Stanley McChrystal: The military case for sharing knowledge
Stanley McChrystal: Împărtãşirea informaţiilor în cadrul militar
General Stanley McChrystal is the former commander of U.S. and International forces in Afghanistan. A four-star general, he is credited for creating a revolution in warfare that fuses intelligence and operations. Full bio
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sunt greşite.
de documente clasificate
impactul potenţial al acestor scurgeri
ne-am pus-o a fost:
la atâtea informaţii sensibile?
am fost însărcinat cu conducerea
în Orientul Mijlociu
se desfăşura în Irak,
un preţ prea mare
came in as suicide bombers
care realizau sinucideri cu bombe
am condus și am mers
noapte de noapte,
pe care această reţea le organiza.
pentru a opri acea organizaţie
împotriva poporului irakian.
one of the things that we knew,
şi un lucru pe care le-am ştiut,
a fost păstrarea secretului.
Însemna protejarea informaţiilor.
e seva vieţii
în cadrul organizaţiei noastre,
nevoie să știe.
cine trebuie să știe?
a activităţii de care şi tu ai nevoie?
parts of the job that you needed?
cine are nevoie să aibe o informaţie
sharing enough intelligence,
destul informaţia.
look at me and they'd say,
şi îmi spuneau:
„Dacã aş ştii ce, nu am avea o problemã".
în ce priveşte informaţia.
Trebuia sã impãrtăşim.
de la „cine are nevoie să știe”
them as quickly as we can.
cât mai repede cu putinţă”.
importantă a organizaţiei noastre
era în ADN-ul ei.
să construim,
încăperi pe care le numim
care aduceau luptători străini
doar câtorva agenţi de informaţii
cu ofiţerul meu de informaţii,
Comanda noastră.
„Sunt înregistrările lor personale."
de acest lucru,
care au capacitatea
care poate face
dintr-o echipă
o legătură esenţială
va exista mereu o informaţie
notele mele din facultate,
care împărtăşeşte informaţiile,
o să ne fie mai bine dacă împărtăşim.
you were here this morning,
dacă aţi fost aici azi dimineaţã,
Snowden's talk earlier this week.
lui Edward Snowden.
credeţi că guvernul american
lui Edward Snowden?
Rick said something very important.
Cred că Rick a spus ceva foarte important.
nu cunoaştem toate faptele.
light on an important need
asupra unei nevoi importante
faptele legate de acest caz
Stanley McChrystal - Military leaderGeneral Stanley McChrystal is the former commander of U.S. and International forces in Afghanistan. A four-star general, he is credited for creating a revolution in warfare that fuses intelligence and operations.
Why you should listen
With a remarkable record of achievement, General Stanley McChrystal has been praised for creating a revolution in warfare that fused intelligence and operations. A four-star general, he is the former commander of U.S. and international forces in Afghanistan and the former leader of Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), which oversees the military’s most sensitive forces. McChrystal’s leadership of JSOC is credited with the December 2003 capture of Saddam Hussein and the June 2006 location and killing of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq. McChrystal, a former Green Beret, is known for his candor.
After McChrystal graduated from West Point, he was commissioned as an infantry officer, and spent much of his career commanding special operations and airborne infantry units. During the Persian Gulf War, McChrystal served in a Joint Special Operations Task Force and later commanded the 75th Ranger Regiment. He completed year-long fellowships at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government in 1997 and in 2000 at the Council on Foreign Relations. In 2002, he was appointed chief of staff of military operations in Afghanistan. Two years later, McChrystal was selected to deliver nationally televised Pentagon briefings about military operations in Iraq. From 2003 to 2008, McChrystal commanded JSOC and was responsible for leading the nation’s deployed military counter-terrorism efforts around the globe. He assumed command of all International Forces in Afghanistan in June 2009. President Obama’s order for an additional 30,000 troops to Afghanistan was based on McChrystal’s assessment of the war there. McChrystal retired from the military in August 2010.
Stanley McChrystal | Speaker |