Melinda Gates: Let's put birth control back on the agenda
Melinda Gates: Mari kita kembali agendakan isu kontrasepsi
Melinda French Gates is co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, where she puts into practice the idea that every life has equal value. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
topik yang sangat umum.
a totally uncontroversial topic.
it's become incredibly controversial.
sangat kontroversial.
will have sex with one another.
melakukan hubungan seksual.
should be free to decide
seharusnya bebas memutuskan
want to conceive a child.
mempunyai anak atau tidak.
one of these birth control methods
salah satu metode KB yang ada
who disagree with this idea.
yang tidak setuju dengan ini.
without any hesitation at all.
alat KB tanpa ragu-ragu.
to plan their own lives
kontrol dalam perencanaan keluarga mereka
and more prosperous families.
sehat, pandai, dan sejahtera.
so broadly accepted in private,
diterima masyarakat luas secara personal,
a lot of opposition in public.
dalam ranah publik.
when we talk about contraception
kita membicarakan kontrasepsi
because it's about sex.
karena berhubungan dengan seks.
is to control populations.
adalah untuk pengontrolan populasi.
to this core idea that men and women
di mana pria dan wanita
when they want to have a child.
kapan untuk mempunyai anak.
almost completely and totally disappeared
KB sepenuhnya telah sirna
are the people of sub-Saharan Africa
penduduk sub-Sahara Afrika
that use contraception
yang menggunakan kontrasepsi
one of the largest states in India.
salah satu provinsi terbesar di India.
was its own country,
adalah sebuah negara sendiri,
country in the world.
terbesar di dunia.
country in Africa, 10 percent.
di Afrika, 10%
in Africa, Senegal.
di Afrika, Senegal.
sekitar 12%.
contraceptives are rarely available.
yang paling populer jarang tersedia.
over and over again
memberitahu Anda sedemikian kali
is an injectable.
KB suntik.
and they go about four times a year,
dan mereka disuntik 4 kali setahun,
to get their injection.
is they can hide it from their husbands,
mereka dapat menyembunyikannya dari suami,
banyak anak.
a woman goes into a clinic in Senegal,
pergi ke klinik di Senegal,
150 hari setiap tahunnya.
to go get her injection.
sometimes leaves her children,
terkadang anak-anaknya,
when it's going to be available again.
suntikannya tersedia lagi.
across the continent of Africa today.
punya cerita yang sama.
has become a life-and-death crisis.
telah menjadi krisis hidup atau mati.
who say they don't want to be pregnant
yang tidak ingin mengandung
100,000 women a year.
melahirkan -- 100 ribu wanita per tahun.
in the first place,
in that first month of life.
pada bulan pertama.
these mothers and these children.
para ibu dan bayi ini.
we got confused by our own conversation.
dibuat bingung di tengah jalan.
progress on this issue,
kemajuan dalam masalah ini,
about what our agenda is.
apa agenda kita.
tentang aborsi.
about population control.
tentang kontrol populasi.
the power to save their lives,
menyelamatkan hidup mereka,
the best possible future.
yang lebih baik bagi keluarga.
in the global health community
dalam komunitas kesehatan global
better in the future --
masa depan dunia kita --
as you heard earlier, and pneumonia.
karena diare dan pneumonia.
millions of children a year.
karenanya setiap tahun.
petani kecil --
small plots of land in Africa --
kecil di Afrika --
to feed their children.
anaknya dari kebun sendiri.
children are educated around the world.
di seluruh dunia mendapat pendidikan.
and most transformative things we can do
transformatif yang bisa kita lakukan
to birth control methods
metode KB pada semua orang
and all Americans, at some point,
di Jerman dan Amerika
about what our agenda is,
yang kita miliki,
waiting to happen
akan terjadi
this totally uncontroversial idea.
sama sekali tidak kontroversial ini.
I grew up in a Catholic home.
a practicing Catholic.
seorang pendeta Yesuit.
biarawati Dominikan.
and a principal her entire life.
selama masa hidupnya.
as a young girl how to read.
membaca semasa saya kecil.
for my entire childhood
di sekolah Katolik
untuk kuliah.
a high priority in the school.
dan keadilan sosial di sekolah.
that I learned in high school.
apa yang saya pelajari di SMA.
cendekiawan Katolik,
to question received teachings.
kritis terhadap pelajaran yang diterima.
and my peers questioned
pertanyakan adalah
talking about contraception
kita membicarakan tentang kontrasepsi
we're going to promote promiscuity.
reproduksi, kita menggalakkan seks bebas.
to be asked about contraception --
tentang kontrasepsi --
moralitas seksual?
had nothing to do with promiscuity.
hubungannya sama sekali dengan seks bebas.
I wanted to go to college.
Saya ingin kuliah.
female computer science graduates
dari sedikit wisudawati ilmu komputer
so I went on to business school
maka saya mengambil sekolah bisnis
female executives at Microsoft.
termuda di Microsoft.
when I left my parents' home
meninggalkan rumah orang tua
to start this new job at Microsoft.
baru di Microsoft.
to give me five years of higher education.
saya bisa kuliah selama 5 tahun.
ketika saya pergi
down the porch at home --
beranda rumah
this great education,
yang kamu dapatkan,
and have kids right away,
dan langsung punya anak,
that would make me the very happiest.
apa yang membuat saya bahagia.
when I was ready.
ketika saya sudah siap.
punya tiga anak.
exactly sure how to be great parents.
bagaimana menjadi orang tua yang hebat.
before we had our second child.
sebelum memutuskan yang kedua.
that we have three children
kami punya tiga anak
tiga tahun.
the very most for my children?
inginkan bagi anak-anak saya?
apa yang saya rasakan
they want to do in life.
yang mereka inginkan dalam hidup mereka.
for the foundation around the world
yayasan ini sepuluh tahun terakhir
hal yang sama.
in one called Korogocho --
kumuh yang bernama Kogorocho
"standing shoulder to shoulder."
that's pictured here.
yang ada di layar.
about their family life in the slums,
di perkampungan kumuh dengan terbuka,
about what they did for birth control.
yang mereka gunakan.
in the red sweater,
dan duduk di tengah,
two-hour conversation
yang berdurasi 2 jam tersebut
tidak akan lupakan.
every good thing to this child
yang terbaik untuk anak saya sebelum
every good thing to our children.
terbaik bagi anak kita.
to provide every good thing.
kemampuan kita untuk menyediakannya.
from domestic violence.
korban kekerasan rumah tangga.
broach the subject of contraception,
membicarakan kontrasepsi
who lack basic education.
punya pendidikan dasar.
who do have knowledge and do have power
dan kuat dalam rumah tangga
di seluruh dunia
to have smaller families.
untuk punya keluarga kecil.
for a quarter of a millennium,
seperempat milenia,
di berbagai tempat,
of sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia.
sub Sahara Afrika dan Asia Selatan.
their family size in the mid-1700s.
keluarga di tengah tahun 1700-an.
this trend spread all across Europe.
menyebar di seluruh Eropa.
as I learned this history,
ketika saya pelajari sejarahnya,
lines but around cultural lines.
sosial ekonomi, namun kultural.
made that change as a group.
melakukan perubahan secara bersamaan.
for their family,
yang sama dalam keluarga,
or whether they were poor.
toward smaller families spread
was driven by an idea --
yang menggerakkannya --
can exercise conscious control
akan jumlah anak
the ability to affect the future,
untuk merencanakan masa depan,
went down every decade
menurun tiap dekadenya
until it stabilized.
sampai ia akhirnya stabil.
the contraceptives weren't that good.
kontrasepsi yang ada belum begitu bagus.
in the 1880s, and it took just 50 years
tahun 1880an, hanya butuh 50 tahun
to stabilize in this country.
di negara itu.
the transition started in the 1960s,
bermula di tahun 1960an,
because of modern contraception.
karena kontrasepsi modern.
it's important to pause for a moment
penting untuk berhenti sejenak
such a contentious issue.
ini sering diperdebatkan.
and coercive policies.
dan kebijakan yang memaksa.
adopted very specific numeric targets
target numerik yang sangat spesifik
having an IUD placed in their bodies.
mau menggunakan IUD.
really smart in this situation.
cerdik dalam situasi ini.
they got paid six rupees.
mereka dibayar 6 rupee.
jam atau hari,
and had the IUD removed for one rupee.
dan minta IUD dilepas dengan 1 rupee.
Amerika Serikat,
were sterilized without their consent.
disterilisasi dengan paksa.
the Mississippi appendectomy --
apendektomi Mississippi --
were given anesthesia
diberikan anestesi
without their knowledge.
tanpa mereka sadari.
weren't even needed.
tidaklah perlu.
wanted to lower their family size.
mereka mengecil.
again and again,
to have smaller families.
keluarga yang lebih kecil.
have innately different desires.
sesuatu yang berbeda.
they will have fewer children.
akan memilih punya anak lebih sedikit.
all women get what they want now?
membantu apa yang mereka inginkan?
to some century-long struggle,
dalam perjuangan berabad-abad,
jaman revolusi
was coitus interruptus?
tidak berhubungan seksual?
it doesn't need justification.
tidak memerlukan pembenaran.
to bring every good thing to our children
yang terbaik bagi anak-anak kita
masyarakat untuk maju.
I met a young businesswoman,
saya bertemu seorang pengusaha wanita,
out of her home.
would go to the local jeans factory
pergi ke pabrik jeans setempat
bahan kain denim.
and resell them.
dan menjualnya.
she had three children,
ia punya tiga anak,
having children after their third one.
setelah anak mereka yang ketiga.
she simply said,
ia bilang,
my business if I had another child."
bisnis kalau saya punya anak lagi."
that she was getting out of her business
an education to all three of her children.
menyekolahkan ketiga anaknya.
about her family's future.
masa depan anak-anaknya.
of men and women have gone through.
pria dan wanita di seluruh dunia.
that they have it exactly right.
mereka benar.
more opportunities
mereka kesempatan lebih baik
over when they have them.
anak yang mereka punya.
on over 180,000 inhabitants since 1963.
dari 180.000 penduduk sejak 1963.
pieces of research that's been running.
terlama yang tengah berlangsung.
kesehatan yang bagus.
were chosen to get contraceptives.
memilih untuk KB.
and access to contraception.
dan akses terhadap alat KB.
following those villages,
mengikuti perkembangan mereka,
quality of life than their neighbors.
hidup lebih baik dari tetangga mereka.
to die in childbirth.
meninggal ketika melahirkan.
to die in the first thirty days of life.
dalam 30 hari pertama hidupnya.
things like livestock or land or savings.
seperti ternak, tanah, atau tabungan.
had more schooling.
bersekolah lebih layak.
of effects over millions of families,
dengan jutaan keluarga yang ada,
economic development.
skala besar.
economic miracle of the 1980s --
di Asia tahun 1980-an --
of economic growth across that region
di wilayah tersebut
towards smaller families.
keluarga kecil.
at the individual family level --
level keluarga --
about what's best for their children.
bagi anak-anak mereka.
and that decision,
dan keputusan tersebut,
regional and national trends.
dan nasional.
are given the opportunity
diberikan pilihan
a virtuous cycle of development
siklus pertumbuhan yang baik
build a better future.
membangun masa depan lebih baik.
have the opportunity
punya kesempatan
to the full variety of methods.
seluruh metode KB.
sangat jelas:
that women want.
yang para ibu inginkan.
both rich and poor governments alike
baik yang kaya dan miskin
in this room and globally,
baik di sini maupun secara global,
of millions of families
ratusan juta keluarga
to contraception today
terhadap KB
their lives if they did have access.
mereka bisa dapatkan jika ada akses KB.
and the members of her women's group
dari kelompok wanitanya
secara terbuka
out amongst themselves and in public,
baik internal maupun secara publik,
to bring every good thing to our children.
menginginkan yang terbaik bagi anak kita.
and everything else.
dan semuanya.
say something to the effect of,
orang pandai yang bilang,
about the population issue anymore.
masalah populasi lagi.
naturally all over the world.
di setiap belahan dunia.
at nine or 10 billion. And that's it."
Itu saja."
at the statistics across Africa,
yang ada di Afrika,
though, from a different lens.
dari berbagai sudut pandang.
from the ground upwards.
we got ourselves in so much trouble
ada begitu banyak masalah
population numbers over time.
jumlah populasi berubah.
Yes, we need to make the right choices.
dan musti membuat keputusan tepat.
at the family level.
di level keluarga.
and letting them choose what to do
dan membiarkan mereka memilih sendiri lah
that we have seen globally --
yang kita lihat secara global
places in South Asia and Afghanistan.
tempat di Asia Selatan dan Afghanistan.
around the world
di seluruh dunia
lives and empowering women and so on.
nyawa dan pemberdayaan wanita.
is going to increase the likelihood
memperbesar kemungkinan
that sex is absolutely sacred.
memang seks itu sakral.
and it's sacred in the United States,
sakral di Amerika Serikat,
and so many places around the world.
dan di seluruh dunia.
in my country who are sexually experienced
saya yang pernah berhubungan seksual
doesn't make sex any less sacred.
tidak berarti seks jadi kurang sakral.
to make choices about their lives.
akan hidup mereka.
the sacredness of the family
dari sebuah keluarga
by saving their lives.
dengan menyelamatkannya.
doing to promote this issue?
untuk menggalakkan masalah ini?
and people listening on the web --
yang mendengarkan ini
join the conversation.
tentang KB.
Join the conversation.
Ikutlah serta di dalamnya.
has either changed your life
telah mengubah hidup Anda
Anda kenal.
of people saying, "This makes sense.
"Ini masuk akal.
no matter where they live."
di mana pun mereka berada."
that we're going to do
kita lakukan
11 Juli di London,
a whole host of African nations,
dari negara Afrika
on the global health agenda.
dalam agenda kesehatan global.
sumber daya
from the bottom up with governments
ke atas dengan pemerintah
mendapat pendidikan --
want the tool, they have it,
mereka bisa mendapatkannya,
lots of options available
pilihan yang tersedia
their local healthcare worker
kesehatan setempat
pedesaan lokal.
of those nuns who taught you at school
yang mengajar Anda di sekolah
this TED Talk at some point.
seminar TED ini.
or are they cheering you on?
atau mendukung Anda?
to see the TED Talk
akan menyaksikannya
and I plan to send it to them.
dan saya akan kirimkan videonya.
were incredibly progressive.
mengajar saya sangat progresif.
bangga akan saya
about social justice and service.
tentang pengabdian dan keadilan sosial.
incredibly passionate about this issue
luar biasa tentang masalah ini
in the developing world.
di negara-negara berkembang.
has become very close to heart
dengan hati saya
and they are so often voiceless.
dan mereka tidak punya suara.
they should have access.
mempunyai akses.
what I've learned from them
apa yang saya pelajari dari mereka
that I've already done at the foundation.
dari yayasan ini selama bertahun-tahun.
today an amazing group of speakers
yang hebat pada hari ini
I have so many follow-up questions.
banyak pertanyaan lanjutan.
of this work is a journey.
adalah suatu perjalanan.
about the journey through energy,
perjalanan energi,
on this platform?"
di dalamnya?"
on these development issues,
di masalah perkembangan ini belajar
You learn by trying and making mistakes.
Dengan mencoba dan salah.
that helps lead to the answer
yang mengarahkan pada jawaban
that can help you answer it.
bantu jawab.
for the panelists from today.
untuk panelis hari ini.
all of us on this journey with you.
berbagi pengalaman dengan kami semua.
MG: Great. Thanks, Chris.
MG: Terima kasih, Chris.
Melinda Gates - PhilanthropistMelinda French Gates is co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, where she puts into practice the idea that every life has equal value.
Why you should listen
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation works to help all people lead healthy, productive lives. As co-chair, Melinda French Gates helps shape and approve strategies, review results, advocate for foundation issues and set the overall direction. In developing countries, the foundation focuses on improving people's health with vaccines and other life-saving tools and giving them a chance to lift themselves out of hunger and extreme poverty. In the United States, it seeks to dramatically improve education so that all young people have the opportunity to reach their full potential. Based in Seattle, Washington, the foundation is led by CEO Jeff Raikes and co-chair William H. Gates Sr., under the direction of Bill Gates, Melinda Gates and Warren Buffett.
In recent years, Melinda French Gates has become a vocal advocate for access to contraception, advancing the idea that empowering women to decide whether and when to have children can have transformational effects on societies. In 2012, Gates spearheaded the London Summit on Family Planning, with the goal of delivering contraceptives to 120 million women in developing countries by 2020. When asked why she got involved in this issue, Gates said, "We knew that 210 million women were saying they wanted access to the contraceptives we have here in the United States and we weren't providing them because of political controversy in our country. To me, that was just a crime. I kept looking around trying to find the person to get this back on the global stage. I realized I just had to do it."
Melinda Gates | Speaker |