Gwynne Shotwell: SpaceX's plan to fly you across the globe in 30 minutes
Гвин Шотвел (Gwynne Shotwell): План Спејс екса да људи пропутују пола планете за 30 минута
As president and COO of SpaceX, Gwynne Shotwell is responsible for day-to-day operations and for managing all customer and strategic relations. Full bioChris Anderson - TED Curator
After a long career in journalism and publishing, Chris Anderson became the curator of the TED Conference in 2002 and has developed it as a platform for identifying and disseminating ideas worth spreading. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
се десило нешто лудо.
something crazy happened.
пошто је то привукло пажњу толико људи?
this caught so many people's attention?
а касније ћу почети да причам.
for the beginning,
три, два, један.
three, two, one.
an important moment for SpaceX.
тренутак за Спејс екс.
and now the Falcon Heavy,
been conceived or is conceived right now.
или се управо сада осмишљава.
of Falcon Heavy later this year,
ракете Фалкон хеви касније ове године,
ракетни појачивачи док слећу.
a thousand people
why not put a Tesla into space?
па зашто не послати „теслу“ у свемир?
and President of SpaceX?
и председник у Спејс ексу?
штреберка као девојчица?
that the girls weren't doing.
које девојчице нису радиле.
when I was in third grade,
док сам била у трећем разреду,
a book, and I read it,
једну књигу, а ја сам је прочитала
out of my mechanical engineering degree
када сам завршила машинство
in the automotive industry.
у индустрији аутомобила.
not because of that book
за инжењерство не због те књиге,
to a Society of Women Engineers event,
на догађај Удружења женских инжењера,
the mechanical engineer that spoke.
машинства која је говорила.
girl connects with.
15-годишња девојчица повезује.
from telling that story,
to be an engineer --
да постанем инжењер -
employee number seven at SpaceX,
седми радник по реду у Спејс ексу,
relationship with NASA,
вредан неколико милијарди долара,
first three launches blew up.
лансирања Спејс екса пропала.
is all about relationships
се ради о односима
with these customers.
is selling your team,
вашег директора -
to sell these days --
that any technical issue that they have
постојећим техничким проблемима
you can address right away.
for me to be an engineer.
то што сам инжењер.
of running sales for Elon.
и да водим продају за Илона.
a big focus of the company
the service to NASA
да се обезбеде услуге за Насу
come to the fore, here.
јављају питања безбедности.
I'm a good sleeper, that's my best thing.
Имам добар сан; то је моја најбоља ствар.
to our flying crew
који ће претходити лансирању посаде
safety comes in the design
безбедност је у осмишљавању
to fly people on,
on this technology.
на овој технологији.
to be able to carry crew.
engineering in these safety systems
ове системе безбедности
that actually allows instant escape
моментално спасавање
the launch escape system.
систем за спасавање.
Хајде да то пустимо.
који смо спровели 2015. године.
of a test that we ran in 2015.
a really bad day on the pad.
лоше ствари на космодрому.
to get out of Dodge.
муњевитом брзином.
проблем на космодрому.
another demonstration later this year
још једну демонстрацију
with the rocket during flight.
са ракетом током лета.
potential function as well, eventually.
потенцијалну улогу.
for Dragon is pretty unique.
за Драгон је прилично јединствен.
систем за спасавање.
are integrated into the capsule,
су интегрисани у капсулу,
it pushes the capsule away.
он одбацује капсулу.
have been like tractor pullers,
били налик вучним тракторима,
you can safely reenter that capsule,
да се вратите у капсулу,
that possibility of failure.
ту могућност да не успемо.
the regular reusability of rockets
да стална поновна употреба ракета
space program, for example,
свемирски програм, рецимо,
да Спејс екс буде успешан.
on the shoulders of giants. Right?
наставили рад великана, зар не?
and the developments to date,
индустрију ракета и најновија достигнућа
that we had to include
коју смо морали да укључимо
around legacy components
користећи превазиђене делове
or were particularly expensive,
или су били веома скупи,
drive the design of these systems.
да води осмишљавање ових система.
started from scratch.
који су кренули од нуле.
you let physics drive the design,
да сте препустили физици осмишљавање,
actually, of that,
the vehicle design
да направимо дизајн летелице
that we wanted to make.
које смо желели да донесемо.
it's a common dome design.
то је уобичајени дизајн куполе.
stacked together,
пива поређане једна на другу;
more payload for the same design.
теретни капацитет за исти дизајн.
that we're flying right now
коју пуштамо у лет управо сада
liquid oxygen and densified RP,
течног кисеоника и ракетног горива,
more propellent into the vehicle.
више горива у летелицу.
на ком ми то радимо,
of margin to the vehicle,
of SpaceX 10 years ago, I think.
Спејс екса пре 10 година, мислим.
so closely with Elon Musk?
толико блиско са Илоном Маском?
this year, actually.
како то радим, заправо.
to do something for 16 years
да радим нешто 16 година,
him saying anything
да сјајно одрадите посао.
best placed to answer this question,
позицији да одговори на ово питање,
on this strange unit of time
чудне мерне јединице за време
I asked Elon, you know,
сам питао Илона, знаш,
auto-drive across America,
самовозећи ауто по Америци,
if you take Elon time into account.
ако се узме у обзир Илоново време.
between Elon time and real time?
Илоново у стварно време?
in a unique position, Chris.
у јединствен положај, Крисе.
is very aggressive on his timelines,
веома агресиван што се тиче рокова,
to do things better and faster.
да радимо ствари боље и брже.
and all the money in the world
to move quickly is really important.
да ради брзо веома важно.
имаш улогу посредника.
kind of a key intermediary role here.
који имају своје последице,
that have their impact,
might blow up a team
то може растурити тим
of saying, "Yes, Elon,"
да кажеш: „Да, Илоне“,
на начин који је прихватљив
in a way that is acceptable
to your employees.
realizations for that.
сазнања у вези са тим.
you have to pause
мораш да застанеш
"Well, that's impossible,"
„Па, то је немогуће“
to do that. I don't know how."
Не знам како да то урадимо.“
substantially harder.
да осећам задовољство због посла.
was to take these ideas
да узмем ове идеје
make them achievable,
да их претворим у достижне,
from this steep slope, get it comfortable.
стрме падине, да то постане пријатно.
I felt like we were there,
када сам осећала да успевамо,
people were getting comfortable,
да је људима постајало пријатно.
that that's his job,
да му је то посао,
close to comfortable
у компанији учиним пријатнијим,
and put us back on that slope,
и врати нас на ту падину,
that the conversation ratio
да је при претварању
његово два пута брже,
and you said it, I didn't.
а и ти си то рекао, не ја.
rumored to be working on,
да Спејс екс ради на њој
thousands of low earth orbit satellites
хиљаде сателита из ниске Земљине орбите
low-cost internet connection
са великим протоком и ниском ценом
you can tell us about this?
about this particular project,
о овом пројекту,
један од најпроблематичнијих,
one of the most challenging
који смо икада покренули.
project we've undertaken.
for internet broadband,
is the difficulty here.
with the right technology solution,
право технолошко решење,
about 10 billion dollars or more
око 10 милијарди долара или више
not claiming victory yet.
не проглашавамо победу.
obviously, if that happened to the world,
очигледно је да би утицај тога,
would be pretty radical,
био прилично радикалан,
if suddenly everyone can connect cheaply.
сви могу да се повежу уз мале трошкове.
it'll change the world.
да ће то променити свет.
on the planning is it,
number of satellites in orbit.
број сателита у орбити.
there's no question --
нема дилеме око тога,
велика вероватноћа да ће се десити,
are pretty devastating.
када се то деси прилично разарајуће.
a bunch of particles in orbit
гомилу честица у орбиту
from being useful for decades or longer.
у следећих неколико деценија или дуже.
our second stage after every mission
сваку нашу летелицу после мисије
a rocket carcass orbiting earth.
ракета која кружи око Земље.
a good steward of that.
руководите овиме.
the remarkable success there
as your future development plan.
као на будући развојни план.
to a much bigger rocket
CA: The Big Falcon Rocket, that's right.
КА: Велику ракету Фалкон, тако је.
in that incredible technology,
у ту невероватну технологију,
to something much bigger. Why?
нешто много веће. Чему то?
been developing these launch systems.
a new product before we've been able
пре него што можемо
is the product that they should move to,
на који треба да пређу,
the Big Falcon Rocket now,
flying Falcon 9s and Falcon Heavies
Фалконе 9 и Фалконе хевије
widespread acceptance of BFR.
у потпуности прихваћен.
Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy
Фалкон 9 и Фалкон хеви
to take humanity to Mars?
потребно да људи оду на Марс?
other business ideas for this.
друге пословне идеје за ово.
that we're currently taking to orbit
које тренутно шаљемо у орбиту,
of satellites to be delivered to orbit.
сателита пошаље у орбиту.
of the fairing is eight meters,
конструкције је осам метара,
what giant telescopes
in that cargo bay,
у ту конструкцију, у тај теретни део,
residual capabilities
GS: It's a residual capability.
ГШ: То су преостале могућности.
Talk about what the heck this is.
Реци нам шта је то, дођавола.
the Statue of Liberty in it,
of that Falcon Heavy Rocket.
те ракете Фалкон хеви.
there are 27 engines there.
постоји 27 мотора.
inventing ever bigger rockets,
for the Falcon 1 launch vehicle.
за лансирну летелицу Фалкон 1.
for the Falcon 9.
something different,
милијарду долара на потпуно нови мотор
on a brand new engine,
on the back end of Falcon 9.
у задњи део Фалкона 9.
glue three Falcon 9s together
operational rocket flying.
than starting from scratch.
од тога да се крене од нуле.
of how much bigger than that,
two and half times the size of this.
два и по пута већи од овога.
this video that we're about to play here.
у снимак који ћемо ускоро пустити.
space travel for earthlings.
путовање у свемиру за Земљане.
преосталу могућност овога.
is we're going to fly BFR like an aircraft
користити као ваздушну летелицу
from New York City or Vancouver
из Њујорка или Ванкувера
half an hour or 40 minutes,
пола сата или 40 минута,
yeah, it's so awesome.
is actually the boat out and back.
путовања бродом до и од летелице.
this is awesome, but it's crazy, right?
ово је сјајно, али лудо, зар не?
going to happen.
to accept this incoming missile --
ту надолазећу ракету -
us trying to convince a federal range,
да покушавамо да убедимо државни ниво,
надолазеће ракете?
regularly, right?
on federal property on an Air Force base.
ваздухопловне базе.
it's only five kilometers out from a city.
можда само пет километара изван града.
can possibly afford the fortune
roughly a hundred passengers.
отприлике сто путника.
about the business.
о пословној страни.
are really expensive,
конкуренција ценама авионских карата?
with airline tickets here?
if I can do this trip
ако могу да овако летим пола сата или сат,
оваквих летова дневно, зар не?
can only make one of those flights a day.
само један овакав лет дневно.
was slightly more expensive
a little bit more expensive,
what they're running in a day,
макар десет пута више летова
that I need to out of that system.
који ми је потребан из тог система.
to be deployed at some point
у неком тренутку остварити,
I'm sure Elon will want us to go faster.
Сигурна сам да би Илон желео да смо бржи.
because I travel a lot
јер пуно путујем
my customers in Riyadh,
своје клијенте у Ријаду,
and be back in time to make dinner.
на време да спремим вечеру.
an economy price ticket,
цена карте за економску класу
per person to fly New York to Shanghai.
по особи за лет између Њујорка и Шангаја.
economy and business,
између економске и бизнис класе,
that is definitely something.
of BFR is being developed
још једна употреба BFR-а,
quite a detailed, sort of, picture
this is a cropped video
there's a couple of new bits to it.
а има пар новина у њему.
to lift off from a pad,
the Big Falcon Spaceship.
Велику свемирску летелицу Фалкон.
the spaceship off in orbit,
we're returning boosters right now.
враћају ракетни појачивачи.
but we're working on the pieces,
али радимо на деловима процеса,
on the pad that we launched from.
на космодром са ког смо узлетели.
на други космодром или брод.
or we land out on a boat.
пошаљете у орбиту,
refuel the spaceship,
поново напуните свемирску летелицу
go to Mars at one time,
шест месеци? Два месеца?
on how big the rocket is.
колико је велика ракета.
and we'll continue to make
а наставићемо
will land the first human on Mars?
послати прве људе на Марс?
from the point-to-point.
за летове од тачке до тачке.
not this decade.
не у току ове деценије.
поново, за десет година.
where this is the official stated mission.
чија је ово званична мисија.
bought into that mission,
поверовали у ту мисију
there's a lot of people around
you've got so much talent,
имате толико талентованих људи,
that need urgent attention.
којима се хитно треба позабавити.
off to another planet?
ово бекство на другу планету?“
to expand our minds a little bit.
да проширимо схватање о томе.
порадити на Земљи,
working on that.
које раде на томе.
the most important things we possibly can,
од најважнијих ствари,
for humans to live and survive and thrive.
преживети и напредовати.
for the human species.
за људски род.
and doing a better job taking care of it,
боља и да се боље бринемо о њој,
multiple paths to survival,
различити начини да преживимо,
о мрачним странама,
all earthlings don't die.
да Земљани не би изумрли.
that's a terrible reason to go do it.
то је грозан разлог да се то уради.
it's another place to explore,
које треба истражити,
different from animals,
and sense of wonderment
истраживати, бити усхићен
in us moving to other solar systems
да се преселимо у друге сунчеве системе
I ever out-vision Elon,
у ком надмашујем Илонову визију,
in other solar systems.
у другим сунчевим системима.
a fixer-upper planet.
да би се могло живети на њему.
to make it habitable.
or whatever they call themselves,
или како год да себе називају
amazing jobs on the planet.
Gwynne Shotwell - Space leaderAs president and COO of SpaceX, Gwynne Shotwell is responsible for day-to-day operations and for managing all customer and strategic relations.
Why you should listen
Gwynne Shotwell joined SpaceX in 2002 as vice president of business development and built the Falcon vehicle family manifest to more than 70 launches, representing more than $10 billion in business. Shotwell is a member of the SpaceX Board of Directors.
Prior to joining SpaceX, Shotwell spent more than 10 years at the Aerospace Corporation, holding positions in space systems engineering and technology and project management. Shotwell was subsequently recruited to be director of Microcosm's space systems division, managing space system technologies, serving on the executive committee and directing corporate business development.
In 2014, Shotwell was appointed to the United States Export Import Bank's Advisory Committee and the Federal Aviation Administration’s Management Advisory Council. She has been awarded the World Technology Award for Individual Achievement in Space, has been inducted into the Women In Technology International Hall of Fame and was elected to the honorable grade of Fellow with the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
SpaceX supports science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) programs locally as well as national engineering programs and competitions. Shotwell has helped raise over $1.4 million for STEM education programs reaching thousands of students nationwide.
Shotwell received, with honors, her bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Northwestern University in mechanical engineering and applied mathematics, and she serves as both a University Trustee and a member of the Advisory Council for Northwestern’s McCormick School of Engineering. She has authored dozens of papers on a variety of space-related subjects.
Gwynne Shotwell | Speaker |
Chris Anderson - TED Curator
After a long career in journalism and publishing, Chris Anderson became the curator of the TED Conference in 2002 and has developed it as a platform for identifying and disseminating ideas worth spreading.
Why you should listen
Chris Anderson is the Curator of TED, a nonprofit devoted to sharing valuable ideas, primarily through the medium of 'TED Talks' -- short talks that are offered free online to a global audience.
Chris was born in a remote village in Pakistan in 1957. He spent his early years in India, Pakistan and Afghanistan, where his parents worked as medical missionaries, and he attended an American school in the Himalayas for his early education. After boarding school in Bath, England, he went on to Oxford University, graduating in 1978 with a degree in philosophy, politics and economics.
Chris then trained as a journalist, working in newspapers and radio, including two years producing a world news service in the Seychelles Islands.
Back in the UK in 1984, Chris was captivated by the personal computer revolution and became an editor at one of the UK's early computer magazines. A year later he founded Future Publishing with a $25,000 bank loan. The new company initially focused on specialist computer publications but eventually expanded into other areas such as cycling, music, video games, technology and design, doubling in size every year for seven years. In 1994, Chris moved to the United States where he built Imagine Media, publisher of Business 2.0 magazine and creator of the popular video game users website IGN. Chris eventually merged Imagine and Future, taking the combined entity public in London in 1999, under the Future name. At its peak, it published 150 magazines and websites and employed 2,000 people.
This success allowed Chris to create a private nonprofit organization, the Sapling Foundation, with the hope of finding new ways to tackle tough global issues through media, technology, entrepreneurship and, most of all, ideas. In 2001, the foundation acquired the TED Conference, then an annual meeting of luminaries in the fields of Technology, Entertainment and Design held in Monterey, California, and Chris left Future to work full time on TED.
He expanded the conference's remit to cover all topics, including science, business and key global issues, while adding a Fellows program, which now has some 300 alumni, and the TED Prize, which grants its recipients "one wish to change the world." The TED stage has become a place for thinkers and doers from all fields to share their ideas and their work, capturing imaginations, sparking conversation and encouraging discovery along the way.
In 2006, TED experimented with posting some of its talks on the Internet. Their viral success encouraged Chris to begin positioning the organization as a global media initiative devoted to 'ideas worth spreading,' part of a new era of information dissemination using the power of online video. In June 2015, the organization posted its 2,000th talk online. The talks are free to view, and they have been translated into more than 100 languages with the help of volunteers from around the world. Viewership has grown to approximately one billion views per year.
Continuing a strategy of 'radical openness,' in 2009 Chris introduced the TEDx initiative, allowing free licenses to local organizers who wished to organize their own TED-like events. More than 8,000 such events have been held, generating an archive of 60,000 TEDx talks. And three years later, the TED-Ed program was launched, offering free educational videos and tools to students and teachers.
Chris Anderson | Speaker |