Yanis Varoufakis: Capitalism will eat democracy -- unless we speak up
Yanis Varoufakis: Kapitalisme akan memangsa demokrasi -- kalau kita tidak angkat bicara
Yanis Varoufakis thinks we need a radically new way of thinking about the economy, finance and capitalism. Full bio
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taking it for granted.
menerima demokrasi apa adanya.
of flowers that it really is,
sebagaimana mestinya,
of our society's furniture.
masyarakat kita.
as an intransigent given.
sebagai sesuatu yang mutlak.
begets inevitably democracy.
mau tak mau menghasilkan demokrasi.
and his great imitators in Beijing
peniru besarnya di Beijing
to have a flourishing capitalism,
kapitalisme untuk berkembang,
in our neck of the woods,
di sekitar kita
while I was representing Greece --
ketika saya masih mewakili Yunani --
that our nation's democratic process --
proses demokrasi di negara kami --
that were being implemented in Greece.
yang diterapkan di Yunani.
vindication of Lee Kuan Yew,
daripada Lee Kuan Yew,
friends of mine who kept telling me
terus mengatakan
if it ever threatened to change anything.
ia berupaya untuk mengubah status quo.
for an authentic democracy.
demokrasi yang sebenarnya.
to join me in believing again
untuk bersama saya kembali percaya
that we can dispense with democracy --
bahwa kita bisa mengabaikan demokrasi --
boisterous democracy.
yang sahih dan berani.
akan menjadi sampah.
an interesting paradox
satu paradoks menarik
our economies as we speak.
that has been casting a long shadow
yang sudah lama membayangi
Europe, the whole world.
and to corporations,
that can generate the incomes
yang bisa menghasilkan pendapatan
the mountain of debts
that humanity desperately needs,
yang sangat dibutuhkan manusia,
in Britain and in the Eurozone,
3.4 trillion dollars
menginvestasikan 3,4 triliun dolar
and so on and so forth.
dan seterusnya.
5,1 triliun dolar
in the same countries,
di negara-negara yang sama,
during the same period
and bidding up house prices.
dan harga rumah.
and a mountain of idle cash
segunung uang diam,
failing to cancel each other out
gagal untuk meniadakan satu sama lain
operation of the markets.
in America, in Japan and in Europe
25 sampai 54 tahun
kehilangan pekerjaan.
yang rendah,
reproduce it by not investing --
menekan investasi --
by the prophecy of the oracle
his son, would kill him.
meningkatkan kualitas hidup,
all these technologies,
for saving planet Earth.
untuk menyelamatkan planet bumi.
demokrasi mungkin adalah jawabannya?
that democracy might be the answer?
in which the free and the poor,
orang bebas dan orang miskin,
mengatur pemerintah.
excluded too many.
mengabaikan banyak kelompok.
of course, the slaves.
of ancient Athenian democracy
demokrasi kuno Athena
about ancient Athenian democracy,
the right to free speech,
kebebasan berbicara,
to political judgments
mengutarakan pendapat politik yang setara
concerning matters of state.
dalam urusan negara.
democracy didn't last long.
demokrasi Athena tidak bertahan lama.
it burned out quickly.
ia lumer dengan cepat.
do not have their roots in ancient Athens.
tidak berakar pada Athena kuno.
was focusing on the masterless citizen
masyarakat tak bertuan
on the Magna Carta tradition,
tradisi Magna Carta,
a charter for masters.
para penguasa.
only surfaced when it was possible
ketika kondisinya memungkinkan
from the economic sphere,
dari dunia ekonomi,
fully in the political sphere,
sepenuhnya dalam dunia politik,
from the political sphere,
dunia ekonomi dan politik,
epic struggle between the two,
colonizing the political sphere,
are not what they used to be?
politisi tak lagi seperti dulu?
has degenerated.
in government today and not in power,
pemerintahan sekarang tapi tidak berkuasa,
from the political to the economic sphere,
dunia politik ke dunia ekonomi,
melawan kapitalisme.
with capitalism.
a population of predators,
the prey that they must feed on,
menghabisi mangsa mereka,
and cannibalizing the political sphere
mengkanibalisasi dunia politik
that it is undermining itself,
to invest the cash of their corporations.
menginvestasikan uang perusahaan mereka.
in taking the demos out of democracy,
"demos" (masyarakat) dari demokrasi,
of human resources
serta kekayaan
and economic spheres
dunia politik dan ekonomi
with a demos being in control,
kontrol "demos,"
except without the slaves
tapi tanpa budak
dan migran.
had that idea 100 years ago
dari 100 tahun lalu,
from the Soviet debacle
kasus Soviet adalah
will the working poor be reempowered,
martabat kelompok pekerja,
of brutality and waste.
dan kesia-siaan baru.
with automata, androids, robots.
automata, android, robot.
and the political spheres are separate,
tetap terpisah,
puncak kembar semakin tinggi,
and the political spheres,
dunia ekonomi dan politik,
by democratizing the reunified sphere,
dunia gabungan yang terjadi,
a surveillance-mad hyperautocracy
hiper-autokrasi yang gila pengawasan
look like a documentary.
film The Matrix.
whether capitalism will survive
apakah kapitalisme akan bisa bertahan
it is spawning.
yang dihasilkannya.
by something resembling a Matrix dystopia
menyerupai distopia Matrix
to a Star Trek-like society,
di Star Trek
exploring the universe
menjelajahi alam semesta
about the meaning of life
tentang arti kehidupan
high tech agora.
versi teknologi tingkat tinggi.
instead of the Matrix-like dystopia?
alih-alih distopia Matrix?
untuk pekerjaan Anda,
from one job to another,
dari pekerjaan ke pekerjaan,
Anda bekerja di suatu waktu tertentu --
to work at at that time --
to work in it at that moment.
pada saat itu.
from capital, from profits,
dari keuntungan,
of wage labor becomes obsolete.
who own but do not work in the company
tapi tidak bekerja di perusahaan
but do not own the company;
tapi tidak memiliki perusahaan;
between capital and labor;
modal dan tenaga kerja
investment and saving;
antara investasi dan tabungan;
political economy,
have a free-floating exchange rate,
kurs mengambang,
global, digital currency,
global dan universal,
by the International Monetary Fund,
is denominated in this currency --
menggunakan mata uang ini --
to be paying into a common fund
ke modal bersama
to the country's trade deficit,
defisit perdagangan negara tersebut
to invest in green technologies,
untuk teknologi ramah lingkungan,
where investment funding is scarce.
pendanaan investasi sangat jarang.
John Maynard Keynes proposed
John Maynard Keynes
Konferensi Bretton Woods.
the technology to implement it.
untuk menerapkannya.
terutama dalam konteks penyatuan kembali
of a reunified political-economic sphere.
pembangunan manusia,
empowered individuals,
to the dustbin of history
pemisahan antara modal dan pekerja
to imagine an authentic democracy.
membayangkan demokrasi yang autentik.
into a Matrix-like dystopia?
distopia seperti Matrix?
that we shall be making collectively.
yang akan kita buat bersama-sama.
in your bios as a libertarian Marxist.
sebagai Marxis libertarian.
of Marx's analysis today?
di masa sekarang?
any relevance in what I just said,
hari ini ada relevansinya,
the political and economic is --
dunia politik dan ekonomi adalah --
is going to create
akan permintaan agregat,
refers to as secular stagnation.
sebagai "stagnasi sekular."
from one part of the world,
dari satu belahan dunia ke lainnya
not only our democracies,
tak hanya demokrasi kita,
that keen on liberal democracy.
tidak terlalu menyukai demokrasi liberal.
then Marx is absolutely relevant.
maka Marx menjadi sangat relevan.
Marxis libertarian,
dan mungkin kami juga bingung sekarang.
berarti Anda tidak berpikir, ya kan?
you are not thinking, OK?
philosopher kind of thing to say --
Yunani, yang Anda katakan --
you mentioned Singapore and China,
Anda menyebut Singapura dan China,
about how the West looks at China.
cukup keras tentang
degree of hypocrisy.
yang sangat besar.
we have a semblance of democracy.
kita punya sesuatu yang mirip demokrasi.
kita punya demokrasi yang terbatas
as I was saying in my talk,
where all the action is --
di dunia yang tidak tersentuh demokrasi --
adalah area bebas-demokrasi.
Inggris di abad ke-19.
in the 19th century.
liberalisme dengan demokrasi --
liberalism with democracy --
it's like John Stuart Mill.
adalah seperti John Stuart Mill.
skeptical about the democratic process.
proses demokrasi.
is a very similar process
adalah proses yang sama
saat Revolusi Industri,
during the Industrial Revolution,
dari periode pertama ke kedua.
from the first to the second.
in the 19th century,
pada abad ke-19,
ingin tahu tentang pengalaman Anda
are wondering about your experience
earlier this year.
di awal tahun ini.
BG: Ya.
pengalaman tersebut?
at the first half of the year?
dari sudut pandang personal,
from a personal point of view,
to reboot the Eurozone.
memulai ulang Eurozone.
that there was a massive --
yang sangat besar,
architectural fault line
proses Uni Eropa secara signifikan.
the whole of the European Union process.
on the basis of the Greek program --
to manifest that denial --
penyangkalan itu sangat nyata.
of the Soviet Union.
that architecturally cannot survive,
tidak bisa bertahan,
politik dan otoritarianisme,
and through authoritarianism,
and catastrophically.
dan destruktif.
are you foreseeing?
the architecture of the Eurozone,
ketika menjabat Menteri Keuangan?
when you were Finance Minister?
YV: Siapa pun yang melihat ke belakang --
YV: Anybody who looks back --
or of anything else for that matter,
atau pemegang jabatan apa pun,
dalam posisi mereka,
sangat tertekan,
mereka adalah orang yang berbahaya.
they're dangerous people.
menanda-tangani aplikasi
was to sign the application
on the side of the creditors
untuk menghancurkan pemerintah Yunani,
in crushing our government,
the architectural fault lines
destruktif di Yunani selama 5 tahun.
a catastrophic program in Greece.
PDB nominal kami.
menetapkan kebijakan ini,
that have been imposing this policy
of the discussion,
quite pro-European.
Uni Eropa dan Eurozone
of the European Union and the Eurozone
who lives and breathes Europe.
dengan darah daging Eropa.
the Eurozone will not survive.
seandainya Eurozone tak bisa bertahan.
that will be unleashed
not just for Europe
ekonomi terbesar di dunia.
economy in the world.
of the postmodern 1930's,
yang kita lakukan sekarang,
and non-Europeans alike.
Anda salah tentangnya.
you are wrong on that point.
Yanis Varoufakis - Economist and professorYanis Varoufakis thinks we need a radically new way of thinking about the economy, finance and capitalism.
Why you should listen
Yanis Varoufakis describes himself as a "libertarian Marxist," although, he says, "It is not something that I volunteer to talk about much, because the very mention of Marx switches audiences off." He teaches economic theory at the University of Athens, where he challenges mainstream notions -- arguing that after the financial crash of 2008 we need a radically new way of thinking about the economy, finance and capitalism.
He became widely known in the first half of 2015 when, as Minister of Finance of the newly formed Greek government, he was a leading, outspoken and much-discussed figure in the renegotiations of Greece's debt.
In May 2017, Varoufakis released Adults in The Room: My Battle With Europe’s Deep Establishment, a personal account of Europe's hidden agenda and an urgent wake-up call to renew European democracy.
Yanis Varoufakis | Speaker | TED.com