Johann Hari: This could be why you're depressed and anxious
Johann Hari: Mungkin ini alasan kenapa kau depresi dan cemas
Johann Hari spent three years researching the war on drugs; along the way, he discovered that addiction is not what we think it is. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
that were hanging over me.
to look into them.
untuk mencari tahu.
year after year,
telah meningkat
to get through the day?
melewati hari?
yang bersifat pribadi.
because of a more personal mystery.
mengalir dari tubuhku.
like pain was leaking out of me.
bisa begini.
why people get like this.
a chemical imbalance in their heads --
kimia secara alami dalam kepala mereka --
balance back to normal."
called Paxil or Seroxat,
di negara lain.
in different countries.
I got a real boost.
rasa sakit itu datang lagi.
maksimal yang diizinkan secara hukum.
the maximum possible dose
and pretty much all the time by the end,
sepanjang waktu,
"What's going on here?
"Apa yang terjadi?
kisah yang mendominasi budaya --
that's dominating the culture --
of these two mysteries,
perjalanan keliling dunia,
all over the world,
experts in the world
di dunia
dan solusinya
depression and anxiety
dalam berbagai cara.
in all sorts of ways.
biasa yang kukenal di perjalanan.
I got to know along the way.
of what I learned is,
dan kecemasan.
of depression and anxiety.
more sensitive to these problems,
peka, namun tak menentukan nasibmu.
that can happen when you become depressed
ketika kau depresi
that have been proven
menyebabkan depresi dan kecemasan
set of solutions
dengan opsi berupa antidepresan kimiawi.
of chemical antidepressants.
to become depressed.
atas pekerjaanmu,
you don't have any control over your job,
into the natural world,
of depression and anxiety
banyak sebab depresi dan kecemasan.
physical needs, right?
kau akan ada dalam masalah.
psikologis yang alami.
has natural psychological needs.
has meaning and purpose.
punya tujuan.
see you and value you.
a future that makes sense.
di banyak hal.
is good at lots of things.
than in the past --
yang mendasar.
underlying psychological needs.
that's going on,
krisis ini terus meningkat.
why this crisis keeps rising and rising.
as just a problem in my brain,
depresi sebagai masalah di otak saja
termasuk cara hidup kita.
to fall into place for me
psikiater dari Afrika Selatan
a South African psychiatrist
di Kamboja tahun 2001,
happened to be in Cambodia in 2001,
dikenalkan pada warga di negara itu.
chemical antidepressants
had never heard of these drugs,
tidak pernah mendengar obat ini,
we've already got antidepressants."
sudah punya antidepresan."
some kind of herbal remedy,
semacam obat herbal,
dan semacamnya.
something like that.
who worked in the rice fields.
bekerja di ladang padi.
peninggalan perang dengan Amerika
with the United States,
kembali bekerja di ladang padi.
to work in the rice fields.
jika kau memiliki anggota tubuh buatan.
to work under water
di ladang tempat kakinya meledak.
where he got blown up.
dia mengalami semua gejala depresi klasik.
of classic depression.
an antidepressant."
"What was it?"
and sat with him.
in the throes of his depression,
karena depresinya,
pada kehidupannya.
understandable causes in his life.
in the community, figured,
di komunitas itu menduga,
that was screwing him up so much,
and work in the rice fields."
his crying stopped,
"Sapi itu adalah antidepresan,
that was an antidepressant,
about depression the way I was,
sebagian besar orang di sini,
dia memberiku seekor sapi."
for an antidepressant,
itu tahu secara intuitif,
doctors knew intuitively,
unscientific anecdote,
yang tidak ilmiah ini
medical body in the world,
terkemuka dunia,
a machine with broken parts.
yang rusak.
tidak terpenuhi.
about what those Cambodian doctors
apa yang tidak dikatakan
di Kamboja dan WHO.
are not saying.
to pull yourself together.
and fix this problem on your own."
untuk bergabung bersamamu,
to pull together with you,
jalan keluarnya bersama-sama."
and fix this problem."
depressed person deserves.
doctors at the United Nations,
terkemuka di PBB dalam pernyataannya
for World Health Day,
ketidakseimbangan kimia
about chemical imbalances
cara hidup kita.
in the way we live.
mereka membantuku untuk sementara,
dari sekedar biologis,
goes deeper than their biology,
all the scientific evidence,
aku membaca banyak studi,
yang menjelaskan ini,
who were explaining this,"
kita bisa melakukannya?"
possibly do that?"
yang terjadi dengan si petani Kamboja.
than what was going on
pengetahuan ini?
untuk bukuku di seluruh dunia,
who were doing exactly that,
yang melakukan hal itu
tentang penyebab depresi dan kecemasan
who were understanding
of depression and anxiety
about all the amazing people
orang hebat yang kukenal
kecemasan yang kupelajari
and anxiety that I learned about,
a 10-hour TED Talk --
dan dua solusi yang muncul.
that emerge from them, if that's alright.
dalam sejarah umat manusia.
in human history.
pada orang Amerika,
that asked Americans,
dekat dengan siapa pun?"
close to anyone?"
menggambarkan mereka.
said that described them.
measurements of loneliness,
Amerika Serikat, kalau mau sombong.
are just behind the US,
tentang kesepian,
in the world on loneliness,
John Cacioppo di Chicago,
named professor John Cacioppo,
pertanyaan dari karyanya.
his work poses to us.
on the savannas of Africa
mahir dalam satu hal.
yang mereka buru,
they took down a lot of the time,
yang mereka buru,
they took down a lot of the time,
berkelompok dan bekerja sama.
at banding together into groups
sebuah spesies; kita berkelompok.
di sarang,
and in fact, in my life,
bahkan dalam hidupku,
in a poor part of East London,
kumuh, tempat tinggalku bertahun-tahun.
dengan depresi dan kecemasan parah.
depression and anxiety.
dia pikir itu bisa membantu.
to chemical antidepressants,
some relief to some people.
sepanjang waktu
and anxious a lot of the time
reasons, like loneliness.
were giving some relief to some people,
menyelesaikan masalah.
they didn't solve the problem.
mencari pendekatan baru.
to pioneer a different approach.
his medical center,
bernama Lisa Cunningham.
karena depresi dan kecemasan
with crippling depression and anxiety
she was told, "Don't worry,
"Jangan cemas,
something else.
resep lain.
to come here to this center twice a week
dua kali seminggu
penderita depresi
depressed and anxious people,
meaningful you can all do together
bisa kalian lakukan bersama
like life is pointless."
tak berarti."
vomiting with anxiety,
the group started talking,
dan berkata, "Apa yang bisa kami bantu?"
mereka tak tahu tentang berkebun.
East London people like me,
learn gardening?"
yang hanya semak belukar.
behind the doctors' offices
jadi kebun?"
menonton YouTube.
out of the library,
their fingers in the soil.
the rhythms of the seasons.
dengan alam
even more important.
yang lebih penting.
mereka memecahkan masalah hari itu.
looking for them -- "Are you OK?"
what was troubling them that day.
social prescribing,
dan menyebar di Eropa.
but growing body of evidence
berarti di depresi dan kecemasan.
and meaningful falls
standing in the garden
Lisa dan teman-temannya --
friends had built --
profesor Hugh Mackay di Australia.
called professor Hugh Mackay in Australia.
when people feel down in this culture,
sedih dalam budaya ini,
everyone here said it, I have --
to be you, be yourself."
what we should say to people is,
katakan adalah,
more and more on your resources
seorang individu yang terisolir --
sesuatu yang lebih besar darimu.
with something bigger than you.
to one of the other causes
depresi dan kecemasan lainnya.
that I wanted to talk to you about.
and made us physically sick.
makan kita dan membuat kita sakit.
with any sense of superiority,
ke sini dari McDonald's,
this talk from McDonald's.
sarapan TED yang sehat.
healthy TED breakfast, I was like no way.
our diets and made us physically sick,
fisik kita sakit,
pikiran kita
have taken over our minds
selama ribuan tahun,
philosophers have said,
and status and showing off,
uang, status dan pamer,
from Schopenhauer,
tapi kira-kira itu intinya.
had scientifically investigated this,
secara ilmiah,
I got to know, named professor Tim Kasser,
profesor Tim Kasser
for about 30 years now.
hal penting.
several really important things.
memamerkan jalan keluar dari kesedihan
your way out of sadness,
depressed and anxious.
depresi dan cemas.
kepercayaan ini sebagai kelompok.
much more driven by these beliefs.
iklan, Instagram, dan sebagainya.
and Instagram and everything like them.
since birth, a kind of KFC for the soul.
semacam KFC untuk jiwa.
in all the wrong places,
di tempat yang salah,
doesn't meet your nutritional needs
kebutuhan nutrisimu,
your psychological needs,
kebutuhan psikologismu,
yang baik.
with professor Kasser
Kasser dan mempelajarinya,
campur aduk.
I found this really challenging.
in my own life, when I felt down,
sedih dalam hidup,
show-offy, grand external solution.
solusi eksternal yang sok pamer.
did not work well for me.
isn't this kind of obvious?
berpikir tentang sepatu yang kau beli
on your deathbed
and all the retweets you got,
hubungan dalam hidupmu.
and connection in your life.
pada profesor Kasser,
to professor Kasser and saying,
this strange doubleness?"
we all know these things.
kita semua tahu hal ini.
budaya ini.
we don't live by them."
they've become clichés,
tapi tak diterapkan."
something so profound,
dalam tapi tak menerapkannya?
professor Kasser said to me,
profesor Kasser berkata,
hal yang penting dalam hidup."
what is important about life."
hal yang penting dalam hidup."
to neglect what is important about life."
if we can disrupt that machine.
mesin itu dikacaukan.
Kuberi satu contoh.
mencobanya dengan teman dan keluarga.
to try this with their friends and family.
dan dewasa bersama Nathan Dungan
he got a group of teenagers and adults
over a period of time, to meet up.
beberapa waktu.
about a moment in their life
momen dalam hidup yang berarti.
meaning and purpose.
it was different things.
menulis, membantu seseorang --
writing, helping someone --
can picture something, right?
membuat orang bertanya,
was to get people to ask,
more of your life
mendedikasikan lebih banyak hidupmu
of meaning and purpose,
berarti ini
buying crap you don't need,
tak kau perlukan
and trying to get people to go,
membuat orang lain iri.
untuk konsumerisme, 'kan?
for consumerism, right?
articulate these values,
menyatakan nilai-nilai,
and check in with each other,
nilai-nilai manusia.
of depression-generating messages
penghasil depresi
di tempat yang salah,
in the wrong places,
and nourishing values
and have written about,
dan telah kutulis,
to see these insights?
untuk melihatnya?
beberapa lebih rumit tapi tidak semua,
complicated, but not all --
it's not like rocket science, right?
tak sulit, bukan?
know these things.
that we have to change our understanding
mengubah pemahaman kita
yang sebenarnya.
and anxiety actually are.
biological contributions
depresi dan kecemasan.
to become the whole picture,
menjadi gambaran besarnya,
mempengaruhi sebagian besar hidupku,
has done pretty much most of my life,
mungkin bukan niat kita begitu --
is, and this isn't anyone's intention,
saying to people is,
changing my life
sebuah malfungsi.
is not a malfunction.
in the throes of depression --
pengalaman pribadi.
from personal experience.
we can understand these problems
bisa memahami masalah ini
sinyal-sinyal ini
kegilaan, atau murni masalah biologis,
or madness or purely biological,
sinyal-sinyal ini
listening to these signals,
something we really need to hear.
yang perlu kita dengar.
mendengarkan sinyal ini,
listen to these signals,
and respect these signals,
deeper solutions.
sekitar kita.
Johann Hari - JournalistJohann Hari spent three years researching the war on drugs; along the way, he discovered that addiction is not what we think it is.
Why you should listen
British journalist Johann Hari is the author of the New York Times best-selling book Chasing The Scream, from which his talk on addiction was adapted and for which he spent three years researching the war on drugs and questioning the ways in which we treat addiction.
He has written for many of the world’s leading newspapers and magazines, including The New York Times, Le Monde, The Guardian, New Republic, The Nation,, and The Sydney Morning Herald. He was a columnist for the British newspaper The Independent for nine years.
Hari was twice named National Newspaper Journalist of the Year by Amnesty International, was named Gay Journalist of the Year at the Stonewall Awards -- and won the Martha Gellhorn Prize for political writing.
Johann Hari | Speaker |