ShaoLan: The Chinese zodiac, explained
ШаоЛан Шүэ: Дорнын зурхайн тайлбар
ShaoLan want to help people understand China's culture and language, and to bridge the gap between East and West. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
by your Chinese friend,
өдөж байна гэж бүү бод.
of asking your age.
хүний насыг асуух эелдэг арга юм.
давхар дүгнэчихнэ.
you are also being evaluated.
about your fortune or misfortune,
partner's animal signs,
жилийг хэлбэл
дотроо дүрсэлнэ.
about your private life.
in the Chinese zodiac.
is influenced by it,
итгэдэг энэхүү зүйлд
of Greco-Roman zodiac,
гахай жилээр дуусдаг ба
with constellations.
in 1975, you are a Rabbit.
туулай жилтэй гэсэн үг.
a very complicated theoretical framework
арга билэг, үндсэн 5 элемент
үндэслэн бүтээсэн билээ.
and the 12 zodiac animals.
энэхүү соёл
people's major decisions,
хоорондын харилцаа гэх мэт
and attitude towards each other.
нөлөөлсөөр ирсэн.
are quite amazing.
get on better than the others.
тохирдог хэмээн үздэг.
to give birth to babies,
бүрдсэн гэр бүлийн
авчирдаг гэдэгт итгэдэг учир
by the right combination of animals
сонгож хүүхэд төрүүлдэг.
when entering into romantic relations.
зурхайг ашигладаг.
with Tigers, Goats and Rabbits.
төгс харилцаа үүсгэх учиртай.
төрөлхийн дайснууд хэмээн үздэг.
are natural enemies.
to be careful with a Snake.
болгоомжтой байх хэрэгтэй.
are luckier than the others,
илүү азтайд тооцдог.
for power, strength and wealth.
эд хөрөнгийн бэлгэдэл.
болохыг мөрөөддөг.
to have a Dragon baby.
их бахархсан байх.
must have been very proud.
Хятад, Хонг Конг болон Тайванд
Hong Kong and Taiwan
хорвоод мэндэлсэн гэсэн үг.
one million more babies.
уламжлалт хандлагаас болж
preference to baby boys,
was 120 to 100.
120:100 байсан.
competition in love and job markets.
илүү их өрсөлдөөнтэй тулгарна.
government's press release,
хийсвэр хагалгааны төрөлт ихэссэн.
of Cesarean sections.
for the Year of the Horse.
сүүлчийн сар байжээ.
болохыг хүсээгүй юм.
having unlucky Goat babies.
бол битгий гутраарай.
азгүй санагдахгүй байна.
жил нь бар юм.
Хятадын ихэнх мужуудаар
saw a sharp decline of birthrate
zodiac in reverse,
бар ба хонь жилтнүүд
will face much less competition.
top 300 richest people in the world,
хонь ба бар жилтнүүдийн тоо
the Goat and Tiger,
би их гайхширсан.
бодож үзэх хэрэгтэй.
to have less competition.
индекс дээр тулгуурлан
their investment decisions
шийдвэрээ гаргадаг.
of the zodiac sign
турш байсан боловч
in making major decisions
хүмүүс үүнд тулгуурлан
until the past few decades.
гаргах болсон.
surviving poverty, drought,
ган гачиг, өлсгөлөн, бослого,
даван туулаад маш завгүй байсан.
байсан амьдралаа босгох
have the time, wealth and technology
технологитой болсон.
they've always wanted.
made by 1.3 billion people
and demand on everything,
үл хөдлөх хөрөнгө болон
to property and consumer goods.
зэргийн эрэлтийг нэмэгдүүлж байгаа юм.
in the global economy and geopolitics,
геополитикт чухал байр суурь
болон бусад уламжлалд
and other Chinese traditions
дэлхий нийтэд нөлөөлдөг билээ.
around the world.
бүтээлч бас томоогүй байдаг.
creative and mischievous.
ShaoLan Hsueh - Technologist, entrepreneurShaoLan want to help people understand China's culture and language, and to bridge the gap between East and West.
Why you should listen
ShaoLan is an entrepreneur, angel investor, geek, writer, traveller and dreamer. She is the founder and creator of Chineasy, which she launched after her TED Talk in Long Beach, California in 2013.
In just over three years, she has built Chineasy into one of the most popular methods of learning Chinese across the Internet with several hundred thousand fellow learners. Her first book, Chineasy, The New Way to Read Chinese, was launched in March 2014 and has been translated into 18 languages. Her next book, Chineasy Everyday, was launched in March 2016.
ShaoLan is a tech entrepreneur with extensive business experience. At the age of 22, while studying for her MBA, she wrote four best-selling books on software in Taiwan, and her books were bundled by Microsoft. She co-founded pAsia, one of the major players on Internet in Asia in 1990’s. After a second masters degree at the University of Cambridge, she began Caravel Capital in 2005 to advise young tech companies.
Chineasy represents a return for ShaoLan to her artistic upbringing and in many ways a design project. This project is the culmination of her life’s journey through the East and West. Her aim is to help people to understand China, Chinese culture, its language and to bridge the gap between East and West. Her next step is to help Chinese children to enjoy and appreciate the beauty of their own language.
ShaoLan Hsueh | Speaker |