Guy Winch: Why we all need to practice emotional first aid
Gaj Vinč (Guy Winch): Zašto svi treba da primenjujemo emocionalnu prvu pomoć
Guy Winch asks us to take our emotional health as seriously as we take our physical health -- and explores how to heal from common heartaches. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
sa svojim identičnim blizancem
is that it makes you an expert
je da te to učini ekspertom
than my cookie, I had questions.
od mog, postavljao bih pitanja.
notice favoritism of a different kind,
da primećujem drugu vrstu favorizovanja,
value the body than we do the mind.
vrednujemo telo od uma.
my doctorate in psychology,
stičući svoj doktorat iz psihologije,
look at my business card and say,
pogleda moju vizit kartu i kaže:
So not a real doctor,"
over the mind, I see it everywhere.
vidim svugde.
was getting ready for bed.
se spremao za krevet.
by the sink brushing his teeth,
perući zube,
on the stool when he fell.
o stolicu kada je pao.
but then he got back up,
a box of Band-Aids to put one on his cut.
flastera da stavi jedan na posekotinu.
tie his shoelaces,
so it doesn't become infected,
tako da se ne inficira,
your teeth by brushing twice a day.
tako što ćete ih prati dva puta dnevno.
our physical health
kako da održavamo fizičko zdravlje
we were five years old.
our psychological health?
našeg psihičkog zdravlja?
about emotional hygiene?
u vezi sa emocionalnom higijenom?
taking care of our teeth
brinući o svojim zubima
so much more important to us
toliko važnije
even more often than we do physical ones,
čak i češće nego fizičke,
or rejection or loneliness.
ili odbacivanja i usamljenosti.
worse if we ignore them,
ako ih ignorišemo,
in dramatic ways.
scientifically proven techniques
naučno dokazane tehnike
kinds of psychological injuries,
te psihičke povrede,
that we should.
Just shake it off; it's all in your head."
Samo se trgni, sve je to u tvojoj glavi."
to somebody with a broken leg:
nekome sa slomljenom nogom:
it's all in your leg."
sve je to u tvojoj nozi."
our physical and our psychological health.
našeg fizičkog i psihičkog zdravlja.
my brother is also a psychologist.
moj brat je takođe psiholog.
I've ever done in my life
to New York City
for the first time in our lives,
prvi put u životu,
brutal for both of us.
grozna za obojicu.
family and friends,
sa porodicom i prijateljima,
really expensive then
tada bili stvarno skupi
for five minutes a week.
pet minuta nedeljno.
be spending together.
koji nećemo provesti zajedno.
we would talk for 10 minutes.
i te nedelje da pričamo 10 minuta.
waiting for him to call --
čekajući ga da pozove -
but the phone didn't ring.
ali telefon nije zvonio.
pretpostavio sam:
he will call later."
pozvaće kasnije."
being away for over 10 months,
razdvojenosti duže od 10 meseci,
the way I missed him.
koliko je on meni.
saddest and longest nights of my life.
i najdužih noći u mom životu.
I realized I had kicked it off the hook
i shvatio sam da sam prevrnuo slušalicu
and it rang a second later,
i zazvonio je sekundu kasnije,
and, boy, was he pissed.
i čoveče, koliko je bio ljut.
night of his life as well.
i njegovog života.
happened, but he said,
šta se dogodilo, ali je rekao:
If you saw I wasn't calling you,
the phone and call me?"
i pozvao me?"
but I do today,
ali ga imam danas,
deep psychological wound,
and scrambles our thinking.
i izokreće naše mišljenje.
care much less than they actually do.
mnogo manje stalo nego što jeste.
for rejection and heartache
za odbacivanje i lomljenje srca
more than you can stand?
više nego što možete podneti?
loneliness back then,
u kandžama prave usamljenosti,
so it never occurred to me.
pa mi nikada nije palo na pamet.
purely subjectively.
potpuno subjektivno.
da li se osećate
from those around you.
od onih oko vas.
and all of it is horrifying.
o usamljenosti i sva su užasavajuća.
miserable, it will kill you.
samo učiniti nesrećnim, ubiće vas.
likelihood of an early death
povećava verovatnoću rane smrti
high cholesterol.
visok krvni pritisak, visok holesterol.
of your immune system,
vašeg imunog sistema,
of illnesses and diseases.
za razne bolesti i oboljenja.
that taken together,
da opšte uzev,
significant a risk
predstavlja značajan rizik
longevity as cigarette smoking.
i dužinu života kao pušenje cigareta.
saying, "This could kill you."
koja kažu: "Ovo vas može ubiti."
we prioritize our psychological health,
našem psihičkom zdravlju,
a psychological wound
psychological wound
and misleads us.
i obmanjuje nas.
play with identical plastic toys.
igraju identičnom plastičnom igračkom.
and a cute doggie would pop out.
i iskače slatka kuca.
purple button, then pushing it,
da vuče ljubičasto dugme, pa da ga gura,
at the box, with her lower lip trembling.
dok joj je drhtala donja usna.
watched this happen,
into tears without even touching it.
i briznuo u plač a da je nije ni dodirnuo.
everything she could think of
je probala sve čega se setila
and she squealed with delight.
i ona je sa oduševljenjem zacičala.
identical plastic toys,
sa identičnim plastičnim igračkama,
reactions to failure.
reakcijama na neuspeh.
capable of sliding a red button.
savršeno sposobna da pomere crveno dugme.
them from succeeding
into believing they could not.
da poveruju da ne mogu.
as well, all the time.
prevareni na ovaj način.
feelings and beliefs that gets triggered
osećanja i uverenja koji se aktivira
frustrations and setbacks.
your mind reacts to failure?
kako vaš um reaguje na neuspeh?
you're incapable of something
da ste nesposobni za nešto
you'll begin to feel helpless
početi da se osećate bespomoćno
or you won't even try at all.
ili nećete uopšte ni pokušati.
convinced you can't succeed.
da ne možete uspeti.
function below their actual potential.
ispod svog stvarnog potencijala.
sometimes a single failure
nekad ih je samo jedan neuspeh
succeed, and they believed it.
i oni su u to poverovali.
it's very difficult to change our mind.
u nešto, vrlo je teško da se predomislimo.
when I was a teenager with my brother.
kada sam bio tinejdžer, sa svojim bratom.
down a dark road at night,
noću po mračnom putu,
and they were looking for suspects.
i tražili su osumnjičene.
shined his flashlight on the driver,
i osvetlio vozača svojom lampom,
and then on me.
pa onda mene.
to him whatsoever.
he searches me,
I didn't have a police record,
da nemam policijski dosije,
I had a twin in the front seat.
blizanca koji je na prednjem sedištu.
you could see by the look on his face
moglo se videti po izrazu njegovog lica
getting away with something.
once we become convinced.
kada postanemo ubeđeni.
demoralized and defeated after you fail.
demoralisano i poraženo nakon neuspeha.
convinced you can't succeed.
ubeđeni da ne možete uspeti.
feelings of helplessness.
protiv osećanja bespomoćnosti.
over the situation.
nad situacijom.
negative cycle before it begins.
negativan krug pre nego što otpočne.
we thought they were.
kao što smo mislili.
and really unpleasant the next.
jednog trenutka,
and an extremely ugly divorce,
i izuzetno ružnog razvoda,
seemed nice and he seemed successful,
delovao je fino i uspešno,
he seemed really into her.
izgledalo je da je zainteresovan za nju.
she bought a new dress,
kupila je novu haljinu,
New York City bar for a drink.
u Njujorku na piću.
the man stands up and says,
čovek je ustao i rekao:
All she could do was call a friend.
da nije mogla da se pomeri.
"Well, what do you expect?
"Pa, šta očekuješ?
you have nothing interesting to say,
nemaš ništa zanimljivo da kažeš,
successful man like that
could be so cruel?
da prijatelj može biti tako okrutan?
the friend who said that.
da to nije rekao prijatelj.
especially after a rejection.
naročito nakon odbijanja.
and all our shortcomings,
o svim našim manama i nedostacima,
šta bismo želeli da nismo,
what we wish we weren't,
our self-esteem is already hurting.
jer naše samopoštovanje već pati.
and damage it even further?
worse on purpose.
namerno pogoršali.
and decide, "Oh, I know!
i odlučili: "O, znam!
how much deeper I can make it."
koliko mogu da je produbim."
injuries all the time.
sa psihičkim povredama.
our psychological health.
našem psihičkom zdravlju.
that when your self-esteem is lower,
kada vam je samopoštovanje niže,
stress and to anxiety,
and it takes longer to recover from them.
više vremena za oporavljanje od njih.
the first thing you should be doing
prvo što treba da radite
join Fight Club and beat it into a pulp.
i pretvorite ga u kašu.
you would expect from a truly good friend.
koje biste očekivali od dobrog prijatelja.
psychological habits and change them.
psihičke navike i menjamo ih.
is called rumination.
naziva se ruminacija.
professor makes you feel stupid in class,
da se osećate glupo na času,
the scene in your head for days,
da ponavljate tu scenu u glavi,
in this way can easily become a habit,
tako može lako postati navika,
on upsetting and negative thoughts,
na uznemirujuće i negativne misli,
at significant risk
alcoholism, eating disorders,
alkoholizma, poremećaja ishrane,
feel really strong and really important,
može delovati kao vrlo jak i važan,
because a little over a year ago,
jer pre nešto više od godinu dana,
with stage III non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
treći stadijum Ne-Hodžkinove bolesti.
a harsh course of chemotherapy.
sa teškom hemoterapijom.
what he was going through.
da mislim o tome kroz šta on prolazi.
how much he was suffering,
da mislim o tome koliko on pati,
je bilo neverovatno.
but psychologically I was a mess.
ali sam psihički bio u haosu.
distraction is sufficient
odvraćanja pažnje dovoljno
in that moment.
u tom trenutku.
upsetting, negative thought,
negativnu pomisao,
something else until the urge passed.
na nešto drugo dok impuls ne prođe.
my whole outlook changed
čitava moja perspektiva se izmenila
and more hopeful.
my brother had a CAT scan,
nakon što je počeo sa hemoterapijom,
he got the results.
kada je dobio rezultate.
of chemotherapy to go,
psychological wounds,
you will thrive.
razvijaćete se.
people began practicing personal hygiene,
da primenjuju ličnu higijenu,
by over 50 percent
se povećala za preko 50 procenata
could rise just as dramatically
mogao isto tako dramatično povećati
emotional hygiene.
emocionalnu higijenu.
the world would be like
and less depression?
usamljenosti i depresije?
kako da prevaziđu neuspeh?
and more empowered?
i osnaženije?
I want to live in,
u kome želim da živim,
wants to live in as well.
i moj brat želi da živi.
and change a few simple habits,
i promenite nekoliko jednostavnih navika,
Guy Winch - Psychologist, authorGuy Winch asks us to take our emotional health as seriously as we take our physical health -- and explores how to heal from common heartaches.
Why you should listen
Guy Winch is a licensed psychologist who works with individuals, couples and families. As an advocate for psychological health, he has spent the last two decades adapting the findings of scientific studies into tools his patients, readers and audience members can use to enhance and maintain their mental health. As an identical twin with a keen eye for any signs of favoritism, he believes we need to practice emotional hygiene with the same diligence with which we practice personal and dental hygiene.
His recent book, Emotional First Aid: Healing Rejection, Guilt, Failure, and Other Everyday Hurts, has been translated in 24 languages. He writes the popular "Squeaky Wheel Blog" on, and he is the author of The Squeaky Wheel: Complaining the Right Way to Get Results, Improve Your Relationships and Enhance Self-Esteem. His new book, How to Fix a Broken Heart, was published by TED Books/Simon & Schuster in 2017. He has also dabbled in stand-up comedy.
Guy Winch | Speaker |