer of any organization --
било које организације -
or a battalion in the Army
или војног батаљона
has the right under law to decide
is for anybody to know
јесте да било ко зна
sexual assaults are taking place,
догодио сексуални напад,
who enter American universities
која похађа амерички универзитет
before she graduates,
a lot of publicity,
but other things,
али и других ствари,
are now condemned
сада осуђено
under Title IX
под Чланом IX
are not taking care of the women
не брину о женама
that more than half of the rapes
да је више од половине ових силовања
take place by serial rapists,
од стране серијских силоватеља,
they'll be prosecuted,
they can rape with impunity.
могу да силују некажњено.
that go on in our society.
у нашем друштву.
about the abuse of women and girls
у вези са злостављањем жена и девојчица
за исти посао,
but for full-time employment,
али за пуно запослење,
gets 23 percent less than a man.
мање од мушкарца.
the difference was 39 percent.
та разлика је била 39 посто.
partially because I was president
делимично зато што сам ја био председник
there's been no progress made,
није било никаквог напретка,
or 24 percent difference
nation on Earth.
нација на Земљи.
with about 25 different countries
са око 25 различитих земаља
on the ground fighting.
који се боре на терену.
we've been flying overhead
drones that attack people and so forth.
који нападају људе и тако даље.
with 25 different countries
I won't say which ones,
we didn't launch a missile,
нисмо лансирали ракету,
the resort to violence
прибегавање насиљу
of the holy scriptures
of abuse of women and girls.
и девојчица.
that I need not mention,
који не морам да напоменем,
men don't give a damn.
That's true.
I'm against the abuse of women and girls
ја сам против злостављања жена и девојчица
position that we occupy,
коју заузимамо,
to what I knew when I was a child,
ономе што сам знао као дете,
had existed for 100 years,
постојала 100 година,
Between the States, the Civil War,
Америчког грађанског рата,
there were many white people
постојало је пуно белих људи
racial discrimination was okay,
да је расна дискриминација у реду,
of better jobs,
бољих послова,
that exists today,
really doesn't care.
заиста није стало.
discrimination against girls and women,"
дискриминације према женама и девојчицама”
the majority of men
већину мушкараца
the military system,
војни систем,
the governments of the world,
који контролишу владе света,
the great religions.
велике религије.
that we need to do today?
коју морамо да урадимо данас?
that we could do today
коју можемо да урадимо
ви долазите,
and who have freedom to speak and to act,
и слободу говора и деловања,
on yourselves
against girls and women
према девојчицама и женама
about her daughters
to detail about that.
will get your husbands to realize
натерати свог мужа да схвати
and the military and so forth
на кампусима, у војсци, и тако даље,
and your granddaughters.
four children, and 10 great-grandchildren,
will face in America,
са којима ће се суочити у Америци,
or a foreign country,
или некој другој земљи
and girls around the world
и девојчице широм света
Jimmy Carter - Peace activistThe president of the United States from 1977 to 1981, Jimmy Carter has used his post-presidency years to work for peace, teach, write and engage in global activism.
Why you should listen
While in office, Jimmy Carter brokered historic peace deals and treaties. Since the 1980s, he has worked tirelessly for conflict resolution around the globe through The Carter Center, where he has engaged in mediation in Ethiopia, Eritrea, North Korea, Liberia, Haiti, Bosnia, Venezuela, Nepal and the Middle East, among many other countries and regions. Under his leadership, The Carter Center has sent 96 election observation missions to the Americas, Africa and Asia. They're also leading the fight against Guinea worm, on track to be the second human disease in history to be eradicated.
In 2002, Carter was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize "for his decades of untiring effort to find peaceful solutions to international conflicts, to advance democracy and human rights, and to promote economic and social development." He's a member of the Elders, a group of independent global leaders working for peace and human rights.
Jimmy Carter | Speaker | TED.com