Emma Teeling: The secret of the bat genome
Emma Teeling: Secretul genomului de liliac
Emma Teeling, Director of the Centre for Irish Bat Research, thinks we have a lot to learn from the biology of bats. Full bio
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Sper să reușesc astă-seară
numită sindromul nasului alb.
În momentul de față,
binecuvântare, primul beneficiu.
proteinele care vă permit să funcționați,
Cerne variațiile necorespunzătoare.
omenirea a încercat să o evite.
care trăiesc
Consumă de trei ori mai multă energie
ba chiar să-i schimbăm sensul.
ci mai degrabă ca la supereroii noștri.
Emma Teeling - ZoologistEmma Teeling, Director of the Centre for Irish Bat Research, thinks we have a lot to learn from the biology of bats.
Why you should listen
One-fifth of all mammals in the world are bats -- so why are they so stigmatized in Western culture? Dr. Emma Teeling believes that these fascinating creatures have a lot to teach us, with their uniquely high metabolic rates and surprisingly long lifespans. Teeling studies mammalian phylogenetics and comparative genomics, with particular expertise in bat biology and the bat's genetic signatures of survival.
Emma Teeling | Speaker | TED.com