Wanis Kabbaj: What a driverless world could look like
Ванис Каббаж: Жолоочгүй хот ямар харагдах бол?
UPS's Wanis Kabbaj works at the intersection of biology and transportation. Full bio
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үнэхээр дуртай.
by French wines.
дуртай байдаг.
in life is, I have to admit,
таашаалын нэг
watching cities from the sky,
ажиглах туйлын дуртай.
үйлдвэрлэл өрнөдөг.
that they can hardly contain,
хотууд ч байна.
эдгээр хотын гудамж талбай
and highways that structure their space.
ажиглах дуртай.
алтан шар, улаанаар
look dramatically red and golden:
performing its vital function
of commute every day,
that can reach 130 miles per hour
машин зохион бүтээсэн мөртлөө
as 19th-century horse carriages?
хурдаар жолоодож байна.
commuting in 2014.
тээврийн хэрэгсэлд зорчиж өнгөрөөсөн.
Пирамид барих боломжтой.
26 Pyramids of Giza.
energy and human potential.
нөөц бололцоо үрэгдэж байна.
энгийн байсан.
өмнө байсныг томсгох.
hundreds of historical buildings
бий болгосон.
in fast-growing emerging cities.
хотуудад ч үр дүнгээ өгч байна.
are almost impossible:
бараг л боломжгүй.
бөглөрч, өвчтэй болсоор,
is getting clogged, it's getting sick,
of thinking is not working.
өгөхөө нэгэнт больж.
working in transportation,
when speaking with a biotech customer.
надад нэгэн санаа төрсөн.
of our vascular system.
тулгуурладаг талаар ярьсан юм.
in the transportation business
хий, уургийг тээвэрлэх
sophisticated transportation laboratory.
тээврийн лаборатори юм.
challenges was inside us?
бидний дотор байсан бол яах вэ?
мэдэхийг хүссэн.
in our veins most of our lives,
on a daily basis?
Яагаад тэр вэ?
at two very different networks.
хоёр сүлжээ юм.
of blood vessels in our bodies --
the Earth's circumference,
are everywhere inside us,
биеийн бүх хэсэгт
underground subway systems
is focused on the ground,
газарт л болж байдаг.
the three dimensions inside us,
орон зайг ашигладаг бол
is mostly two-dimensional.
2 хэмжээст орчинд байдаг.
is to embrace that verticality.
ашиглах хэрэгтэй.
сүлжээ нэгэнт ханасан бол
дээш нь өргөе.
that can straddle traffic jams --
Хятад автобусны санаа нь
to think about space and movement
сануулсан юм.
like we did with our electrical grid.
are talking about testing
эдгээр зөгнөлт гэмээр
of suspended magnetic pods.
ярилцаж байна.
on flying urban taxis
from science-fiction déjà vu
transportation network
тээврийн сүлжээг бүтээх нь
and solve traffic jams.
арга зам байж болно.
that we made, like the vehicles we use.
эргэн харах хэрэгтэй.
are getting restless.
аргагүй болж дээрээс нь
харж байна уу?
available in the area,
of urban traffic is generated
гэсэн тооцоолол бий.
100 машиныг харж чадах уу?
only have one passenger.
Лондонгийн улаан автобусанд багтана.
in one Londonian red bus.
яагаад дэмий үрээд байна вэ?
if it is what we need the most?
оруулна вэ?
зай бүрэн ашиглагддаг.
is fully utilized.
millions of red blood cells
улаан эсийг нягтаршуулж,
дэмий үрэгддэггүй.
blood cells is not wasted, either.
илүү хувь нь ашиглагддаг.
of their oxygen capacity is utilized.
95% дүүргэлттэй байна
we used in our cities
дугуй унаад,
you would have to walk, to bike
ажилладаг нь
incredibly efficient
are not dedicated
зориулагдаагүй байдаг.
traffic jams in our veins.
түгжрээ үүсэх байсан биз.
the cells of our body.
эсүүдтэй хуваалцдаг.
хэрэгтэй мөчид нь
gets its own deliveries of oxygen
тээврийн хэлбэр юм.
and individual form of transportation.
or extensive mass-transit systems.
эцэс төгсгөлгүй маргаанд гацсан.
that combine the convenience of cars
автобусны өндөр бүтээмжтэй
хэрэгсэл бүтээж чадна.
in a fast and smooth urban train,
гол асуудал нь
five, ten, fifteen times
5, 10, 15 удаа
you didn't have to stop?
бол яах вэ?
while you're moving
that is headed toward your suburb.
автобусанд суугаад явж байна.
right to your doorstep.
хүргээд өгнө.
at the same time.
тээврийн хэлбэр юм.
modular, driverless vehicles of tomorrow.
хамтын тээврийн хэрэгсэл байж болно.
buzzing with drones,
and suspended magnetic pods
бүхээгээр зорчих нь
is just trying to earn its way
хүмүүст зориулагдсан замд
made by and for humans.
замын дүрэм
which is relatively simple,
when whole cities become driverless?
болвол яах вэ?
are driverless and connected,
байх үед
үйлдэл үзүүлэх хугацаа ч багасна.
and reaction time, minimum.
that can speed them up
дүрмийн оронд замын урсгал динамик,
self-improving algorithms.
rigor of German autobahns
тасралтгүй урсах хурдны зам,
of the intersections of Mumbai.
нийлмэл шиг.
our traffic grid will be,
its movement will feel.
амьд мэт болно.
of a transportation genius today.
бүхий л шинж чанарыг агуулдаг.
billions of years,
of iterations and mutations.
to evolve our transportation system.
өөрчлөгдөж, хөгжихийг нь хүлээж болохгүй.
хотын урсгалыг өөрчлөх
Wanis Kabbaj - Transportation geekUPS's Wanis Kabbaj works at the intersection of biology and transportation.
Why you should listen
As the director of global strategy for healthcare logistics at UPS, Wanis Kabbaj finds ways for organizations to transport their temperature-sensitive medicines and biotechnologies safely around the world. For more than 16 years, Kabbaj's professional engagements have always revolved around transportation and innovation. Some of his ventures involved helping EADS Astrium use its satellite space transportation expertise in unexpected markets or participating in the global launch of Logan, a revolutionary low-cost vehicle, that helped Renault-Nissan harness a surprising growth in emerging markets.
Kabbaj is a dual citizen of Morocco and France and lived in four continents. Experiencing constant cultural transitions throughout his life gave him a real taste for analyzing problems through non-traditional lenses and blending disciplines that are usually kept separate.
Wanis Kabbaj | Speaker | TED.com