Maya Penn: Meet a young entrepreneur, cartoonist, designer, activist ...
Maya Penn: Coneix a una jove empresària, dibuixant, dissenyadora i activista...
Maya Penn makes eco-friendly clothes and accessories, which she sells on a site she built -- and gives away a percent of the profits. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
memòria RAM,
without polymorphic dressing,
sense condiment polimòrfic,
zombie tracking cookies, thank you.
de rastreig zombi d'aquestes, gràcies.
since I could hold a crayon,
capaç d'aguantar un llapis,
about what an animator was.
què era un animador.
"Això és el que vull ser jo."
a la meva vida.
el meu primer amor.
que va fer sorgir la idea
little world inside the computer?
petit món dins de l'ordinador?
em va ensenyar
and put it back together again.
i tornar-lo a muntar.
per la tecnologia.
pollinators in our environment
pol·linitzadors del nostre medi ambient
criatures tan bufones
M'ho hauria d'haver imaginat!
comencen amb idees
allò que mou el món.
anomenat Les Idees de la Maya,
començar el meu negoci
fins i tot en el meu negoci.
les meves creacions
and the price of each item.
a vendre's arreu del món
contacted me when I was 10 years old.
Forbes em va contactar.
a una edat primerenca
good steward to the environment.
amb el medi ambient.
after dyeing has being completed,
de finalitzar el procés de tintura,
necessitats dels meus clients
ability of future generations
de que les generacions futures
to get it through your heads
Maya Penn - Entrepreneur, animator, philanthropist ...Maya Penn makes eco-friendly clothes and accessories, which she sells on a site she built -- and gives away a percent of the profits.
Why you should listen
To sell her line of luscious knit scarves and eco-friendly hats, teenaged entrepreneur Maya Penn built and maintains her own retail website. (She started the business when she was 8.) She’s also an animator and a geek, and an eager evangelist of teaching kids of be entrepreneurs at any age. Bursting with ideas, she recently started a side nonprofit called Maya’s Ideas 4 The Planet.
Maya Penn | Speaker |