Rébecca Kleinberger: Why you don't like the sound of your own voice
Ребека Клајнбергер (Rébecca Kleinberger): Зашто вам се не свиђа звук сопственог гласа?
Rébecca Kleinberger is a voice expert pursuing research as a PhD candidate in the MIT Media Lab’s Opera of the Future group. Full bio
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we started standing on our feet,
смо се усправили на ногама,
the masters of our environment.
својом животном средином.
started growing much bigger,
мозгови постали много већи,
much more complex cognitive processes.
много сложеније когнитивне процесе.
that it's because we developed language
да нам је то што смо развили језик
phenomena are all connected.
ове три појаве повезане.
in the back of your neck
у задњем делу вашег врата
between our head and our body.
између наше главе и тела.
to evolve in the back
могао да се развије
from seven centimeters for primates
од седам центиметара код примата
the descent of the larynx.
на ком се производи ваш глас.
their larynx is not descended yet.
њихов гркљан још увек није спуштен.
at about three months old.
of our whole species.
целокупне врсте.
in your mother's womb,
у мајчиној утроби,
coming from the outside world,
из спољашњег света,
when you were about the size of a shrimp,
када сте били величине рачића,
of your mother's voice.
гласа ваше мајке.
is quite meaningful and important
је прилично значајан и важан
and create bonds,
and interpersonal levels --
than words and data,
много више од речи и података;
from how other people see us.
како нас други људи виде.
is far from obvious.
далеко је од очигледног.
we use it as a gift to give to others.
користимо га као дар другима.
when you hear it on a recording machine.
када га чујете на снимку.
the sound of their voice recording.
звук њиховог уснимљеног гласа.
in the next 10 minutes.
у следећих 10 минута.
у Медијској лабораторији МИТ-а,
focuses on the relationship
је усредсређено на однос
and with the voices of others.
као и гласовима других људи.
from listening to voices,
из слушања гласова,
cognitive sciences, linguistics.
когнитивних наука, лингвистике.
tools and experiences
applied understanding of their voice
боље примењено разумевање свог гласа
да би разумели себе боље.
with a holistic approach on the voice.
холистички приступ гласу.
the applications and implications
применама и последицама
as we discover more about it.
док откривамо све више ствари о њему.
of more than 100 muscles in your body.
више од 100 мишића у вашем телу.
of what happens inside.
са ониме што се дешава унутра.
types of turbulences
врста турбуленција
very early stages of Parkinson's,
ране фазе развоја Паркинсонове болести
can help detect heart disease.
то може помоћи да уочите срчане проблеме.
inside individual words
у појединим речима
with your hormone levels.
и са нивоом ваших хормона.
place the speaker
одреде да ли је особа која говори
које су добили слушањем.
listening to us all the time,
која нас слуша све време,
if you're pregnant
application of that.
to how you create relationships.
како остварујете односе.
for every person you talk to.
за сваку особу са којом причате.
of your voice and I analyze it,
вашег гласа и анализирам га,
to your mother, to your brother,
са својом мајком, братом,
the vocal posture.
да користимо и положај гласа.
your voice when you talk to someone.
свој глас док причате са неким.
when you talk to your spouse,
док причате са супружником
but also when you will divorce.
да ли ћете се развести, већ и када.
from listening to voices.
које можемо научити слушањем гласова.
да крене од разумевања тога
with understanding
about three voices that most of us posses,
које већина нас поседује,
of a character.
усмереним ка спољашњости.
to think about the voice,
размишљања о гласу,
yourself in the world.
is well understood.
вашу дијафрагму,
vibration of your vocal fold,
ваше гласне жице
the cavities in you mouth,
шупљине у вашим устима,
transform the sound.
in size, physiology, in hormone levels
веома суптилне разлике
у хормоналним нивоима
differences in your outward voice.
у вашем гласу усмереном ка споља.
from other people's outward voices.
у туђим гласовима усмереним ка споља.
on teaching machines
на томе да научимо машине
a real-time speaker identification system
говорника у реалном времену
on the use of the shared vocal space --
заједничког говорног простора -
talks during meetings --
не прича током састанака -
is that your voice is also not static.
је да ни ваш глас није статичан.
with every person you talk to
у односу на сваку особу са којом причате,
throughout your life.
током вашег живота.
and at the end of the journey,
from the voice of a very young boy.
од гласа веома малог дечака.
becomes a marker of your fluid identity.
there's a big change at puberty.
постоји велика промена у пубертету.
and a big change at menopause.
и велика промена у менопаузи.
other people hear when you talk.
чују када причате.
unfamiliar with it?
the voice that we hear?
you actually don't see the mask.
what you will see is inside of the mask.
видећете оно што је унутрашњост маске.
of perception of this inward voice.
перцепције овог гласа усмереног ка унутра.
of filtering it differently
да га различито филтрира
it first has to travel to your ears.
прво мора да путује до ваших ушију.
travels through the air
путује кроз ваздух,
travels through your bones.
путује кроз ваше кости.
is going to sound in a lower register
усмерен ка унутра да звучи дубље
than your outward voice.
у односу на ваш глас усмерен ка споља.
it has to access your inner ear.
мора да дође у ваше унутрашње уво.
taking place here.
ступа на сцену.
that comes and protects your inner ear
и штити ваше унутрашње уво
it's a biological filter.
биолошки филтер.
inner ear that processes the sound --
вашег унутрашњег ува који обрађује звук,
are going to trigger differently
ће се различито покренути,
they hear the sound.
колико често чују звук.
you hear the most in your life,
који најчешће чујете у свом животу,
than other sounds.
to create a sound,
to the sound of your voice.
не слуша звук вашег гласа.
that might make sense,
what we are going to sound like
to spend energy analyzing the signal.
на анализирање тог сигнала.
that your body does.
који ваше тело направи.
of a corollary discharge
that is sent by the brain.
не ствара никакав покрет,
to other regions of the brain
у друга мождана подручја
discharge also has a different name.
има другачије име.
ваш глас усмерен ка унутра,
as the puppeteer
of the whole system.
when you read a text silently,
када у себи читате текст,
for an important conversation.
written in your native language,
који је на вашем матерњем језику,
that refuse to stop singing
да престане да пева
it's actually impossible to control it.
немогуће контролисати га.
of schizophrenic patients,
between voices coming from inside
гласове који долазе изнутра
working on small devices
на малим уређајима
make those distinctions
да направе ове разлике
is internal or external.
as the voice that speaks in your dream.
и као на глас који прича у вашим сновима.
може попримити много облика.
the potential of this inner voice.
потенцијал свог унутрашњег гласа.
we are doing in our lab:
коју радимо у нашој лабораторији:
this inner voice in dreams.
овом унутрашњем гласу из снова.
you can always engage with it
увек га можете искористити
between thought and actions.
између мисли и радње.
with a better appreciation,
према свим вашим гласовима
inside and outside of you --
determinant of what makes you humans
онога што вас чини људима
Rébecca Kleinberger - Voice expertRébecca Kleinberger is a voice expert pursuing research as a PhD candidate in the MIT Media Lab’s Opera of the Future group.
Why you should listen
Rébecca Kleinberger creatively mixes science, engineering, design and art to explore ways to craft experiences for vocal connection. As part of this work, she designs unique experiences to help people connect with themselves and with others. She accomplishes this using approaches that include projection mapping, virtual reality, rapid prototyping, deep learning, real-time digital signal processing, lasers, wearable technologies and robotics. See examples ranging from a projection ball gown to a memory music box to assistive wearable devices for stutterers on her portfolio.
Throughout six years of work on self-reflection technologies, Kleinberger has developed unique expertise on the human voice as a means of self-connection as well as with others and between species. Her research spans a wide range of fields including neurology, human-computer interaction, psychology, cognitive sciences, physics, biology, clinical research, linguistics, communication theory and assistive technologies. With these tools, people discover more about themselves and the expression they project.
Kleinberger's work was featured on the cover of the Financial Times Magazine and has been shown at a wide range of events and venues including the Museum of Fine Art in Boston, Le Laboratoire in Paris, Siggraph Art exhibition in Los Angeles, the "Hacking Consciousness"exhibit at the Harvard Divinity School and EMF camp in the UK. She has collaborated with Microsoft Research UK and the Google Magenta team and has presented her research at a host of international conferences. Working with Tod Machover, head of the Opera of the Future group, and other group members, her research has also been deployed outside the MIT Media Lab as part of live shows and novel esthetic experiences at Maison Symphonique de Montreal, the Lucerne Festival in Switzerland and the Winspear Opera House in Dallas. Her work has also been featured in Engadget and "60 Minutes."
Kleinberger graduated from École National des Arts et Métiers in Paris with a Master's of Mechanical Engineering and from University College London with a Master of Research in Virtual Environments, Imaging and Visualization. She is also experienced in the art of shearing sheep and raising hedgehogs.
(Photo: Stephanie Ku)
Rébecca Kleinberger | Speaker | TED.com