Andrew Youn: 3 reasons why we can win the fight against poverty
Andrew Youn: 3 alasan mengapa kita bisa memenangkan pertarungan melawan kemiskinan
With One Acre Fund, Andrew Youn fights poverty in rural Sub-Saharan Africa. Full bio
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for about 10 years,
Afrika Timur sekitar 10 tahun,
with you on global poverty.
saya tentang kemiskinan global.
umat manusia adalah
of the human race
one billion of our members behind.
lebih dari 1 miliar sesama kita.
yang luar biasa besar dan tak teratasi,
insurmountable problems,
very solvable problems
sangat bisa diatasi,
strategi yang tepat.
on the right levers,
kita menekan tuas yang tepat,
I believe there are three powerful levers
saya percaya ada tiga tuas kuat
and why they make poverty
dan bagaimana ia bisa
bersama satu keluarga petani.
We sang songs together
dan makan malam sederhana.
to sleep on the floor.
there was nothing to eat.
tak ada yang bisa dimakan.
with an increasingly sick feeling
saya menatap dengan pedih
cooked porridge as a substitute for lunch.
sebagai pengganti makan siang.
drank one cup to survive.
untuk bertahan hidup.
keramahan mereka.
their hospitality.
tak hanya untuk bertahan hidup,
but also to grow physically and mentally.
they lose a little bit of their future.
mereka kehilangan sebagian masa depan.
one in three children
from a lifetime of not eating enough.
cukup makan sepanjang hidupnya.
with poor access to health care,
layanan kesehatan yang buruk,
die before they reach age five.
meninggal sebelum mencapai usia 5 tahun.
yang lulus sekolah menengah,
complete high school
human potential in every possible way.
membatasi potensi manusia di segala aspek.
feeling and moral human race,
perasaan, dan moral,
masalah ini bagi semua umat manusia,
for all of our members,
on this planet matters.
di planet ini berharga.
to take effective action.
melakukan sesuatu.
and as a practitioner,
masalah ini dapat diselesaikan.
solvable problems.
about the state of the world.
for problem-solving
untuk memecahkan masalah
of the world's poor are farmers.
di dunia adalah petani.
the world's poor,
orang miskin di dunia,
as a major source of income.
sebagai sumber utama pendapatan.
then more than half the world's poor
lebih dari setengah orang miskin dunia
keluar dari kemiskinan.
is, of course, food.
they earn more food,
mendapat lebih banyak makanan,
and thriving economies.
komunitas sehat dan ekonomi bertumbuh.
they reduce environmental pressure.
tekanan lingkungan berkurang.
we can feed the world:
a lot more productive,
lahan pertanian yang ada,
to make more farmland,
padang rumput untuk lahan baru,
a really important leverage point.
titik tuas yang sangat penting.
they climb out of poverty,
keluar dari kemiskinan,
reduce environmental land pressure.
dan mengurangi tekanan lingkungan.
are actually women.
adalah wanita.
radiating from this woman.
yang memancar dari wanita ini.
to earn a better life for her children.
kehidupan anak-anaknya lebih baik.
of humanity in one person's hands,
kemanusiaan di tangan seseorang,
lack access to basic tools and knowledge.
akses pengetahuan dan peralatan dasar.
of saved food grain from the prior year,
simpanan bulir makanan tahun sebelumnya,
and they till it with a manual hand hoe.
dengan cangkul tangan.
yang digunakan sejak Zaman Perunggu,
that date to the Bronze Age,
are still very poor.
masih sangat miskin.
of agricultural poverty a century ago.
masalah kemiskinan pertanian seabad lalu.
most basic factors in farming.
tiga faktor dasar pertanian.
when you cross two seeds together.
saat kita menyilangkan dua bibit.
a high-yielding variety
menyerbuki varietas tinggi-hasil
positive traits from both of its parents.
mewarisi sifat unggul kedua induknya.
if used responsibly,
digunakan dengan bertanggung jawab,
just a pinch of fertilizer
with good practice.
menggunakan praktik yang baik.
and plant with massive amounts of compost,
menanamnya dengan kompos yang banyak,
have more than tripled
berhasil meningkatkan
in every major region of the world,
lipat di tiap daerah besar dunia,
out of poverty.
dari kemiskinan.
these things to everybody just yet,
menyalurkannya pada semua orang,
masalah kemiskinan seabad lalu,
agricultural poverty a century ago,
to everybody just yet.
menyalurkannya pada semua orang.
that people remain poor
yang tetap miskin
in remote places.
is simply a matter
and services to people.
kepada orang-orang.
orang jenius.
to end global poverty in our lifetime.
kemiskinan global di masa hidup kita.
is simply delivery.
governments and nonprofits
pemerintah, dan LSM dunia
bagi produk peningkat hajat hidup,
for life-improving goods,
jaringan distribusi ini?
that I know best,
yang paling saya ketahui,
with the tools that she needs to succeed.
yang dibutuhkan petani untuk berhasil.
to really rural places.
masukan pertanian ke daerah pedalaman.
initially very challenging,
Saya akan tunjukkan.
of our farmer network,
kami membeli masukan pertanian
20 gudang seperti ini.
we rent hundreds of 10-ton trucks
kami menyewa ratusan truk 10 ton
are waiting in the field.
ladang-ladang para petani.
and walk it home to their farms.
dan membawanya pulang.
for rural farmers.
untuk petani pedalaman.
also includes finance, a way to pay.
mencakupi juga aspek keuangan,
Petani membayar sedikit demi sedikit,
covering most of our expenses.
pengeluaran kami.
all that with training.
memberi pelatihan.
deliver practical, hands-on training
memberi pelatihan praktis
setiap dua minggu sekali.
farmers use these tools
petani menggunakannya
in our program, Consolata.
dalam program kami.
that I believe is the human right
yang menurut saya adalah hak asasi manusia
bekerja keras di planet ini.
about 400,000 farmers like Consolata.
400.000 petani seperti Consolata.
yang bisa dilakukan dalam skala besar.
is scalable delivery.
a rural field officer
petugas lapangan pedalaman
to 200 farmers, on average,
pada rata-rata 200 petani
living in those families.
dalam keluarganya.
of these rural field officers
petugas lapangan pedalaman
governments and nonprofits
kita ada di satu waktu
delivering farm services to all farmers.
jasa pertanian bagi semua petani.
this is a huge delivery territory.
karena ini adalah daerah yang besar.
by 50-mile block on the continent,
blok 80 km persegi di benua ini,
live in just these shaded regions.
setengah dari para petani
daerahnya kecil.
next to each other
ini bersebelahan
the Eastern United States.
anywhere in this territory
di mana saja di daerah ini
hot, fresh and delicious.
kondisi hangat, segar, dan nikmat.
to an area of this size,
ke area sebesar ini,
governments and non-profits
dan LSM Afrika
to all of her farmers.
kepada semua petaninya.
beyond just farming.
analogi di luar pertanian.
effective tools to end poverty.
efektif untuk mengakhiri kemiskinan.
kemajuan manusia,
of human development,
invented inexpensive,
telah menemukan alat-alat
solutions to poverty.
untuk menangani kemiskinan.
to a pretty small area.
di daerah yang tidak begitu besar.
of Sub-Saharan Africa as an example,
sebagai contoh,
concentrated in these blue shaded areas.
terkonsentrasi di area bewarna biru.
in these green little dots.
konsentrasi, di titik-titik hijau kecil.
of the United States for scale,
sebagai perbandingan,
a highly achievable delivery zone.
yang sangat bisa dicapai.
in human history,
dalam sejarah manusia,
infrastructure available to us.
infrastruktur penyaluran.
governments and non-profits
that are fully capable
yang sangat mampu
careers in human development,
di bidang pengembangan manusia,
in a developing nation.
di negara berkembang.
teachers, farmer trainers,
petugas kesehatan, guru, pelatih petani,
peningkat hajat kehidupan.
that dedicate their careers
yang mendedikasikan karir mereka
kehidupan orang lain.
at just my organization alone,
di organisasi saya,
di antara sekian banyak.
what your technical specialty,
tapi apapun kemampuan teknis Anda,
it is to end poverty,
untuk mengakhiri kemiskinan,
a big expansion of venture capital,
modal usaha, ekuitas swasta
available in emerging markets.
to what private business can accomplish.
batasannya tersendiri.
meraih keuntungan
to profitably serve the extreme poor,
a major role to play.
peran yang lebih besar.
but we need more leadership.
kami butuh lebih banyak kepemimpinan.
problems in human development
masalah pengembangan manusia
off the face of the planet.
menghilangkan masalah itu dari muka bumi.
check out this website.
mari kunjungi situs ini.
that fit into our pockets
yang muat di kantong
at a five-minute mile pace.
dengan sangat cepat.
of our members behind.
lebih dari 1 miliar rekan kita.
has an opportunity
mendapat kesempatan
a truly moral and just human race.
umat manusia yang bermoral dan adil.
it's incredibly possible
mengakhiri kemiskinan ekstrim.
proven goods and services
barang-barang dan jasa yang teruji
has a role to play.
setiap orang punya peran.
dari kemiskinan ekstrim
Andrew Youn - Social entrepreneurWith One Acre Fund, Andrew Youn fights poverty in rural Sub-Saharan Africa.
Why you should listen
Andrew Youn has lived in rural Africa for the last 11 years, learning from the largest group of poor people in the world: smallholder farmers. When he first visited Kenya in 2006, he was an MBA student who knew very little about farming. During that first trip, he met two farm families. One family was harvesting two tons of food on a single acre of land and thriving; the other was going hungry. He began asking questions.
Eleven years later, the organization he founded, One Acre Fund, serves more than 600,000 farm families, providing them with the financing and agricultural training they need to increase their yields and climb out of poverty. Youn is also the co-founder of D-Prize, an organization that funds early-stage startups that are innovating better ways to distribute proven life-enhancing technologies. He is a former management consultant at Oliver Wyman, and he received his MBA from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University.
Andrew Youn | Speaker |