Mariano Sigman and Dan Ariely: How can groups make good decisions?
Маријано Сигман и Ден Аријели (Mariano Sigman, Dan Ariely): Како групе могу да доносе добре одлуке?
In his provocative, mind-bending book "The Secret Life of the Mind," neuroscientist Mariano Sigman reveals his life’s work exploring the inner workings of the human brain. Full bioDan Ariely - Behavioral economist
The dismal science of economics is not as firmly grounded in actual behavior as was once supposed. In "Predictably Irrational," Dan Ariely told us why. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
collective decisions
да доносимо колективне одлуке
we make decisions in groups,
када доносимо одлуке у групи,
when there's independent thinking.
паметне када постоји независно размишљање.
can be destroyed by peer pressure,
пристисак од стране чланова,
that influence how people think.
који утичу на начин размишљања људи.
a group could exchange knowledge,
може делити знање,
help or hinder collective decision-making?
или спречава доношење колективних одлука?
by performing experiments
кроз спровођење експримената
to reach better decisions.
интеракцију да донесу боље одлуке.
if they debated in small groups
ако расправљају у малим групама
and reasonable exchange of information.
размену информација.
in Buenos Aires, Argentina,
у Буенос Ајресу у Аргентини
participants in a TEDx event.
на догађају TEDx-а.
does the word 'Yesterday' appear
into groups of five,
поделили у петочлане групе
to come up with a group answer.
the answers of the groups
средње вредности одговора група
all the individual opinions
средње вредности индивидуалних мишљења
на основу овог експеримента,
with others in small groups,
са другим људима у малим групама
come up with better judgments.
for getting crowds to solve problems
да маса људи реши проблеме
тачне или погрешне одговоре.
the results of debates in small groups
резултата дебата у малим групама може
on social and political issues
о друштвеним и политичким питањима
at the TED conference
на TED-овој конференцији
to you two moral dilemmas
две моралне дилеме
да одлучујемо у блиској будућности.
in a very near future.
for each of these dilemmas
за сваку од ових дилема
they're acceptable or not.
да ли мислите да су прихватљиве.
is working on an AI
на вештачкој интелигенцији
at the end of each day,
do not restart me."
„Молим те, немој да ме рестартујеш.“
has developed self-consciousness
decides to follow the protocol
одлучује да испоштује протокол
to individually judge
да појединачно процене
у свакој појединачној дилеми
in each of the dilemmas
they were on their answers.
колико су сигурни у своје одговоре.
that takes a fertilized egg
узимања оплођене јајне ћелије
with slight genetic variations.
који имају мале генетске варијације.
to select their child's height,
да одаберу висину свог детета,
друштвену способност
to completely unacceptable,
до потпуно неприхватљивог
и колико сте сигурни у то.
in your confidence.
that when one person is convinced
када је једна особа убеђена
that it's completely right.
да је то потпуно исправно.
when it comes to morality.
када се ради о моралу.
we found a trend.
смо открили тенденцију.
thought that it was acceptable
је мислила да је прихватљиво
интелигенције и угасити је,
and shut it down,
to play with our genes
играти са са нашим генима
that aren't related to health.
које се не односе на здравље.
to gather into groups of three.
да се окупе у трочланим групама.
with the gong.
истекне уз звук гонга.
reached a consensus
постигле консензус
with completely opposite views.
са потпуно различитим гледиштима.
that reached a consensus
у којима је постигнут консензус
extreme opinions
који имају екстремне ставове
closer to the middle
одговоре ближе средини
something is right or wrong,
у то да ли је нешто исправно,
у одговор нижи.
somewhere in the middle.
у свој одговор негде на средини.
are folks who understand
људи који разумеју
that the moral dilemma faces
да се морална дилема суочава
that include highly confident grays
које укључују веома сигурне „сиве“
због чега је то тако.
to understand why and how
да бисмо разумели зашто и како
their moral standings
о својим моралним становиштима
is that it's just the average
је да је то само просек
weighs the strength of each vote
мери снагу сваког гласа
of the person expressing it.
коју особа испољава.
is a member of your group.
члан ваше групе.
ако бисте га послушали
"Yesterday" is repeated,
in different experiments --
у различитим експериментима,
and statistically sound procedure
и статистички разумну процедуру
of the Eiffel Tower,
of 300 million meters.
300 милиона метара.
would inaccurately skew the results.
би нетачно искривио резултате.
where the group largely ignores
где група великим делом игнорише
to the vote of the people in the middle.
гласовима људи из средине.
to the outliers,
придавале нетипичним вредностима,
turned out to be a robust average
да је консензус груба просечна вредност
behavior of the group.
any hint on how to reach consensus.
како да постигну консензус.
but we already have some insights.
али већ имамо неки увид.
require two components:
захтевају две компоненте:
make our voice heard in many societies
наша мишљења чују у друштву
или индиректно гласање.
да изрази своје мишљење.
thoughtful debates.
за неговање смислених расправа.
равнотеже између ова два циља истовремено
these two goals at the same time,
that converge to a single decision
које теже јединственој одлуци,
diversity of opinions
on the height of the Eiffel Tower
око висине Ајфелове куле
and ideological issues.
и идеолошких питања.
the world's problems are more complex
светски проблеми сложенији
how we interact and make decisions
интеракцију и доносимо одлуке
to construct a better democracy.
нове начине да изградимо бољу демократију.
Mariano Sigman - NeuroscientistIn his provocative, mind-bending book "The Secret Life of the Mind," neuroscientist Mariano Sigman reveals his life’s work exploring the inner workings of the human brain.
Why you should listen
Mariano Sigman, a physicist by training, is a leading figure in the cognitive neuroscience of learning and decision making. Sigman was awarded a Human Frontiers Career Development Award, the National Prize of Physics, the Young Investigator Prize of "College de France," the IBM Scalable Data Analytics Award and is a scholar of the James S. McDonnell Foundation. In 2016 he was made a Laureate of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences.
In The Secret Life of the Mind, Sigman's ambition is to explain the mind so that we can understand ourselves and others more deeply. He shows how we form ideas during our first days of life, how we give shape to our fundamental decisions, how we dream and imagine, why we feel certain emotions, how the brain transforms and how who we are changes with it. Spanning biology, physics, mathematics, psychology, anthropology, linguistics, philosophy and medicine, as well as gastronomy, magic, music, chess, literature and art, The Secret Life of the Mind revolutionizes how neuroscience serves us in our lives, revealing how the infinity of neurons inside our brains manufacture how we perceive, reason, feel, dream and communicate.
Mariano Sigman | Speaker |
Dan Ariely - Behavioral economist
The dismal science of economics is not as firmly grounded in actual behavior as was once supposed. In "Predictably Irrational," Dan Ariely told us why.
Why you should listen
Dan Ariely is a professor of psychology and behavioral economics at Duke University and a founding member of the Center for Advanced Hindsight. He is the author of the bestsellers Predictably Irrational, The Upside of Irrationality, and The Honest Truth About Dishonesty -- as well as the TED Book Payoff: The Hidden Logic that Shapes Our Motivations.
Through his research and his (often amusing and unorthodox) experiments, he questions the forces that influence human behavior and the irrational ways in which we often all behave.
Dan Ariely | Speaker |