Johann Hari: This could be why you're depressed and anxious
Johan Hari (Johann Hari): Možda ste zbog ovoga depresivni ili anksiozni
Johann Hari spent three years researching the war on drugs; along the way, he discovered that addiction is not what we think it is. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
that were hanging over me.
to look into them.
da razmišljam o njima.
year after year,
i anksioznost su u porastu,
u Velikoj Britaniji,
to get through the day?
da sve teže izgura dan?
više zbog lične misterije.
because of a more personal mystery.
like pain was leaking out of me.
kao da bol curi iz mene.
why people get like this.
zašto ljudi postaju takvi.
a chemical imbalance in their heads --
hemijski disbalans u glavi -
će se vratiti u normalu.“
balance back to normal."
Paksil ili Seroksat,
called Paxil or Seroxat,
u različitim zemljama.
in different countries.
stvarno me je to podiglo.
I got a real boost.
the maximum possible dose
uzimati maksimalnu moguću dozu
and pretty much all the time by the end,
i uglavnom sve vreme pred kraj,
"What's going on here?
that's dominating the culture --
of these two mysteries,
all over the world,
experts in the world
svetskim stručnjacima
depression and anxiety
kroz depresiju i anksioznost,
in all sorts of ways.
I got to know along the way.
koje sam upoznavao tokom putovanja.
of what I learned is,
onoga što sam naučio do sada
of depression and anxiety.
depresije i anksioznosti.
more sensitive to these problems,
osetljivijim na te probleme,
that can happen when you become depressed
koje mogu da se dese
that have been proven
u načinu na koji živimo.
set of solutions
of chemical antidepressants.
to become depressed.
da ćete postati depresivni.
you don't have any control over your job,
nad svojim poslom,
da ćete postati depresivni.
into the natural world,
da ćete postati depresivni.
of depression and anxiety
depresije i anksioznosti
physical needs, right?
fizičke potrebe, zar ne?
has natural psychological needs.
ima prirodne psihološke potrebe.
has meaning and purpose.
da vaš život ima smisao i svrhu,
see you and value you.
a future that makes sense.
budućnost koja ima smisla.
is good at lots of things.
je dobra po pitanju dosta stvari.
than in the past --
osnovnih psiholoških potreba.
underlying psychological needs.
that's going on,
zašto se ova kriza stalno produbljuje.
why this crisis keeps rising and rising.
jako teško prihvatiti.
as just a problem in my brain,
kao problemu samo u mom mozgu
za način na koji živimo.
to fall into place for me
da se uklapa u mojoj glavi
sa južnoafričkim psihijatrom
a South African psychiatrist
happened to be in Cambodia in 2001,
bio u Kambodži 2001. godine,
chemical antidepressants
hemijske antidepresive
had never heard of these drugs,
nikada nisu čuli za ovu vrstu lekova,
we've already got antidepressants."
mi već imamo antidepresive.”
some kind of herbal remedy,
o nekoj vrsti biljnog leka,
something like that.
ginko bilobi ili nečemu sličnom.
who worked in the rice fields.
koji je radio na prinčanim poljima.
with the United States,
to work in the rice fields.
vratio se u pirinčana polja.
bolno raditi pod vodom
to work under water
i prilično traumatično
where he got blown up.
gde je bio raznesen.
of classic depression.
an antidepressant."
"What was it?"
„Šta ste mu dali?”
and sat with him.
in the throes of his depression,
gušeći se u depresiji,
understandable causes in his life.
razumljive uzroke u njegovom životu.
in the community, figured,
pričajući sa ljudima iz zajednice:
that was screwing him up so much,
koja ga toliko remeti,
da radi u pirinčanim poljima.”
and work in the rice fields."
his crying stopped,
njegova depresija je nestala.
that was an antidepressant,
je bila antidepresiv,
about depression the way I was,
o depresiji na način na koji sam ja,
po antidepresiv, i dala mi je kravu.”
for an antidepressant,
doktori intuitivno znali,
doctors knew intuitively,
unscientific anecdote,
nenaučnoj anegdoti,
medical body in the world,
zdravstvena institucija,
a machine with broken parts.
sa polomljenim delovima.
sa potrebama koje nisu ispunjene.
about what those Cambodian doctors
o onome što kambodžanski doktori
organizacija ne govore.
are not saying.
to pull yourself together.
and fix this problem on your own."
to pull together with you,
and fix this problem."
i rešimo ovaj problem.”
koja je u depresiji treba,
depressed person deserves.
koja je u depresiji zaslužuje.
doctors at the United Nations,
u Ujedinjenim nacijama,
for World Health Day,
Svetskog dana zdravlja,
o hemijskoj neuravnoteženosti,
about chemical imbalances
in the way we live.
u načinu na koji živimo.
nekim ljudima -
goes deeper than their biology,
prevazilazi biologiju,
all the scientific evidence,
sve naučne dokaze,
who were explaining this,"
koji su ovo objašnjavali,”
possibly do that?"
„Kako to možemo da uradimo?”
than what was going on
za moju knjigu,
who were doing exactly that,
koji su upravo to radili,
who were understanding
of depression and anxiety
about all the amazing people
o svim neverovatnim ljudima
and anxiety that I learned about,
i anksioznosti za koje sam saznao,
a 10-hour TED Talk --
da održim TED govor od 10 sati -
iz njih, ako se slažete.
that emerge from them, if that's alright.
in human history.
u ljudskoj istoriji.
that asked Americans,
koje je pitalo Amerikance:
close to anyone?"
kao da više niste bliski ni sa kim?”
said that described them.
da to odgovara njihovom opisu.
measurements of loneliness,
are just behind the US,
su odmah iza Sjedinjenih Država,
razgovarajući o ovome
in the world on loneliness,
stručnjacima za usamljenost,
named professor John Cacioppo,
profesor Džon Kasiopo,
his work poses to us.
koje nam njegov rad postavlja.
on the savannas of Africa
iz afričkih savana
they took down a lot of the time,
od životinja koje su lovili,
od životinja koje su lovili,
they took down a lot of the time,
u povezivanju u grupe
at banding together into groups
da žive u košnici,
and in fact, in my life,
i zapravo mog života,
in a poor part of East London,
u siromašnim delovima istočnog Londona,
depression and anxiety.
sa depresijom i anksioznošću.
to chemical antidepressants,
hemijskih antidepresiva,
olakšanje nekim ljudima.
some relief to some people.
su često bili depresivni i anksiozni
and anxious a lot of the time
reasons, like loneliness.
poput usamljenosti.
were giving some relief to some people,
olakšanje nekim ljudima,
they didn't solve the problem.
to pioneer a different approach.
da pokrene drugačiji pristup.
his medical center,
zdravstvenu ustanovu,
with crippling depression and anxiety
sa jezivom depresijom i anksioznošću
she was told, "Don't worry,
rečeno joj je: „Ne brini,
something else.
to come here to this center twice a week
dolaziš u ovaj centar
depressed and anxious people,
sa depresijom i anksioznošću,
meaningful you can all do together
nešto smisleno što biste mogli da uradite,
i nemaš osećaj da ti je život besmislen.”
like life is pointless."
vomiting with anxiety,
da povraća od anksioznosti,
the group started talking,
grupa je počela pričati:
iz istočnog Londona, kao ja,
East London people like me,
da naučimo baštovanstvo?”
learn gardening?"
iza doktorskih ordinacija
behind the doctors' offices
out of the library,
their fingers in the soil.
the rhythms of the seasons.
da je izloženost prirodi
even more important.
nešto još značajnije.
looking for them -- "Are you OK?"
„Jesi li dobro?”,
what was troubling them that day.
šta ih je mučilo tog dana.
social prescribing,
prepisivanje druženja,
but growing body of evidence
stvaran i smislen pad
and meaningful falls
standing in the garden
dok sam stajao u bašti
friends had built --
i njeni nekada depresivni prijatelji -
called professor Hugh Mackay in Australia.
po imenu profesor Hju Mekaj iz Australije.
when people feel down in this culture,
kada se ljudi u ovoj kulturi osećaju loše,
everyone here said it, I have --
da su svi izgovorili, ja jesam -
to be you, be yourself."
to što jesi. Budi svoj.”
what we should say to people is,
trebalo reći ljudima:
more and more on your resources
sve više i više vaših resursa,
with something bigger than you.
sa nečim što je veće od vas.
to one of the other causes
sa jednim od ostalih uzroka
that I wanted to talk to you about.
o kojima sam želeo da vam pričam.
u ishrani i učinila nas fizički bolesnim.
and made us physically sick.
with any sense of superiority,
dozom superiornosti,
this talk from McDonald's.
healthy TED breakfast, I was like no way.
zdrav TED-ov doručak
our diets and made us physically sick,
ishranom i učinila nas fizički bolesnim,
have taken over our minds
preuzele naše umove
philosophers have said,
and status and showing off,
statusa i pokazivanja,
from Schopenhauer,
citat Šopenhauera,
had scientifically investigated this,
nije naučno istražio ovo,
I got to know, named professor Tim Kasser,
koju sam upoznao, profesor Tim Kaser,
for about 30 years now.
pre oko 30 godina.
several really important things.
na nekoliko važnih stvari.
your way out of sadness,
naći izlaz iz tuge
depressed and anxious.
depresivni i anksiozni.
much more driven by these beliefs.
and Instagram and everything like them.
Instagrama i svega sličnog tome.
since birth, a kind of KFC for the soul.
kao da su nas od rođenja hranili
in all the wrong places,
na pogrešnim mestima,
doesn't meet your nutritional needs
ne može da ispuni vaše potrebe
your psychological needs,
vaše psihološke potrebe,
with professor Kasser
sa profesorom Keserom,
I found this really challenging.
smatram ovo velikim izazovom.
in my own life, when I felt down,
kada sam se osećao loše,
show-offy, grand external solution.
vrhunskim spoljnim rešenjem.
did not work well for me.
i zašto to nije delovalo na mene.
isn't this kind of obvious?
„Nije li to očigledno?
on your deathbed
i o svim retvitovima koje ste dobili,
and all the retweets you got,
smisla i povezanosti u svom životu.
and connection in your life.
sa profesorom Kaserom rekavši:
to professor Kasser and saying,
this strange doubleness?"
we all know these things.
svi mi znamo te stvari.
we don't live by them."
mi ne živimo po tim pravilima.”
they've become clichés,
something so profound,
zašto bismo znali nešto tako dubokoumno,
professor Kasser said to me,
profesor Kaser mi je rekao:
what is important about life."
da zanemarimo ono što je važno u životu.”
to neglect what is important about life."
da zanemarimo ono što je važno u životu.”
if we can disrupt that machine.
kako možemo da poremetimo tu mašinu.
istraživanja na ovu temu.
to try this with their friends and family.
sa svojim prijateljima i porodicom.
he got a group of teenagers and adults
skupio je grupu tinejdžera i odraslih
over a period of time, to meet up.
tokom određenog perioda, da razgovaraju.
about a moment in their life
o momentima iz svog života
meaning and purpose.
pronašli značenje i svrhu.
it was different things.
to su bile različite stvari.
writing, helping someone --
pisanje, pomaganje nekom -
can picture something, right?
može nešto da zamisli, zar ne?
was to get people to ask,
more of your life
of meaning and purpose,
buying crap you don't need,
kupovini nepotrebnih stvari,
and trying to get people to go,
u nadi da se izazove reakcija:
da samo održavanje ovakvih sastanaka -
alkoholičara, ali za potrošnju, zar ne? -
for consumerism, right?
articulate these values,
usmerava ih ka ovim vrednostima,
and check in with each other,
sa njima i proveravamo ih sa drugima,
promeni ljudskih vrednosti.
of depression-generating messages
depresivnih poruka
in the wrong places,
na pogrešnim mestima,
and nourishing values
i zdravijim vrednostima
and have written about,
i o kojima sam pisao,
ovde da govorim,
to see these insights?
toliko dugo vremena da to shvatim?”
komplikovaniji, ali ne svi -
complicated, but not all --
it's not like rocket science, right?
to nije nuklearna fizika, zar ne?
know these things.
that we have to change our understanding
da promenimo svoje razumevanje
and anxiety actually are.
depresija i anksioznost.
biological contributions
to become the whole picture,
postane cela slika,
has done pretty much most of my life,
čini skoro celog mog života,
is, and this isn't anyone's intention,
jeste, a to nije ničija namera,
saying to people is,
govorimo ljudima jeste:
changing my life
da počnem da menjam svoj život
is not a malfunction.
da depresija nije kvar.
in the throes of depression --
kada ste u depresiji do guše -
from personal experience.
we can understand these problems
možemo razumeti ove probleme
da vređamo ove signale,
or madness or purely biological,
ludila ili da su čisto biološki,
listening to these signals,
something we really need to hear.
ono što stvarno treba da čujemo.
listen to these signals,
and respect these signals,
deeper solutions.
Johann Hari - JournalistJohann Hari spent three years researching the war on drugs; along the way, he discovered that addiction is not what we think it is.
Why you should listen
British journalist Johann Hari is the author of the New York Times best-selling book Chasing The Scream, from which his talk on addiction was adapted and for which he spent three years researching the war on drugs and questioning the ways in which we treat addiction.
He has written for many of the world’s leading newspapers and magazines, including The New York Times, Le Monde, The Guardian, New Republic, The Nation,, and The Sydney Morning Herald. He was a columnist for the British newspaper The Independent for nine years.
Hari was twice named National Newspaper Journalist of the Year by Amnesty International, was named Gay Journalist of the Year at the Stonewall Awards -- and won the Martha Gellhorn Prize for political writing.
Johann Hari | Speaker |