Rebecca Onie: What if our health care system kept us healthy?
Rebecca Onie: Što kad bi nas naš zdravstveni sustav održavao zdravima?
Rebecca Onie is the founder of Health Leads, a program that connects patients to basic care and resources, such as food and housing, that are the root cause of many health problems. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
duboko nadahnutim odvjetnikom
zdravstveni problem u pozadini.
na pravnom fakultetu.
ponekad četiri autobusa
koji dolaze u kliniku --
nego u mnogim drugim klinikama.
s karticama u čekaonici klinike --
9000 pacijenata i njihovih obitelji
zdravstvena centra u zemlji,
iz proračuna klinike za lijekove.
očekuje da njihov novac
hranu svojima pacijentima,
čudnom stanju koje nikako da završi.
za održavanje pacijenata zdravima,
bismo imali zdravstveni sustav,
budemo iskreni sami sa sobom.
zdravstvena skrb održava zdravima
sve dijelove zdravstvene skrbi
bolje palete kliničkih izbora,
drugu pod-specijalističku uputnicu.
sredstva za svoje pacijente,
indeksom tjelesne mase,
hranom i programom vježbe
u klinikama u ovoj zemlji.
ondje cijelu vječnost, čekajući.
ponovno osmisliti čekaonicu.
upravo su vam isključili grijanje,
i menadžera slučaja
zdravstvene radne snage
u nekom ranom jutarnjem satu
u natjecateljskom duhu,
osnovnim zdravstvenim potrebama.
potrebe zdravstvene skrbi.
na tisuće takvih ljudi.
pojesti uz propisani lijek?
pokriti troškove propisanog lijeka?
Jeffu Purcellu, svom odvjetniku,
zdravstvene potrebe pacijenata."
Rebecca Onie - Health services innovatorRebecca Onie is the founder of Health Leads, a program that connects patients to basic care and resources, such as food and housing, that are the root cause of many health problems.
Why you should listen
In 1996, as a sophomore in college, Rebecca Onie had a realization: The health care system in the United States was not set up to diagnose nor treat the socioeconomic issues that lead to poor health, and that health care providers are not given tools to address basic problems like nutrition and housing.
So, while still a sophomore, she co-founded Health Leads, a program that assists low-income patients and their families to access food, heat, and other basic resources they need to be healthy. With the additional insight that college volunteers could be recruited and trained into an elite group just like a college sport team, she found the people and skills needed to produce such an audacious idea. Since then it has grown tremendously, and now operates in Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, New York, Providence, and Washington, DC, and in the last year assisted over 8,800 patients.
In 2009, Rebecca was awarded a MacArthur “Genius” Fellowship.
Photo: Courtesy of the John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
Rebecca Onie | Speaker |