Aleph Molinari: Let's bridge the digital divide!
Through education and technology-focused community centers, Aleph Molinari empowers the 5 billion people who cannot access or use the Internet and other technologies. Full bio
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that's 45 years old and can't get a job,
عامًا ولا تستطيع الحصول على وظيفة،
how to use a computer.
that he can call his family for free.
أن بإمكانه مكالمة أسرته مجانًا
resolve his homework,
access to information.
and communities
to information technologies
It happens because of 3 things.
access to these technologies
على تلك التقنيات لأنهم
they don't know how to use them.
عن المنافع المستمدة من التقنية.
the benefits derived from technology.
بهذا الصدد
some very basic statistics.
is nearly seven billion people.
السبعة مليارات شخص.
are digitally included.
of the entire world population,
70% of the world --
من سكان العالم...
وشبكة الإنترنت
to a computer or the internet.
that number for a second.
times the population of India,
أربعة أضعاف سكان الهند.
have never accessed the internet.
ولا يستطيعون الدخول على شبكة الإنترنت.
that we're talking about,
around the world.
of the internet connections
in the dark shadow of digital divide.
تلك الفجوة الرقمية.
city-to-city, around the world,
في أنحاء العالم
of the information generated
between North America and Europe,
broadcasting their ideas or information.
لا يبثون أفكارهم ومعلوماتهم.
to be having a digital revolution,
thinks that we're part of,
digitally excluded is not part of this.
لا تشملهم تلك الثورة.
excluded won't be able to compete
لن يكون بإمكانهم المنافسة
وأقل إطلاعًا على المعلومات وأقل إلهامًا
they'll be less informed,
it should be a right,
of the 21st century.
في القرن الحادى والعشرين.
It is a tool for change.
إنها وسيلة للتغيير.
to bridge this digital divide?
كيف سنعمل على سد تلك الفجوة الرقمية؟
that try and bridge the digital divide,
سد تلك الفجوة الرقمية.
the population at large.
Are they really working?
هل أثمرت هذه النماذج نتائج ناجحة؟
بـ "مبادرة حاسوب لكل طفل"،
knows One Laptop per Child,
to take computers to their homes,
إلى منازلهم،
that by giving a child a computer,
أن إعطاء طفل صغير حاسبًا آليّا،
very high costs,
maintenance, software, updates.
والصيانة، وتحديث البرمجيات.
rather than add a burden on them.
العبء عليهم.
about the carbon footprint.
التي ستنتج عن ذلك.
that would be generated from that.
the youth, ages 10 to 24.
ما بين 10 و24 عامًا.
of the digitally excluded population.
من مجموع السكان المستبعدين رقميًا.
مثل هذا المبلغ الضخم؟
we created a different model.
and Innovation Network,
شبكة الابتكار والتعلم،
through the use of technology.
استخدام التقنية.
of users per computer in such a way
للحاسوب الواحد بطريقة
of infrastructure, the cost per user,
والتكلفة لكل مستخدم،
education and technology
the One Laptop per Child model
of operation than schools,
the oldest is 86 --
وأما أكبرهم فعمره 86 عاما...
we were able to reach 140,000 users,
على الوصول إلى 140,000 مستخدم،
graduated from our courses.
is that it doesn't guarantee
فهي لا تؤمّن
المحتويات التعليمية.
without that content.
as a means, not as an end.
وليست غاية.
and pretend to change it,
والتظاهر بتغييره،
we call "urban acupuncture."
"العلاج بالوخز في المناطق الحضرية"
at the basic geography of a site.
إلى الجغرافيا الأساسية للمكان
populated municipalities in Mexico.
من حيث الكثافة السكانية.
we look at roads, streets,
وننظر إلى الشوارع، والأحياء،
we look at education.
to heal the body,
that we need to consider
نحتاج إلى أخذها بالاعتبار
through technology.
that is welcoming to the community,
of the children and of the elders
that lives within that community.
that are all made with recycled materials.
بموادّ مُعادٍ تدويرها.
to lower the ecological impact.
لتقليل الأثر البيئي.
a connection to the internet,
that's an interconnection of humans.
يربط بين البشر.
and the emotions of human beings.
that aid in exchanging information.
تبادل المعلومات.
to have a relationship
a very basic learning route,
how to use a computer,
how to use office software,
we create digital citizens.
نخلق مواطنين مثقفين رقميًا،
are just going to touch a computer
بأن بمجرد تعامل الناس مع الحواسيب
a longer educational route.
that will facilitate learning
تسهيل التعلم لهؤلاء الناس.
the digital divide,
حياتهم إلى الأمام.
it can complement their lives.
في كسر الحاجز الرقمي.
in breaking that digital barrier.
a digital learning community.
that technology can create,
content, then we do training,
so that we can improve content.
ليتسنى لنا تحسين المحتوى بها.
types of intelligence
is something that can modify
communities in all of Mexico.
on the people that live off trash,
يعيشون اعتمادا على النفايات
are built with trash,
and the way they work,
that can change
cycle is education.
هو التعليم فقط، ليس غيرُ.
to bring education to these communities.
من أجل تقديم التعليم لهذه المجتمعات.
is not going to save the world;
هي أن التقنية لن تنقذ العالم،
technology to help us.
ويمكن استخدام التقنية لمساعدتنا.
has experienced it;
to make the world a better place.
لجعل العالم مكانًا أفضل.
Aleph Molinari - Economist, techno-activistThrough education and technology-focused community centers, Aleph Molinari empowers the 5 billion people who cannot access or use the Internet and other technologies.
Why you should listen
Economist Aleph Molinari is working to close the digital divide and empower people by providing access to technology education. In 2008, he founded Fundación Proacceso, and in 2009 launched the Learning and Innovation network, which uses community centers to educate under-served communities about different technologies and tools. To date, the network has graduated 28,000 users through 42 educational centers throughout Mexico.
Aleph Molinari | Speaker |