Don Tapscott: How the blockchain is changing money and business
Don Tapscott: Ako blockchain mení peniaze a biznis
Don Tapscott, Executive Chairman of the Blockchain Research Institute, is one of the world’s leading authorities on the impact of technology in business and society. He has authored 16 books, including "Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything," which has been translated into over 25 languages Full bio
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the greatest impact
of digital currencies like Bitcoin.
za digitálnymi menami ako je Bitcoin.
word in the world,
for every business, every society
pre akýkoľvek biznis či spoločnosť,
we've had the internet of information.
sme tu mali internet informácií.
or a PowerPoint file or something,
alebo prezentáciu či niečo iné,
that I don't still have the money --
už tie peniaze nevlastním
the "double-spend" problem
on big intermediaries --
na veľkých sprostredkovateľov,
credit card companies and so on --
správcov kreditných kariet atď.,
v náš hospodársky systém.
all the business and transaction logic
všetky tie obchodné a transakčné operácie
identification of people,
and record keeping.
a udržovania záznamov.
and increasingly are --
a stále častejšie aj bývajú.
from the global economy,
z globálnej ekonomiky,
who don't have enough money
to go around the world,
the banking system across a city.
bankový systém v rámci jedného mesta.
to another country.
za prevod peňazí do inej krajiny.
veľkorysosť digitálneho veku –
of the digital age asymmetrically:
but we have growing social inequality.
ale tiež rastúcu sociálnu nerovnosť.
an internet of information,
iba internet informácií,
distributed ledger
distribuovaná účtovná kniha,
from money to music,
od hudby po peniaze,
exchanged and managed,
vymieňaná a spravovaná
a native medium for value?
prirodzené médium hodnôt?
industry crashed
named Satoshi Nakamoto
pod menom Satoshi Nakamoto
a protocol for a digital cash
protokol pre digitálnu hotovosť,
cryptocurrency called Bitcoin.
to establish trust and do transactions
zaviesť dôveru a vykonávať transakcie
set off a spark
jednoduchý čin, zažal iskru,
or terrified or otherwise interested
inak zaujala množstvo ľudí
to you if you're a speculator.
ak sa zaoberáte špekuláciami.
controlled by a nation-state.
kontrolovaná nejakou krajinou.
is the underlying technology.
je technológia, ktorá za tým stojí.
in human history,
not by some big institution,
vďaka nejakej veľkej inštitúcii,
to the technology,
How does this thing work?
„Ako to celé vlastne funguje?“
to music and everything in between --
hudba a všetko medzi tým –
across a global ledger,
globálnou „účtovnou knihou“,
zvaní „miners“ (ťažitelia).
they're Bitcoin miners.
ale o ťažiteľov bitcoinov.
at their fingertips --
ohromný výpočtový výkon –
than all of Google worldwide.
celosvetová kapacita Googlu.
from the previous 10 minutes.
za uplynulých 10 minút.
trying to solve some tough problems.
s cieľom vyriešiť náročnú úlohu.
and to validate the block,
a tým validuje blok,
blockchain, with Bitcoin.
with the same money,
tými istými peniazmi dvakrát,
on that blockchain,
na danom blockchaine –
but across millions of computers,
ale na miliónoch počítačov súčasne,
levels of encryption,
najvyššie formy šifrovania,
computing resource in the world
výpočtového systému na svete –
that we have today.
Kanaďanom menom Vitalik Buterin.
by a Canadian named Vitalik Buterin.
has some extraordinary capabilities.
obdivuhodných schopností.
build smart contracts.
tvoriť inteligentné zmluvy.
the management, performance
a bank account, too, in a sense --
istú formu bankového účtu –
na blockchaine Ethereum
to do everything
for the stock market
za burzu cenných papierov,
are accountable to citizens.
this is going to bring,
akú radikálnu zmenu toto prináša,
financial services.
finačné služby.
that does something really simple,
s nejakou veľmi jednoduchou funkciou,
alebo zatvorenie dverí.
of the financial services industry,
odvetvie finančných služieb.
in the corner store,
a dozen companies,
počítačovým systémom,
of the people in this room,
financial industry,
is the same activity,
sú tými istými činnosťami,
is in a big upheaval about this,
na celom svete si kladú otázku –
this technology for success?
technológiu úspešne využiť?
but not shared prosperity,
nie však zdieľanú prosperitu,
of all of the anger and extremism
hnevu, extrémizmu,
in the world today,
to this problem of inequality?
ako sa vyrovnať s problémom nerovnosti?
is to redistribute wealth,
je prerozdelenie bohatstva,
gets created in the first place
akým bohatstvo vôbec vzniká
počtu ľudí do hospodárstva
fair compensation?
aby dostali spravodlivú odmenu?
that this can be done.
of the people in the world who have land
svetových vlastníkov pôdy
k moci príde nejaký diktátor a povie:
some dictator comes to power,
of paper that says you own your farm,
ktorý tvrdí, že farmu vlastníš ty,
says my friend owns your farm."
že ju vlastní môj kamarát.“
Latin American economist,
známy latinsko-americký ekonóm,
issue in the world
problém číslo jedna,
ako mať účet v banke,
a valid title to your land,
právoplatný nárok na pôdu,
are working with governments
spolupracujú s vládami,
pôdy na blockchaine.
hovorí o službách ako Uber,
and Lyft and so on
and create and share wealth.
vytvoriť a zdieľať majetok.
precisely because they don't share.
práve preto, že sa nedelia.
and they sell them.
being a $25 billion corporation,
ako 25-miliardovej korporácie,
on a blockchain, we'll call it B-Airbnb,
na blockchaine, nazvime ju B-Airbnb,
by all of the people
vlastnili všetci tí ľudia,
database and all the criteria,
prešiel všetky jej dostupné kritériá
them find the right room,
with the contracting,
they're built into the system.
sú už vstavané v systéme.
as a five-star room,
izbu ako 5-hviezdičkovú,
disruptors in Silicon Valley
zdieľanej ekonomiky zo Silicon Valley
from the developed world
tečúcich z rozvinutého sveta
to their families at home.
domov a svojim rodinám.
and it's growing,
to the Western Union office
na pobočku Western Union
to her mom in Manila.
svojej matke v Manile.
days to get there;
when it's going to arrive.
kedy peniaze dorazia.
out of her week to do this.
zaberie 5 hodín.
a blockchain application called Abra.
aplikáciu zvanú Abra.
she sent 300 bucks.
zo svojho mobilu,
to her mom's mobile device
looked at her mobile device --
there's Abra "tellers" moving around.
svojich „pokladníkov“ všade.
that's a five-star teller,
– 5-hviezdičkový pokladník,
gives her Filipino pesos,
odovzdá jej filipínske pesos,
of the digital age is data.
digitálneho veku sú dáta.
tieto dáta tvoríme.
of digital crumbs behind us
zanechávame za sebou
into a mirror image of you,
vytvárajú váš zrkadlový obraz,
more about you than you do,
možno vie viac ako vy sami,
what you bought a year ago,
čo ste si pred rokom kúpili,
or your exact location a year ago.
identitu v čiernej skrinke,
the shred of information
to know who you are.
is sweeping up all of this data
zbiera vaša čierna skrinka
protect our privacy,
umožňuje chrániť si naše súkromie.
of a free society.
slobodnej spoločnosti.
of creators of content
for intellectual property is broken.
vlastníctva je nefunkčný.
of the internet.
at the end of the whole food chain.
ostanú hudobníkom iba omrvinky.
25 years ago, you wrote a hit song,
pred 25 rokmi napísali hit,
of around 45,000 dollars.
okolo 45 000 dolárov.
you write a hit song,
on a blockchain ecosystem.
v ekosystéme blockchainu.
a smart contract surrounding it.
inteligentnej zmluvy
her intellectual property rights.
ktoré odídu na digitálny účet.
that flow into a digital account.
vo svojom filme, to už je iné –
in your movie, that's different,
That's different.
Opäť niečo iné.
becomes a business.
sa stane samostatný podnik.
marketing itself,
kontrolu samotní umelci,
who don't get fair compensation,
ktorí nie sú férovo ohodnotení,
to make it rain on the blockchain.
prosperity, of course -- people do.
pochopiteľne, tvoria ho ľudia.
has escaped from the bottle,
by an unknown person or persons
another kick at the can,
the economic power grid
mocensko-ekonomických pravidiel
difficult problems,
najvážnejších svetových problémov.
Don Tapscott - Digital strategistDon Tapscott, Executive Chairman of the Blockchain Research Institute, is one of the world’s leading authorities on the impact of technology in business and society. He has authored 16 books, including "Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything," which has been translated into over 25 languages
Why you should listen
A leading analyst of innovation and the impacts of technology, Don Tapscott has authored or co-authored 15 widely read books about various aspects of the reshaping of our society and economy. His work Wikinomics counts among the most influential business books of the last decade. His new book The Blockchain Revolution, co-authored with his son, Alex, discusses the blockchain, the distributed-database technology that's being deployed well beyond its original application as the public ledger behind Bitcoin. In the book, they analyze why blockchain technology will fundamentally change the internet -- how it works, how to use it and its promises and perils.
Tapscott is an adjunct professor of management at the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto, a Senior Advisor at the World Economic Forum and an Associate of the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University.
Don Tapscott | Speaker |