Beau Lotto + Amy O'Toole: Science is for everyone, kids included
Beau Lotto + Amy O’Toole: Znanost je za svakoga, uključujući djecu
Beau Lotto is founder of Lottolab, a hybrid art studio and science lab. With glowing, interactive sculpture -- and old-fashioned peer-reviewed research--he's illuminating the mysteries of the brain's visual system. Full bioAmy O'Toole - Student
Amy O'Toole is a 12-year-old student who helped run a science experiment inspired by Beau Lotto's participative science approach. At age 10 she became one of the youngest people ever to publish a peer-reviewed science paper. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
Publika: Možete li ovo pročitati?
Publika: Vi ne čitate ovo.
temelji na našem iskustvu.
što znači da mi nikad ne vidimo
Proizvodi ponašanje
kako bismo mi željeli,
naše snove, odjeću koju nosimo,
na našoj povijesti, to znači
s onime što smo činili prije.
govore: "Stojim na mjestu."
s nesigurnošću te informacije pa oboli.
najopasnijih stvari koje možete učiniti,
to da zakoračimo u taj prostor.
učiniti nešto novo? Na sreću,
stvaraju najviše nesigurnosti.
za koje već mislimo da su istinite.
ono za što već misliš da je istina --
na problem nesigurnosti?
gdje se nesigurnost
zapravo socijalno zbližavamo,
Igra je sama sebi nagrada.
u dobi od osam do deset godina.
Tako sam odnio svoju pčelinju arenu
da znanost vide drukčije,
vide same sebe drukčije.
sponzorstvo za ovaj projekt
Ispisao sam ih malim slovima
da je pet pitanja koja su djeca smislila
posljednjih pet do petnaest godina.
s nekim veoma posebnim.
uključenih u ovo istraživanje
znanstvenika s objavljenim radom.
Bilo bi odlično kad bi ljudi i pčele
da su tako različite od nas.
zapravo ima puno smisla,
bila je po pravilu ako-onda.
ne samo da odlaze određenoj boji,
ako su odlazile žutim cvjetovima
i nitko to nije prije učinio,
i nemati pojma što radi,
Učenik: 5C.
tamo gore? Učenik: Da.
Učenik: Henry, možeš mi pomoći?
Koji će dobar znanstvenik to reći?
Imamo svoje podatke.
i pokušati predati na objavljivanje.
Rezultati, što je opaženo.
"Bilo jednom davno…" (Smijeh)
zagonetka… tam tam taaaam." (Smijeh)
bit će navedeno kao "Blackawton et al.",
predali javno dostupnom časopisu
kontrolu kvalitete iz nekoliko razloga." (Smijeh)
pa sam ga poslao Daleu Purvesu
jedan je od vodećih neuroznanstvenika u svijetu,
koji sam ikad pročitao" -- (Smijeh) --
kaže: "Rad je fantastičan.
poslali časopisu Biology Letters.
s objavljenim radom na svijetu.
vrhunskom znanstvenom časopisu.
preko Biology Lettersa.
besplatno dostupan preko tog časopisa.
ne samo od znanstvenika i učitelja
kako se trenutno osjećam.
a ovo je nevjerojatan rizik, zar ne? (Smijeh)
do sad učinili samo jednom. (Smijeh)
u onome što znanost čini za nas.
posljednji glas u ovoj kratkoj priči.
sam ja razmišljala o znanosti
nije samo dosadan predmet
BL: Puno hvala. (Pljesak)
Beau Lotto - Neuroscientist, ArtistBeau Lotto is founder of Lottolab, a hybrid art studio and science lab. With glowing, interactive sculpture -- and old-fashioned peer-reviewed research--he's illuminating the mysteries of the brain's visual system.
Why you should listen
"Let there be perception," was evolution's proclamation, and so it was that all creatures, from honeybees to humans, came to see the world not as it is, but as was most useful. This uncomfortable place--where what an organism's brain sees diverges from what is actually out there--is what Beau Lotto and his team at Lottolab are exploring through their dazzling art-sci experiments and public illusions. Their Bee Matrix installation, for example, places a live bee in a transparent enclosure where gallerygoers may watch it seek nectar in a virtual meadow of luminous Plexiglas flowers. (Bees, Lotto will tell you, see colors much like we humans do.) The data captured isn't just discarded, either: it's put to good use in probing scientific papers, and sometimes in more exhibits.
At their home in London’s Science Museum, the lab holds "synesthetic workshops" where kids and adults make abstract paintings that computers interpret into music, and they host regular Lates--evenings of science, music and "mass experiments." Lotto is passionate about involving people from all walks of life in research on perception--both as subjects and as fellow researchers. One such program, called "i,scientist," in fact led to the publication of the first ever peer-reviewed scientific paper written by schoolchildren ("Blackawton Bees," December 2010). It starts, "Once upon a time ..."
These and Lotto's other conjurings are slowly, charmingly bending the science of perception--and our perceptions of what science can be.
Beau Lotto | Speaker |
Amy O'Toole - Student
Amy O'Toole is a 12-year-old student who helped run a science experiment inspired by Beau Lotto's participative science approach. At age 10 she became one of the youngest people ever to publish a peer-reviewed science paper.
Why you should listen
Amy O'Toole is a 12-year-old student with a peer-reviewed scientific publication under her belt. She took part in a participative science program led by Beau Lotto , called "i, scientist," which inspired a science experiment by a group of 26 primary school students in Blackawton, Devon, UK. O'Toole was never interested in science before this project, but now intends to study the human mind and body. The project led to the publication of the first ever peer-reviewed scientific paper written by schoolchildren ("Blackawton Bees," Royal Society's Biology Letters, December 2010). It starts: "Once upon a time ... ."
Amy O'Toole | Speaker |