Nancy Lublin: How data from a crisis text line is saving lives
Nancy Lublin: SMS memilikan yang menginspirasi jaringan bantuan krisis
As the CEO and Founder of Crisis Text Line, Nancy Lublin is using technology and data to help save lives. Full bio
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yang tidak saya kenal
of thousands of other people.
dan hidup ribuan orang lainnya.
in the world for young people.
untuk anak muda.
in the United States.
anak laki-laki di AS.
with young people is by text,
dengan anak muda memakai SMS,
young people communicate.
200 kampanye tahun ini,
for food pantries,
persediaan makanan,
for senior citizens who are homebound.
orang jompo yang tinggal di rumah.
mencapai di atas 97 persen,
dan perkotaan.
200.000 botol selai kacang
having nothing to do with peanut butter
hubungannya dengan selai kacang
we ever got said exactly this:
yang kami pernah terima, begini bunyinya:
Are you there?"
Apakah Anda mendengar saya?"
so horrific could happen to a human being,
dapat terjadi pada seseorang
something so intimate, so personal.
hal yang sangat intim, sangat pribadi.
we had to stop triaging this
for these people in pain.
bagi orang-orang seperti mereka.
just a few thousand people in each market.
dengan hanya beberapa ribu orang.
we were in all 295 area codes in America.
di keseluruhan 295 kode pos di Amerika.
than when Facebook first launched.
tumbuh lebih cepat dibandingkan Facebook.
saat jam makan siang --
the cute boy across the hall,
cowok ganteng di seberang ruangan,
about her bulimia.
tentang masalah bulimia-nya.
or "um" or hyperventilating or crying.
"seperti" atau "emm"
Hanya fakta.
"Saya ingin mati.
on the desk in front of me."
in the drawer while we text?"
di laci sementara kita SMS-an?"
beberapa saat.
gets the girl to give her her address,
mendapatkan alamatnya,
a text line, you want help.
Anda ingin dibantu.
an active rescue
memanggil aksi penyelamatan
saling mengirim pesan.
from this girl.
selama 23 menit.
on our way to the hospital."
menuju ke rumah sakit."
and I think I'm going to be OK."
dan rasanya saya akan baik-baik saja."
that that's an unusual exchange,
bahwa kejadian seperti ini jarang terjadi,
2.41 active rescues a day.
tindak penyelamatan per hari.
are about suicide and depression -- huge.
tentang bunuh diri dan depresi.
counseling other strangers
saling memberi dan menerima nasehat
to cold moments.
of more than 6.5 million text messages
6,5 juta pesan singkat
hot and sweaty about this,
bersemangat tentangnya,
psyched is the data:
to provide a really juicy corpus.
sebagai kumpulan data.
and learnings from that data set.
dan belajar dari set data yang ada.
and the world can be better.
dan dunia dapat menjadi lebih baik.
to make us better?
data ini untuk hal yang lebih baik?
someone watching this
yang hadir, atau menonton ini,
at some point in time in your life --
psikolog dalam hidupnya --
from Harvard on the wall?
in the bottom 10 percent?
10% terbawah di kelasnya?
saw a marriage counselor,
penasehat perkawinan,
but I need to see you next week, sir."
saya ingin bertemu Anda minggu depan,Pak."
what makes a great counselor.
penasehat yang bagus seperti apa.
the words "numbs" and "sleeve,"
"mati rasa" dan "lengan baju" dalam SMS,
(mengiris lengan/nadi).
in the words "mg" and "rubber band,"
"mg" dan "karet gelang",
for substance abuse.
"sex," "oral" and "Mormon,"
"seks", "oral", dan "Mormon",
that a counselor could figure out
oleh penasehat
means that an automatic pop-up says,
pemberitahuan otomatis,
coba tanyakan pertanyaan ini"
try asking one of these questions"
near the texter."
dari rumahnya."
committed suicide,
di seluruh negeri.
all over this country.
a funnyman, commit suicide,
seorang yang lucu, bunuh diri
on every phone hotline in the country.
tiga jam untuk dapat bicara.
volume SMS masuk.
or "I want to kill myself,"
atau "Saya ingin bunuh diri",
you're code orange,
memasukkan Anda pada kode oranye
nomor satu di antrian.
not chronological.
tingkat keparahannya, bukan kronologinya.
first map of real-time crises.
tentang krisis pada waktu nyata.
through natural language processes,
diproses secara otomatis,
of the week for eating disorders: Monday.
kebiasaan makan: hari Senin.
for substance abuse: 5am.
pukul 5 pagi.
a beautiful place to visit
untuk dikunjungi
for suicidal ideation.
pemikiran bunuh diri terbesar.
and free and open.
secara gratis.
identifiable information.
memungkinkan identifikasi personal.
untuk dapat melihat bahwa
kelainan kebiasaan makan,
for eating disorders,
to be there on Mondays.
pada hari Senin.
substance abuse questions spike at 5am.
gunaan obat tertinggi pukul 5 pagi.
Native American reservations in Montana.
wilayah reservasi suku Indian di Montana.
everything better.
semuanya lebih baik.
as a mental health activist.
aktivis kesehatan mental.
as a national health activist.
aktivis kesehatan nasional.
I'm a little nerdy.
saya agak kutu buku.
and those people in hoodies down the road
orang-orang keren di jalanan sana
find Chinese food at 2am in Dallas,
mencari makanan Cina jam 2 pagi di Dallas,
and get a car immediately,
tangan dan menemukan mobil Anda,
to make the world a better place.
untuk membuat dunia menjadi lebih baik.
being raped by her father.
perkosaan oleh ayahnya.
we never heard from her again.
pernah mendengar lagi darinya.
somewhere safe and healthy,
di suatu tempat yang aman dan sehat
the creation of Crisis Text Line
pendirian Jaringan SMS Krisis
Nancy Lublin - ActivistAs the CEO and Founder of Crisis Text Line, Nancy Lublin is using technology and data to help save lives.
Why you should listen
Nancy Lublin is Founder and CEO of Crisis Text Line, the nations first free, 24/7 text line for people in crisis. To date, almost 10 million text messages have come through the text line.
Nancy recently left her post as CEO of, one of the largest global organizations for young people and social change. Previously, she founded Dress for Success, the organization that helps women transition from welfare to work.
Nancy Lublin | Speaker |