Elizabeth Nyamayaro: An invitation to men who want a better world for women
Elizabeth Nyamayaro: Ajakan bagi para pria yang menginginkan dunia yang lebih baik bagi wanita
Elizabeth Nyamayaro is the Senior Advisor to the Under Secretary-General and Executive Director of UN Women, as well as head of UN Women's blockbuster HeForShe initiative. Full bio
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dengan gadis berseragam biru.
in the blue uniform.
in the blue uniform
mengangkat harkat semua orang Afrika."
all the people of Africa."
untuk kedua kalinya.
but to send me to the city
selain mengirim saya ke kota
yang tak pernah saya temui.
I had never met before.
for the very first time.
tidak setara.
what it was to be unequal.
of the other kids,
in terms of reading and writing.
would get even more complex.
menjadi lebih rumit lagi.
with my grandmother
bersama nenek saya
dari kesempatan yang luar biasa ini
this incredible opportunity
than the rest of my village.
yang lebih daripada orang lain di desa.
I was no longer their equal.
in the blue uniform,
akan gadis berseragam biru,
harkat orang lain."
led me to the United Nations,
ke PBB,
masalah ketidak-setaraan terbesar
one of the greatest inequalities
separuh populasi dunia --
of the world's population --
all of us together.
mengangkat harkat kita bersama.
of Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka,
Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka,
di seluruh dunia
from around the world
dan juga dengan perempuan,
with each other and with women,
untuk kesetaraan gender.
for gender equality.
for those who believe in equality
yang percaya akan kesetaraan
bahwa mereka juga meyakininya.
that they believe.
pada ide sederhana:
jauh lebih kuat
sometimes remain unspoken.
kadang tak diucapkan.
mengangkat harkat kita semua,
an inflection point for gender equality.
titik balik kesetaraan gender.
yang membagi kertas menjadi dua.
splitting it in half.
are represented here,
digambarkan di sini,
the 3.2 billion men,
3,2 milyar pria,
men can stand alongside women
pria dapat berdiri di samping wanita,
yang benar dalam sejarah,
sebuah kenyataan di abad ke-21.
in the 21st century.
would prove quite controversial.
gerakan ini ternyata cukup kontroversial.
Merekalah masalahnya.
when we launched HeForShe.
ketika kami meluncurkan HeForShe.
lebih dari 100.000 pria
menjadi agen perubahan untuk kesetaraan.
to be agents of change for equality.
in every single country in the world
ada satu pria di setiap negara di dunia
1,2 milyar percakapan di media sosial.
1.2 billion conversations on social media.
started pouring in,
kami mulai kebanjiran e-mail,
di luar Zimbabwe,
terhadap pasangannya,
that were abusive to their partners,
menjadi suami dan ayah yang lebih baik.
into better husbands and fathers.
organized an innovative bicycle rally,
mengadakan perlombaan sepeda inovatif,
di komunitas mereka.
within their own community.
in his own community.
di lingkungannya.
who continuously beats up his wife.
yang selalu memukili istrinya.
called the HeForShe,
yang disebut HeForShe,
peran kami.
the woman cry again next door,
wanita di sebelah rumah menangis lagi,
untuk melakukan sesuatu,
and I confronted the husband.
into something within men,
mengetuk nurani pria,
where women and men are equal
di mana wanita dan pria adalah setara
of bringing men to the cause.
kepada akar permasalahannya.
structural change that can equalize
dan terstruktur, yang mampu menyetarakan
antara wanita dan pria.
and social realities for women and men.
to make concrete actions,
untuk mengambil tindakan konkret,
hingga ke taraf personal,
at a personal level,
businesses, universities,
bisnis, dan universitas,
within their own institutions.
and leaders have stepped up
dan orang terkemuka yang maju
yang konkret.
HeForShe commitments.
di Perancis, Accord,
hospitality company, Accord,
hingga tahun 2020.
both the employment and the pay gap
perbedaan kepegawaian dan perbedaan upah
dalam masa pemerintahan saat ini.
within the current electoral term.
sebagai bentuk komitmen HeForShe
their HeForShe commitments,
pusat riset gender terdepan di Jepang.
leading gender-research centers.
from every single walk of life,
di segala bidang kehidupan,
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
and the EU Council,
all the male EU Commissioners
seluruh Komisaris pria Uni Eropa
of the Swedish and Iceland governments
has joined the movement.
telah bergabung dalam pergerakan ini.
goodwill ambassador, Emma Watson,
kami yang penuh pengabdian, Emma Watson,
five billion media impressions,
lima milyar tayangan media,
di seluruh dunia
of students around the world
HeForShe student associations.
asosiasi pelajar HeForShe.
of the vision that HeForShe has
bagian dari keseluruhan ...
dari yang lainnya ..
is a kind of prison for us ...
to free ourselves from this prison
untuk membebaskan diri dari penjara ini
are part of a greater whole,
bagian dari kesatuan yang lebih besar,
can help free us to realize
membebaskan kita agar dapat menyadari
yang membentuk diri kita,
into women's and men's dreams,
mimpi wanita dan pria,
anak-anak kita,
for our families, our children,
mengangkat martabat kita semua
all of us together.
Elizabeth Nyamayaro - Political scientistElizabeth Nyamayaro is the Senior Advisor to the Under Secretary-General and Executive Director of UN Women, as well as head of UN Women's blockbuster HeForShe initiative.
Why you should listen
Political scientist Elizabeth Nyamayaro is the senior advisor to the Under Secretary-General and Executive Director of UN Women. She has worked at the forefront of Africa’s development agenda for more than a decade in both the public and private sector, and has held positions with UNAIDS, the World Health Organization and the World Bank.
Nyamayaro is founder of Africa IQ, an innovative social impact organisation with a mission to promote Africa’s sustainable economic growth and development. She is also the driving force behind the @HeForShe campaign, which mobilized more than 100,000 men in every country around the globe. The campaign created 1.2 billion Twitter impressions in just one week, rallying men as advocates and change agents in ending the persisting inequalities faced by women and girls globally.
Elizabeth Nyamayaro | Speaker | TED.com