Christopher Soghoian: How to avoid surveillance ... with the phone in your pocket
Christopher Soghoian: Bagaimana menghindari pengawasan -- dengan ponsel di saku Anda
Christopher Soghoian researches and exposes the high-tech surveillance tools that governments use to spy on their own citizens, and he is a champion of digital privacy rights. Full bio
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wiretapping assistance to governments.
pemerintah menyadap telepon.
this assistance was manual.
diberikan secara manual.
and wires were connected by hand.
dan kabel dihubungkan oleh manusia.
built surveillance features
fitur pengawasan
that carry our calls
yang digunakannya
untuk pengawasan.
when you're talking to your spouse,
dengan pasangan, anak,
or your doctor on the telephone,
be your own government;
a foreign intelligence service,
badan intelijen asing;
the surveillance system,
ke dalam sistem pengawasan,
of the telephone companies.
perusahaan telepon.
have built surveillance as a priority,
pembuatan pengawasan,
over the last couple years,
yang mengembangkan teknologi enkripsi
strong encryption technology
extremely difficult.
might have an iPhone,
mungkin punya iPhone,
to send a text message
untuk mengirim pesan teks
cannot easily be wiretapped.
the text messages themselves.
pesan teks tersebut.
to make an audio call
untuk melakukan telepon biasa
friends or loved ones,
teman atau pacar kita,
of people around the world,
di seluruh dunia,
encryption technology into its product,
ke dalam produknya,
in the Global South can easily communicate
Global South dapat mudah berkomunikasi
often authoritarian,
to listen to any telephone call --
setiap panggilan telepon --
officials are not very happy.
pemerintah tidak begitu senang.
these encryption tools are now available.
alat enkripsi ini sekarang tersedia.
encryption features into their products
membangun fitur enkripsi dalam produknya
pengaturan standar.
have democratized encryption.
telah mendemokratisasi enkripsi.
like British Prime Minister David Cameron,
seperti PM Inggris David Cameron,
emails, texts, voice calls --
-- email, sms, dan panggilan suara --
available to governments,
to their point of view.
sudut pandang mereka.
in a dangerous world,
yang berbahaya,
serious national security threats
keamanan nasional serius lainnya
the FBI and the NSA to monitor.
FBI dan NSA mengawasinya.
features come at a cost.
membutuhkan biaya.
as a terrorist laptop,
communications devices.
alat komunikasi yang sama.
if the drug dealers' telephone calls
can be intercepted,
around the world be using devices
dunia menggunakan perangkat
systems that I've described --
yang sudah saya jelaskan tadi --
and Microsoft built into their networks --
dan Microsoft dalam jaringan mereka,
to lawful surveillance requests
permintaan pengawasan
by the Chinese government,
Pemerintah China
wanted to figure out
the US government was monitoring.
yang diawasi Pemerintah AS.
built into the network
terpasang di dalam jaringan
Greece's largest telephone company --
perusahan ponsel terbesar di Yunani --
the surveillance feature,
the Greek Prime Minister
who did that were never caught.
melakukannya tak pernah tertangkap.
with these surveillance features,
fitur pengawasan
into a communications network
pada jaringan komunikasi
who's going to go through it.
siapa yang akan menggunakannya.
or the other side,
pihak Anda atau pihak lain,
I think that it's better
saya pikir akan lebih baik
to be as secure as possible.
wiretapping more difficult.
penyadapan menjadi lebih sulit.
are going to have a tougher time
to live in a world
untuk hidup di dunia
text messages could be surveilled
dapat diawasi
and by foreign intelligence agencies.
dan badan intelijen asing.
in that kind of world.
di dunia seperti itu.
you probably have the tools
of government surveillance
pengawasan pemerintah
and already in your pockets,
and how secure those tools are,
dan amannya peralatan tersebut,
you've used to communicate really are.
Anda sebelumnya.
telepon kita.
I want you to tell your colleagues:
terdekat dan rekan-rekan Anda:
because they're cheap and easy,
karena murah dan mudah,
Christopher Soghoian - Privacy researcher and activistChristopher Soghoian researches and exposes the high-tech surveillance tools that governments use to spy on their own citizens, and he is a champion of digital privacy rights.
Why you should listen
TED Fellow Christopher Soghoian is a champion of digital privacy rights, with a focus on the role that third-party service providers play in enabling governments to monitor citizens. As the principal technologist at the American Civil Liberties Union, he explores the intersection of federal surveillance and citizen's rights.
Before joining the ACLU, he was the first-ever technologist for the Federal Trade Commision's Division of Privacy and Identity Protection, where he worked on investigations of Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and Netflix. Soghoian is also the creator of Do Not Track, an anti-tracking device that all major web browsers now use, and his work has been cited in court.
Christopher Soghoian | Speaker |