Guy Winch: Why we all need to practice emotional first aid
Gajs Vinčs: Kādēļ mums jāpiekopj emocionālā pirmā palīdzība
Guy Winch asks us to take our emotional health as seriously as we take our physical health -- and explores how to heal from common heartaches. Full bio
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is that it makes you an expert
tas padara tevi par ekspertu
than my cookie, I had questions.
par manējo, man radās jautājumi.
notice favoritism of a different kind,
es sāku ievērot cita veida favorītismu,
value the body than we do the mind.
ķermeni vairāk nekā prātu.
my doctorate in psychology,
iegūstot doktora grādu psiholoģijā,
look at my business card and say,
paskatās uz manu vizītkarti un saka:
So not a real doctor,"
rakstītam uz manas vizītkartes.
ķermenim pār prātu, es redzu visur.
over the mind, I see it everywhere.
was getting ready for bed.
by the sink brushing his teeth,
pie izlietnes un tīrīja zobus,
pret ķebli nobrāza kāju.
on the stool when he fell.
but then he got back up,
taču tad piecēlās,
a box of Band-Aids to put one on his cut.
pēc plākstera, ko uzlikt uz pušuma.
tie his shoelaces,
sasiet savas kurpju saites,
lai tajā neiekļūtu infekcija,
so it doesn't become infected,
your teeth by brushing twice a day.
tos tīrot divas reizes dienā.
our physical health
savu fizisko veselību
we were five years old.
psiholoģiskās veselības saglabāšanu?
our psychological health?
about emotional hygiene?
par emocionālo higiēnu?
taking care of our teeth
rūpēm par saviem zobiem
so much more important to us
mums ir tik daudz svarīgāka
even more often than we do physical ones,
pat vēl biežāk nekā fiziskos —
or rejection or loneliness.
atraidījums vai vientulība.
ja mēs tos ignorējam,
worse if we ignore them,
in dramatic ways.
scientifically proven techniques
zinātniski pierādīti paņēmieni,
kinds of psychological injuries,
šāda veida psiholoģiskos ievainojumus,
that we should.
ka tas būtu jādara.
Just shake it off; it's all in your head."
Aizmirsti to, tas ir tikai tavā galvā.”
to somebody with a broken leg:
kādam ar lauztu kāju?
it's all in your leg."
tas tikai ir tavā kājā.”
our physical and our psychological health.
mūsu fizisko un psiholoģisko veselību.
my brother is also a psychologist.
arī mans brālis ir psihologs.
I've ever done in my life
ko mūžā esmu darījis,
to New York City
Atlantijas okeānam uz Ņujorku,
for the first time in our lives,
brutal for both of us.
family and friends,
ar ģimeni un draugiem,
really expensive then
tālruņu zvani bija ļoti dārgi,
for five minutes a week.
vien piecas minūtes nedēļā.
be spending together.
we would talk for 10 minutes.
un tonedēļ runāt 10 minūtes.
waiting for him to call --
šurpu turpu, gaidot viņa zvanu —
but the phone didn't ring.
bet tālrunis tā arī neiezvanījās.
he will call later."
viņš piezvanīs vēlāk.”
being away for over 10 months,
vairāk kā 10 mēnešus,
the way I missed him.
neilgojās tā, kā es pēc viņa.
saddest and longest nights of my life.
un ilgākajām manā mūžā.
I realized I had kicked it off the hook
staigājot, esmu norāvis klausuli.
un pēc mirkļa tas iezvanījās,
and it rang a second later,
and, boy, was he pissed.
un, ak vai, kā viņš bija noskaities!
night of his life as well.
un ilgākā nakts arī viņa mūžā.
happened, but he said,
kas bija noticis, bet viņš teica:
If you saw I wasn't calling you,
the phone and call me?"
un nezvanīji man?”
Kādēļ es viņam nepiezvanīju?
bet šodien man ir,
but I do today,
deep psychological wound,
and scrambles our thinking.
un sajauc mums galvu.
care much less than they actually do.
rūpam daudz mazāk nekā patiesībā.
pastiept roku pirmajiem,
for rejection and heartache
atraidījumam un sirdsēstiem,
more than you can stand?
nekā tu spēj izturēt?
loneliness back then,
so it never occurred to me.
tāpēc man tas nekad neienāca prātā.
purely subjectively.
nošķirts no apkārtējiem.
from those around you.
and all of it is horrifying.
un tie visi ir iedveš šausmas.
miserable, it will kill you.
nelaimīgu, tā jūs nogalinās.
likelihood of an early death
priekšlaicīgas nāves iespējamību
high cholesterol.
augstu holesterīna līmeni.
of your immune system,
of illnesses and diseases.
pret dažnedažādām kaitēm un slimībām.
that taken together,
ka, ņemot to visu kopā,
significant a risk
tikpat ievērojamu risku
longevity as cigarette smoking.
kā cigarešu smēķēšana.
saying, "This could kill you."
kuros rakstīts: „Tās tevi var nogalināt.”
we prioritize our psychological health,
psiholoģiskā veselība būtu prioritāte,
a psychological wound
psiholoģisku brūci,
psychological wound
and misleads us.
play with identical plastic toys.
ar vienādām plastmasas rotaļlietām.
and a cute doggie would pop out.
un izlec mīlīgs suņuks.
purple button, then pushing it,
violeto pogu, tad to nospiest,
at the box, with her lower lip trembling.
un skatījās uz kasti ar drebošu apakšlūpu.
watched this happen,
noraudzījās uz notiekošo,
into tears without even touching it.
un izplūda asarās, tai pat nepieskāries.
everything she could think of
ko vien varēja iedomāties,
and she squealed with delight.
un viņa sajūsmā iespurdzās.
identical plastic toys,
plastmasas rotaļlietām,
reactions to failure.
reakcijām pret neveiksmi.
capable of sliding a red button.
aizslidināt sarkanu pogu.
them from succeeding
liedza gūt panākumus,
into believing they could not.
liekot domāt, ka viņi to nespēj.
as well, all the time.
šādi tiek apmuļķoti.
feelings and beliefs that gets triggered
un uzskatu pamatkopums, kas iedarbojas
ar vilšanos un šķēršļiem.
frustrations and setbacks.
reaģē uz neveiksmi?
your mind reacts to failure?
you're incapable of something
you'll begin to feel helpless
jūs sāksiet justies bezpalīdzīgi
or you won't even try at all.
vai arī nemēģināsiet nemaz.
convinced you can't succeed.
ka jums neizdosies.
function below their actual potential.
strādā zemāk par savu patieso potenciālu.
sometimes a single failure
dažkārt viena pati neveiksme
succeed, and they believed it.
neizdosies, un viņi tam noticēja.
it's very difficult to change our mind.
mainīt mūsu domas ir ļoti grūti.
when I was a teenager with my brother.
kad pusaudža gados biju kopā ar brāli.
down a dark road at night,
naktī braucām pa tumšu ceļu,
and they were looking for suspects.
un viņi meklēja aizdomās turētos.
shined his flashlight on the driver,
un ar lukturīti paspīdināja uz vadītāju,
and then on me.
un tad uz mani.
to him whatsoever.
he searches me,
no mašīnas, pārmeklē,
ka neesmu policijas datubāzē,
I didn't have a police record,
I had a twin in the front seat.
ka man priekšējā sēdeklī sēž dvīnis.
you could see by the look on his face
viņa sejas izteiksmē varēja redzēt,
getting away with something.
ka es par kaut ko izsprūku sveikā.
once we become convinced.
ja reiz esam pārliecināti.
demoralized and defeated after you fail.
un sakautam varētu būt ļoti dabiski,
convinced you can't succeed.
ka jums nekas neizdosies.
feelings of helplessness.
over the situation.
negative cycle before it begins.
vēl pirms tas sācies.
we thought they were.
par kādiem tos uzskatījām.
and really unpleasant the next.
bet jau nākamajā — ļoti nepatīkami.
and an extremely ugly divorce,
un ārkārtīgi neglītas šķiršanās
savam pirmajam randiņam.
seemed nice and he seemed successful,
un viņš šķita jauks un veiksmīgs,
he seemed really into her.
ka viņš bija viņā ļoti ieķēries.
she bought a new dress,
viņa nopirka jaunu kleitu,
New York City bar for a drink.
the man stands up and says,
vīrietis pieceļas un pasaka:
All she could do was call a friend.
ka nespēja pakustēties.
"Well, what do you expect?
„Nu, ko tad tu gaidīji?
you have nothing interesting to say,
nekas interesants sakāms,
successful man like that
un veiksmīgs vīrietis jebkad satiktos
could be so cruel?
var būt tik nežēlīga.
the friend who said that.
draudzene, kas to teica.
especially after a rejection.
jo īpaši pēc atraidījuma.
and all our shortcomings,
saviem trūkumiem un nepilnībām,
what we wish we weren't,
kas mēs nevēlētos būt,
taču mēs visi tā darām.
our self-esteem is already hurting.
jo mūsu pašvērtējums jau tā ir cietis.
and damage it even further?
to ievainot vēl vairāk?
worse on purpose.
mēs tīši nepasliktinātu.
and decide, "Oh, I know!
un neizdomātu: „O, es zinu!
how much deeper I can make it."
iegriezt vēl dziļāk.”
injuries all the time.
mēs tā visu laiku darām.
mums nav prioritāte.
our psychological health.
that when your self-esteem is lower,
ka tad, kad mūsu pašvērtējums ir zemāks,
stress and to anxiety,
pret stresu un trauksmi,
and it takes longer to recover from them.
vajag ilgāku laiku.
the first thing you should be doing
pirmais, ko vajadzētu darīt,
join Fight Club and beat it into a pulp.
Cīņas klubam un to sašķaidīt.
you would expect from a truly good friend.
ar tādu pašu līdzjūtību,
psychological habits and change them.
psiholoģiskie paradumi un tie jāmaina.
is called rumination.
un biežāk sastopamajām ir ruminēšana.
sabļauj priekšnieks
professor makes you feel stupid in class,
vai jums ar draugu ir liels strīds,
the scene in your head for days,
atkal un atkal prātā izspēlēt šo ainu
in this way can easily become a habit,
šādi var viegli kļūt par ieradumu,
on upsetting and negative thoughts,
un negatīvām domām,
at significant risk
būtiskam riskam
alcoholism, eating disorders,
alkoholismā, ēšanas traucējumos
feel really strong and really important,
var šķist ļoti spēcīga un ļoti svarīga,
because a little over a year ago,
es pats iedzīvojos šajā paradumā.
with stage III non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
ne-Hodžkina limfomu III stadijā.
bija redzami audzēji.
a harsh course of chemotherapy.
smags ķīmijterapijas kurss.
what he was going through.
par to, ko viņš pārcieta.
how much he was suffering,
par to, cik ļoti viņš cieta,
pozitīva attieksme.
bija apbrīnojama.
but psychologically I was a mess.
bet psiholoģiski — sagrauts.
distraction is sufficient
pat ar divu minūšu novēršanos,
in that moment.
upsetting, negative thought,
satraucoša, skumja, negatīva doma,
something else until the urge passed.
uz kaut ko citu, līdz vēlme pārgāja.
my whole outlook changed
uz dzīvi pilnībā mainījās,
and more hopeful.
pēc ķīmijterapijas uzsākšanas
my brother had a CAT scan,
he got the results.
kad viņš saņēma rezultātus.
of chemotherapy to go,
vēl trīs ķīmijterapijas kursi,
savas psiholoģiskās brūces,
psychological wounds,
you will thrive.
noturību, jūs zelsiet.
people began practicing personal hygiene,
piekopt personīgo higiēnu,
by over 50 percent
par vairāk nekā 50 procentiem.
could rise just as dramatically
var augt tikpat krasi,
emotional hygiene.
piekopt emocionālo higiēnu.
the world would be like
and less depression?
kā pārvarēt neveiksmes?
and more empowered?
I want to live in,
wants to live in as well.
kādā vēlas dzīvot arī mans brālis.
and change a few simple habits,
un mainīsiet dažus vienkāršus paradumus,
Guy Winch - Psychologist, authorGuy Winch asks us to take our emotional health as seriously as we take our physical health -- and explores how to heal from common heartaches.
Why you should listen
Guy Winch is a licensed psychologist who works with individuals, couples and families. As an advocate for psychological health, he has spent the last two decades adapting the findings of scientific studies into tools his patients, readers and audience members can use to enhance and maintain their mental health. As an identical twin with a keen eye for any signs of favoritism, he believes we need to practice emotional hygiene with the same diligence with which we practice personal and dental hygiene.
His recent book, Emotional First Aid: Healing Rejection, Guilt, Failure, and Other Everyday Hurts, has been translated in 24 languages. He writes the popular "Squeaky Wheel Blog" on, and he is the author of The Squeaky Wheel: Complaining the Right Way to Get Results, Improve Your Relationships and Enhance Self-Esteem. His new book, How to Fix a Broken Heart, was published by TED Books/Simon & Schuster in 2017. He has also dabbled in stand-up comedy.
Guy Winch | Speaker |