Dame Stephanie Shirley: Why do ambitious women have flat heads?
Дэйм Стефани Ширли: Яагаад зорилготой эмэгтэйчүүд хавтгай толгойтой байдаг вэ?
In 1962, Dame Stephanie "Steve" Shirley founded Freelance Programmers, a software firm with innovative work practices -- and (mainly) women employees. Full bio
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хүүхэд насны тухай юу,
software company back in the 1960s,
компани байгуулан,
of an autistic child?
now given away serious money?
сайн үйлстэний тухай юу?
I got onto a train in Vienna,
Нацист Европоос аварсан
nearly 10,000 Jewish children
of my nine-year-old sister
эгчийнхээ гараас барин,
what was going on.
why am I going there?"
Яагаад би тийшээ явж байгаа юм бэ?"
I was helped by generous strangers.
тусласны ач юм.
to be later reunited
with them again.
дотносож чадаагүй юм.
суулгасан тэр муухай өдрөөс хойш
since that miserable day
who has lost their human rights can feel.
ойлгохоор их хайртай.
that was worth saving.
үнэ цэнэтэй байлгахыг хүссэн.
байдлыг даван гарахын тулд
of the first such startups in Britain.
бизнесүүдийн нэг болох
компаниа байгуулсан.
a company for women,
эмэгтэйчүүдэд зориулсан компани байлаа,
бизнесүүдийн нэг байлаа.
because software, at that time,
шоолж байсан.
өгдөг байлаа.
certainly not from a woman.
ялангуяа эмэгтэй хүнээс.
of the universities with decent degrees,
эзэмшиж байсан боловч
who'd left the industry on marriage,
эсвэл анхны үрээ хүлээж буй
home-working organization.
going back into the workforce
дараа ажилдаа эргэн орох
new, flexible work methods:
яваандаа хамтран эзэмших зэрэг
and eventually, co-ownership
анхлан санаачлан,
into the hands of the staff
ажилтнуудад шилжүүлэхэд
or the only woman that.
on the stock exchange,
without my husband's permission.
данс ч нээлгэж болохгүй байсан.
the battles for the right to work
эрхийн төлөө мөн
from people at work or in society
нийгмийн оролцоог хүлээгээгүй.
family responsibilities.
гэр бүлийнхэнтэй хамаатай байсан.
чадаагүй тул
the conventions of the time,
сорьж эхэлсэн.
from "Stephanie" to "Steve"
Стив болгон өөрчилж,
өөрийгөө эрэгтэй биш
before anyone realized
and that's precisely what it was,
гэдэг ба
хоолны өрөөний ширээн дээр төлөвлөж,
on the dining room table,
of 100 dollars in today's terms,
санхүүжилтээ хийж байлаа.
by borrowing against the house.
the market was commercial --
зах зээл харин арилжааных байлаа.
which I found rather boring.
надад уйтгартай санагддаг байсан.
operational research work,
судалгааг сонгосон ба
ухааны сорилт,
that interested me
that was valued by the clients:
үнэ цэнийн цогц байлаа.
автобусны хуваарь боловсруулах,
lots and lots of stock control.
хийдэг байлаа.
part-time nature of the staff
ажилладаг системээ нуун,
one of the very first to do so.
анхдагчдын нэг байлаа.
that the programming
of Supersonic Concord
of women working in their own homes.
хийнэ гэж санах вэ дээ.
"trust the staff" approach
"ажилчиддаа итгэх" зарчим
"Do you have access to a telephone?"
"Та утастай юу?" гэж асуудаг байсан.
software standards
боловсруулах байлаа.
maddeningly hard-to-control activity,
төвөгтэй байдаг учир
them over the years,
төлөө мөнгө авч,
to develop flowcharts
хийх алхам бүрийг тодорхойлсон
usually machine code,
Ихэвчлэн машины код,
by mail to a data center
paper tape or card
картан дээр шивэгдэж,
in order to verify it.
дахин шивэгддэг байсан.
near a computer.
болохоос өмнө хийж байлаа.
13 жилийн дараа,
came in in Britain
Британид гарч
our pro-female policies.
хууль бус болгосон.
unintended consequences,
жишээ болж,
it only works because it's small."
учраас л болж байгаа юм" гэсэн.
they accepted, "Yes, it is sizable now,
хүлээн зөвшөөрч,
ач холбогдол байхгүй" гэсэн.
valued at over three billion dollars,
үнэ хүрч,
болоход тэд,
into millionaires,
by the shape of our heads:
толгойны хэлбэрээр нь таньж болно.
patted patronizingly.
хавтгай болчихсон байдаг юм.
away from the kitchen sink.
тогооны угаалтуураас хол зогсох гэж тэр.
two secrets of success:
and people that you like;
дуртай хүмүүсээр хүрээлүүл,
very, very carefully.
"My husband's an angel,"
сахиусан тэнгэр" гэхэд
"You're lucky," she said,
we'd all be millionaires.
бид бүгд саятан байх байсан.
of family trauma and indeed, crisis.
гэр бүлийн хямрал дунд ирсэн.
a beautiful, contented baby.
хөөрхөн, аз жаргалтай хүүхэд байсан.
unmanageable toddler.
and he never spoke again.
дахиж хэзээ ч яриагүй.
house of the first charity that I set up
газрын анхны хүүхэд байсан ба
эхлэл болсон.
a groundbreaking Prior's Court school
again, all for autism.
судалгаануудад хандивлаж байлаа.
in services, I tried to help.
дутуу зүйл харах бүрдээ
and making new things happen.
think tank for autism.
судалгааны ажил эхлүүлсэн.
to the industry from which it stems,
the Oxford Internet Institute
газруудыг хамтран байгуулсан.
focuses not on the technology,
технологи төдийгүй, интернэтийн
and ethical issues of the Internet.
ёс суртахууны асуудалд анхаардаг.
without his need of me.
амьдарч сурсан.
would quickly come and find me.
гялс намайг олчихно шүү дээ.
for an enterprise,
нэг хэрэг,
мэдэж байгаагаар
self-belief and determination,
итгэх итгэл, зүтгэл,
that borders on the obsessive.
солиотой гэмээр.
that I'm a workaholic.
гэдэг нь сайн хэрэг.
do it properly and in humility.
бөгөөд даруу хийхэд оршдог гэдэг итгэдэг.
when I'd rather be doing something else.
хийж байх юм гэсэн зүйл огт биш.
never going to be like today,
шиг байхгүй гэдгийг сурсан,
дасан зохицоход тусалж,
хүлээн авдаг болгосон,
гэдэг юм.
Dame Stephanie Shirley - Entrepreneur and philanthropistIn 1962, Dame Stephanie "Steve" Shirley founded Freelance Programmers, a software firm with innovative work practices -- and (mainly) women employees.
Why you should listen
In the austerity of post-World War II England, jobs were few, and opportunities for women to earn a wage were even fewer. So, on her dining room table, Stephanie Shirley founded the kind of company she'd like to work for -- one that posed challenging, rewarding tasks, built around flexible work rules that made it possible to have a real life. Her software company, Freelance Programmers made her one of the richest women in England (and one of the few to have earned her own money). Initially employing only women -- Shirley often bid for contracts as "Steve" to compete in the male-dominated industry -- the company was eventually valued at $3 billion, while 70 of the staff became millionaires when it floated on the stock market.
But money wasn't Shirley's object. "A lot of people go into business to make money," she told the Guardian. "I really didn't; I went in with a mission for women. Conversely, I was determined never, ever to be poor again." Freelance Programmers became the FI Group became Xansa; it was acquired by Steria in 2007.
Shirley retired in 1993, but she hasn't stopped pushing for progress in the fields she loves. For instance, she works tirelessly to push forward research into autism spectrum disorders, as well as to study and improve the IT industry and the role of the internet in society. She told the Guardian, "I do get committed, and I don't just give my money; I try to give of myself."
Dame Stephanie Shirley | Speaker | TED.com