Sarah Corbett: Activism needs introverts
Sarah Corbett: Aktivizam treba introverte
Sarah Corbett does activism in a quiet, humble and intriguing way using handicrafts. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
in a festival toilet,
u festivalskom zahodu,
na glazbenom festivalu,
because I couldn't even sit down,
jer nisam mogla ni sjesti,
I don't even need the toilet."
Ni ne trebam na zahod."
for a large charity on climate justice,
udrugu koja potiče klimatsku pravdu,
u klimatske promjene
in climate change,
da potpišu peticije o klimatskoj pravdi
on climate justice
a bit more about the issue.
and lots of inequality,
i nejednakosti u društvu
nervozno i iscrpljeno.
and drained me of energy,
jer sam bila iscrpljena
because I'd be exhausted,
doubting my commitment to the cause,
sumnjaju u moju predanost cilju
at the end of our shift,
had been signed,
peticija potpisano,
of petitions signed
najviše potpisanih peticija,
my little breaks in the toilet.
of the other activists,
na druge aktiviste,
the same amount of energy
of getting people to sign petitions,
za promoviranje peticije,
going to watch the bands in the evening
što će ići slušati bendove navečer
to my tent and have a sleep,
natrag u šator i spavati,
completely wiped out,
koji su imali energije
that had the energy
as well, inside.
I'm an introvert,
ja sam introvert,
seems to be favoring extroverts."
bile su pogodnije za ekstroverte."
a to me iscrpljivalo.
outside embassies or shops.
ispred ambasada ili dućana.
was around lots of people,
uključivalo je mnogo ljudi,
it was performing.
Bio je to nastup.
that that wasn't fair,
of the world's population are introverts,
i polovine svjetske populacije,
because we burn out,
by activism and not do it,
i ne bavimo se njime,
an activist in this world.
trebaju biti aktivisti.
it was particularly clever,
da je pretjerano pametno,
of the activism that worked
učinkovitog aktivizma
performing all the time.
za raditi u pozadini,
was in the background,
i koji se ne vide.
just being a campaigner,
I can do, really --
na sveučilištu
time se profesionalno bavim
I've been a professional campaigner
consultant for different charities
kampanje raznih dobrotvornih udruga,
of activism that were needed.
i drugi oblici aktivizma.
počela sam eksperimentirati
I could engage with
aktivizma mogla baviti
I was concerned about in campaigning.
koji su me zabrinjavali u kampanjama.
for Oxfam and other big charities,
za Oxfam i druge velike udruge,
politicians and businesses
which ones didn't.
dobro prošle, a koje nisu.
so I look at all of that stuff,
pa volim čitati o takvim stvarima
in social change in a different way,
u društvene promjene na drugačiji način,
to be more beautiful, kind and just,
bude ljepši, ljubazniji i pravedniji,
should be beautiful, kind and just,
lijep, ljubazan i pravedan,
about three ways
but I'm just going to talk about three.
ali pričat ću samo o ta tri.
activism is often very quick,
response to injustice is,
in our campaigning,
u našim kampanjama.
those extrovert doers,
koji su više od akcije,
quiet introverts into activism.
nervozne i tihe introverte u aktivizam.
poput rada rukama,
you have to do it slowly.
complex, messy social change issues
problemima kod društvenih promjena
as a constituent,
while you're stitching away,
of what are your motives.
svjestan svojih motiva.
volonterski posao kako bi izgledao dobro,
that was mentioned before?
people in solidarity,
na temelju solidarnosti,
which often isn't very ethical?
što često nije vrlo etički.
in different places --
slow form of activism,
da se čuje njihovo mišljenje
they are often not heard.
njihov glas često izgubi.
you don't need eye contact with people.
gledati ljude u oči.
next to someone or a group of people
neke osobe ili grupe ljudi
get time to ask people,
if you give them eye contact.
kada ih se gleda u oči.
who are those big, deep thinkers,
duboko promišljati o stvarima,
that you want to do
što se želiš baviti
koji se bazira na posramljivanju ljudi
that's about shaming people
i koji ti je plan,
these discussions in a very slow way,
raspravljati o svemu ovome,
to slow down and think deeply,
da uspore i promisle o problemima,
for the introvert as well,
part of that movement for change,
za promjenu, osjećaju kao dio pokreta,
through our activism,
prožimaju naš aktivizam,
just react in unethical ways.
na neetičan način.
with art institutions
s umjetničkim institucijama
over 150 people at the V&A
zajedno o nekom problemu,
on a particular issue,
or how it went, like this one.
ili radionici, kao na ekranu.
that activism needs introverts
trebaju introverti
at intimate activism.
intimni oblici aktivizma.
at intimate activism,
when we're engaging power holders,
koji su na moćnim pozicijama,
to people we disagree with,
ljude s kojima se ne slažemo,
not aggressive enemies.
a ne agresivni neprijatelji.
that I do a lot with introverts,
like a bespoke handkerchief
poput prigodnih rupčića
in your position of power.
na svojoj poziciji moći.
while we're making these gifts,
dok radimo ove poklone,
to implement the living wage.
plaće dostatne za život.
bespoke handkerchiefs.
za svih 14 članova upravnog odbora.
to hand-deliver our gifts
skupštinu da podijelimo darove
taj intimni oblik aktivizma,
was that the chair of the board
of followers on Twitter,
followera na Twitteru
u poslovnom svijetu,
biti poslodavac koji daje dostojnu plaću,
to be a living wage employer,
amazing workers are working full time
izvrsnih radnika rade puno radno vrijeme,
that we want you to be?"
koji mi želimo da budete?"
form of activism.
and Valentine's cards to say,
čestitke za Valentinovo kako bismo rekli:
davati plaće dostatne za život"
to implement the living wage,
they'd announced to the media
the independent living wage, and now --
nadnice dovoljne za samostalan život i --
to work with them to be accredited,
da bi postali ovlašteni,
glavnu skupštinu u lipnju
discussions with the board members,
da su im se svidjeli rupčići
they loved their hankies
what we were doing,
standing outside screaming at them
i vrištali na njih,
are really good at intimate activism
u intimnom aktivizmu
to discuss with people,
sočnim problemima s ljudima,
we're trying to engage power holders,
pričati s moćnim ljudima,
with them all the time.
are really missing out
da aktivisti gube nešto
can be half of the world's population,
čine skoro pola svjetske populacije
that we're introvert,
by saying what overwhelms us.
su nam slabosti.
texts in capital letters --
napisane velikim slovima --
and everything, she's fine --
ide joj dobro --
je velikim slovima, to mi je previše."
it's capital letters, it's too much."
pročitala poruku koju mi je poslala.
the lovely text she sent me.
letters overwhelm you,
to help us do intriguing activism
pomognu u zanimljivim oblicima aktivizma
rather than puts them off.
and brash giant posters
i napadni divovski plakati
and vying for our attention.
nadmeću se za našu pažnju.
around the world who take part
s ljudima diljem svijeta,
of provocative street art
provokativne ulične umjetnosti,
or telling them what to do.
i ne govore im što da rade.
to engage in different ways,
ljude da se angažiraju
to be told what to do.
da mu se kaže što da radi.
a green heart on your sleeve
zeleno srce na rukavu
klimatske promjene na to utjecati.
and how climate change will affect it,
with the word 'chocolate' on?"
na kojem piše 'čokolada'?",
intimate conversations and say,
u četiri oka i reći im:
klimatske promjene utjecati,
that climate change will affect,
da budem dio rješenja, a ne problema.
of the solution, not the problem."
jer mi ne volimo biti u središtu pažnje,
like to be the center of attention,
klimatske promjene utjecati na to?"
and how will climate change affect it?"
instead of shop-lifting,
trgovinama umjesto krađe.
with lovely stories on
na kojima su ljupke priče
behind your clothes.
or is it a torturous one?
ili je okrutna?
in little pockets in shops,
džepiće u dućanima
that they found it.
u dućanima koji ne rade etički
offline campaigning
offline kampanje,
in an intriguing way online and offline.
načine online i offline.
that when you're planning a campaign,
planirate kampanje,
just as much as extroverts'.
introverata kao i ekstroverata.
and thinking deeply,
duboko promišljanje
we're really good at bringing them out.
detalja problema.
so use us in that way.
pa nas koristite na taj način.
create conversations and thought.
razgovor ili promišljanje.
to turn into an extrovert and burn out,
u ekstroverta i pregoriti,
and the traits that you have
i osobine koje imate
or an introvert or an ambivert,
introvert ili ambivert,
not to get involved.
Sarah Corbett - CraftivistSarah Corbett does activism in a quiet, humble and intriguing way using handicrafts.
Why you should listen
Sarah Corbett is a craftivist who teaches her "gentle protest" approach to individuals and organizations around the world. She also makes craftivism (craft + activism) projects and DIY kits for people who want to do a quieter, kinder and more beautiful form of effective activism than what is sometimes traditionally offered.
Growing up in a low-income area of the UK, Corbett has been involved in activism since she was three years old and has worked for more than a decade in the UK charity sector as a professional campaigner focusing on international development. But in 2008 she burnt out as an activist and introvert and wanted to find an effective way of campaigning that fitted her skills and ethics and personality. She set up the Craftivist Collective social enterprise in 2009 after people wanted to join in her new form of activism. Now there are craftivists around the world who take part in social change using handicrafts.
Corbett won the Sheila McKechnie award for Economic Justice campaigner of the Year 2016. Craftivist Collective won an Innovation Award from Care2 Impact Award 2016. She works with charities, arts institutions, universities and has exhibited her solo exhibition, "Gentle Protest," in Stockholm, Helsinki and London. She lives in East London and works worldwide.
Sarah Corbett | Speaker |