Mikko Hypponen: How the NSA betrayed the world's trust -- time to act
미코 히포넨 (Mikko Hypponen): 미국의 국가안보국이 어떻게 세상의 신뢰를 배신했는가 -- 행동에 나서야 할 때입니다.
As computer access expands, Mikko Hypponen asks: What's the next killer virus, and will the world be able to cope with it? And also: How can we protect digital privacy in the age of government surveillance? Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
through revelations and leaks
우리가 알게 된 것은
다른 것에 관해 알게 되었습니다.
죠지 오웰이 상상했던 것보다
이케아 매장을 채울 수 있을까요?
through the United States.
무차별하게 사찰하는 것입니다.
of surveillance that are okay.
to tap the suspect's phone,
to suspect of some wrongdoings.
새로운 건 전혀 없어요."
우리가 이미 알고 있었다고
because we did not know this already.
우리는 이걸 몰랐으니까요.
We didn't know about PRISM.
프리즘에 대해서도 몰랐습니다.
We didn't know about Cybertrans.
사이버트랜스(Cybertrans)도 몰랐습니다.
온세상의 컴퓨터를 다 쓴다고 해도
해독이 불가능하죠.
보안에 취약한 상태로 만들어버립니다.
어떤 비밀 암호를 넣어두고
might have house alarms,
경보기를 두고 있을지도 모르니까요.
are doing their job.
of the Internet traffic today is encrypted,
엄청나게 큰 부분이 암호화되어 있어서
찾으려고 합니다.
무엇을 알고 있습니까?
the collection from Microsoft
backdoor access to their data.
허용하지 않았다고 말합니다.
협조를 하지 않아서 해킹을 당했습니다.
by their own government.
파괴 소프트웨어의 경우
정보를 실었습니다.
on Thursday evening in a pub.
선술집에 모여 친목을 다질지도 모릅니다.
but let's take an example.
모든 나라가 그렇지는 않습니다.
윈도우즈나 OSX를 운영하고
클라우드에 자료를 저장하거나
Amazon web services or sales support?
온라인 서비스를 사용할까요?
business leader does that every single day.
날마다 이런 것을 사용합니다.
웹메일과 클라우드 서비스를 사용할까요?
to the United States.
보안에 강하지 않습니다.
안전한 것을
그들이 사람을 죽이고 불구로 만듭니다.
이메일을 감청했습니다.
테러범이 있지만,
무슨 짓이든 다 하려고 합니까?
to throw away the Constituion
just because there are terrorists?
and all the amendments
and fundamental freedoms
유럽연합 선언,
is such an existential threat,
maybe that surveillance is okay
the very first thing I tweeted about this
제가 제일 먼저 트위터에 올린 것은
to U.S. intelligence.
Am I sending naked pictures or something?
제가 벌거벗은 사진이라도 보내고 있나요?
당신과 상관없는 일이고
of your government's business either.
일이어야 합니다.
모든 시스템에서 보호되어야 합니다.
of information we are giving away,
of corrupt presidents like Nixon.
우리는 이것을 잘 알고 있습니다.
of surveillance tools that are available today.
가졌다고 상상해보세요.
사찰 목표 대상 가운데 한 사람이었습니다.
of expression and opinion,
한 말을 인용하겠습니다.
is right now treating the Internet
and software companies with these revelations --
문제를 일으켰다고 비난합니다.
for the U.S. cloud industry
스노우든을 비난하는 것은
아니오, 걱정하지 말아야 합니다.
왜냐하면 이것은 잘못된 일이며
for the rest of the world
and cloud services.
보안이 되는 시스템을 함께 만들어서
to solve the problem by itself.
오픈 소스 시스템이고
Mikko Hypponen - Cybersecurity expertAs computer access expands, Mikko Hypponen asks: What's the next killer virus, and will the world be able to cope with it? And also: How can we protect digital privacy in the age of government surveillance?
Why you should listen
The chief research officer at F-Secure Corporation in Finland, Mikko Hypponen has led his team through some of the largest computer virus outbreaks in history. His team took down the world-wide network used by the Sobig.F worm. He was the first to warn the world about the Sasser outbreak, and he has done classified briefings on the operation of the Stuxnet worm -- a hugely complex worm designed to sabotage Iranian nuclear enrichment facilities.
As a few hundred million more Internet users join the web from India and China and elsewhere, and as governments and corporations become more sophisticated at using viruses as weapons, Hypponen asks, what's next? Who will be at the front defending the world’s networks from malicious software? He says: "It's more than unsettling to realize there are large companies out there developing backdoors, exploits and trojans."
Even more unsettling: revelations this year that the United States' NSA is conducting widespread digital surveillance of both US citizens and anyone whose data passes through a US entity, and that it has actively sabotaged encryption algorithms. Hypponen has become one of the most outspoken critics of the agency's programs and asks us all: Why are we so willing to hand over digital privacy?
Read his open-season Q&A on Reddit:"My TED Talk was just posted. Ask me anything.
See the full documentary on the search for the Brain virus.
Mikko Hypponen | Speaker | TED.com