Wendy Suzuki: The brain-changing benefits of exercise
Wendy Suzuki: Povoljni učinci tjelovježbe na promjene u mozgu
Wendy Suzuki is researching the science behind the extraordinary, life-changing effects that physical activity can have on the most important organ in your body: your brain. Full bio
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that you can do right now
možete učiniti nešto
positive benefit for your brain
pozitivno na vaš mozak,
could actually last a long time
može dugo trajati
from different conditions
Alzheimer's disease or dementia.
ili demencije?
of physical activity.
fizičke aktivnosti.
and protective benefits for your brain.
for the rest of your life.
is tell you a story
understanding of neuroscience,
poznavanje neuroznanosti,
provedem eksperiment
the science underlying
is the most transformative thing
možete još danas
I know that our brains,
znam da je naš mozak,
known to humankind.
poznata ljudskom rodu.
to talk about the brain,
that we are going to talk about today.
o kojima ćemo danas govoriti.
right behind your forehead,
odmah iza čela,
focus, attention and your personality.
koncentraciju, pažnju i osobnost.
in the temporal lobe, shown right here.
sljepoočnom režnju, vidi se ovdje.
the right and the left,
sljepoočna režnja, desni i lijevi,
is a key structure
ključna je struktura
memories for facts and events.
sjećanja na činjenice i događaje.
is called the hippocampus.
with the hippocampus.
that lasts just a moment,
koji traje samo trenutak,
that has changed your brain,
koja je promijenila vaš mozak
the activity of individual brain cells
aktivnost pojedinih moždanih stanica
those brief bursts of electrical activity,
ti kratki naleti električne aktivnosti,
communicate with each other,
to form a new memory, or did not.
stvaranje novog sjećanja.
I did something very unusual in science.
učinila sam nešto neobično u znanosti.
my research program.
svoj istraživački program.
that was so amazing,
the brain-changing effects of exercise.
na promjene u mozgu.
inadvertent way.
of all the memory work that I was doing --
iz području pamćenja --
for all of this memory work.
za sav taj rad na pamćenju.
It was, scientifically.
Znanstveno gledajući, i jest.
out of my lab door,
izvan laboratorija,
listening to those brain cells
osluškujući moždane stanice
many years to realize it,
nakon mnogo godina,
by myself, because I had no social life.
jer nisam imala društveni život.
I was the weakest person on that trip."
najslabija osoba na izletu."
like the weakest person
osjećati najslabijom osobom
classes at the gym.
dance, yoga, step class,
jogu, step aerobic,
sweat-inducing workout that I tried,
nakon svakog isprobanog napornog treninga,
and this great energy boost.
i ogroman nalet energije.
going back to the gym.
I even lost that 25 pounds.
čak sam i smršavila 11 kilograma.
into this regular exercise program
početka redovitog vježbanja,
made me sit up and take notice.
natjeralo da stanem i shvatim.
writing a research grant,
za istraživačku stipendiju,
through my mind before.
pisanje prijave za stipendiju."
always laugh when I say that,
kad to spomenem,
pulling your hair out,
million-dollar-winning idea.
pobjedonosnu ideju.
the grant-writing was going well,
da pisanje prijave ide dobro,
to focus and maintain my attention
usredotočiti i zadržati
what I was studying in my own lab --
pri učenju u mom laboratoriju,
that I had included and added to my life
koju sam uključila u svoj život,
without even knowing it.
a da to nisam ni znala.
what I could find about what we knew
of exercise on the brain.
and a growing literature
i sve bogatije literature,
that I noticed in myself.
što sam na sebi primijetila.
better memory, better attention.
bolje pamćenje, bolja koncentracija.
how powerful exercise was.
moći koju ima tjelovježba.
led me to the big decision
fokus svojeg istraživanja.
of really focusing on this question,
rada na tom pitanju,
the most transformative thing
odmah utjecati na promjene
immediate effects on your brain.
levels of neurotransmitters
and noradrenaline.
i noradrenalina.
right after that workout,
odmah nakon aktivnosti,
da samo jednim vježbanjem
to shift and focus attention,
koncentracije i pozornosti
will last for at least two hours.
will improve your reaction times
možete poboljšati reflekse,
at catching that cup of Starbucks
onu šalicu u Starbucksu
they help you right after.
pomažu vam odmah nakon vježbe.
increase your cardiorespiratory function,
povećati kardiorespiratornu funkciju,
changes the brain's anatomy,
anatomiju, fiziologiju
brain area, the hippocampus.
područja mozga, hipokampusa.
produces brand new brain cells,
proizvodi nove moždane stanice
that actually increase its volume,
koje povećavaju njegov volumen
your long-term memory, OK?
dugoročno pamćenje, ok?
in neuroscience studies,
u neuroznanstvenim studijama
dependent or your prefrontal cortex.
koja ovisi o prefrontalnom korteksu.
better focus and attention,
bolju koncentraciju i pozornost,
increases as well.
immediate effects of mood with exercise
odmah vidljivo utječe na raspoloženje,
in those good mood neurotransmitters.
neuroprijenosnici dobrog raspoloženja.
that exercise will do
koje ima na vaš mozak.
about the brain like a muscle.
and prefrontal cortex gets.
postaju većima i jačima.
and the hippocampus
i hipokampus
susceptible to neurodegenerative diseases
na neurodegenerativne bolesti
kognitivnih sposobnosti starenjem.
over your lifetime,
aktivnošću za života,
dementia or Alzheimer's disease,
ili Alzheimerovu bolest,
is you're going to create
and prefrontal cortex
i prefrontalni korteks
to actually have an effect.
više vremena da postignu učinak.
za vaš mozak, ok?
where everybody says,
want to know one thing.
the minimum amount of exercise
the answer to that question.
a triathlete to get these effects.
biti triatlonac da to postignete.
three to four times a week exercise
tri do četiri puta tjedno,
aerobne vježbe.
you don't have to go to the gym
da ne morate ići u teretanu
in your power walk.
još jedan krug po susjedstvu.
as the aerobics class
jednako dobro kao i sat aerobika
workings of the brain,
funkcija u mozgu,
can improve our brain function,
može poboljšati naše moždane funkcije.
that I just gave you --
the optimum exercise prescription
recept za vježbu
at your fitness level,
učinci današnje vježbe
and protect your brain the best
and it's another to do it.
a sasvim drugo prakticirati ga.
as a certified exercise instructor,
certificiranog instruktora vježbi
just one minute of exercise.
just do what I do, say what I say,
samo ponavljajte što radim i govorim
your neighbor, OK?
it's right, left, right, left.
desna, lijeva, desna, lijeva.
I am Wonder Woman-strong.
jaka sam kao Wonder Woman!"
desna, lijeva.
right and left, right and left.
desna, lijeva, desna, lijeva.
exercise in your life
a happier, more protective life today,
sretnije i zdravije,
from incurable diseases.
od neizlječivih bolesti.
the trajectory of your life
putanju svog života
Wendy Suzuki - Neuroscientist, authorWendy Suzuki is researching the science behind the extraordinary, life-changing effects that physical activity can have on the most important organ in your body: your brain.
Why you should listen
Dr. Wendy A. Suzuki is a Professor of Neural Science and Psychology in the Center for Neural Science at New York University, an author, storyteller and fitness instructor. She received her undergraduate degree in physiology and human anatomy at the University of California, Berkeley in 1987 studying with Prof. Marion C. Diamond, a leader in the field of brain plasticity. She went on to earn her PhDin Neuroscience from U.C. San Diego in 1993 and completed a post-doctoral fellowship at the National Institutes of Health before accepting her faculty position at New York University in 1998.
Suzuki's major research interest continues to be brain plasticity. She is best known for her extensive work studying areas in the brain critical for our ability to form and retain new long-term memories. More recently, her work has focused on understanding how aerobic exercise can be used to improve learning, memory and higher cognitive abilities in humans. She is passionate about teaching, about exercise (intenSati) and about supporting and mentoring up and coming scientists.
Wendy Suzuki | Speaker | TED.com