Victor Rios: Help for kids the education system ignores
Victor Rios: Ajuda pels joves que el sistema educatiu ignora
Victor Rios seeks to uncover how to best support the lives of young people who experience poverty, stigma and social exclusion. Full bio
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that have been pushed out of school,
han estat expulsats de l'escola,
by the education system,
els ha fallat
where they're vulnerable to violence,
on són vulnerables a la violència,
for years at a time,
de vegades durant anys,
the "school-to-prison pipeline."
"el camí de l'escola a la presó"
has a bottle of liquor in his hand,
through a perspective
des d'una perspectiva
that they bring to the education system.
al sistema educatiu.
the way we label young people
la manera en què etiquetem els joves
and the promise to change?
i la promesa de canviar?
in dire poverty in the inner city,
en la pobresa absoluta,
three times for three felonies.
tres vegades per tres delictes diferents.
al costat del meu oncle,
for the ambulance to arrive
que arribés l'ambulància
because the system had failed me.
perquè el sistema m'havia fallat.
I could make it to my 18th birthday.
que pogués arribar a fer-ne 18.
that cared reached out
a qui li importava, se'm va apropar
that was always in your business.
posava el nas en els teus assumptes.
whenever you're ready."
quan estiguis a punt."
about young people like me.
sobre joves com jo:
when we're ready,
my people, my family.
la meva gent, la meva família.
del meu oncle Ruben.
because I was broke,
perquè jo estava pelat,
in the back of his van,
al darrere de la seva furgo,
començaven a sagnar
would get all bloody.
s'omplien de sang.
and I would stop working.
i volia deixar la feina.
and he would say to me,
i em deia:
something out of nothing."
del no-res."
la meva història,
i em va dir:
have taught you a hard-work ethic
t'han ensenyat una ètica del treball
yourself in the academic world
al món acadèmic,
and empower your community."
i empoderar la teva comunitat."
les meves assignatures a temps
right before graduation,
just abans de graduar-me:
thinking I'm going to college?
per pensar que aniré a la uni?
and support she provided,
i el suport que em va donar,
under probationary status."
de forma provisional."
I'm already on probation,
Ja tinc la condicional,
not criminal probation.
no criminal.
do to succeed with young people
per manegar-se-les amb joves
deficit perspective in education.
de mancances en l'educació.
come from a culture of violence,
vénen d'una cultura violenta,
these people are truant.
no van a classe.
for us to fill with knowledge.
que hem d'omplir de coneixements.
bring to the schoolhouse.
que aquests joves aporten a l'escola.
insurmountable odds are so powerful.
de l'impossible són molt poderoses.
algunes d'aquestes històries.
i experiències
and resilience in them.
i resiliència en si mateixes.
refine those stories.
polir aquestes històries.
de si mateixos,
welcomes their families, their cultures,
acull les seves famílies, cultures,
they've learned to survive.
que han après per sobreviure.
being the most important:
és la més important:
adequate resources to young people.
els recursos adequats pels joves.
no serveix de res.
and tell me all you want,
i dir-me tot el que vulgueu:
by the bootstraps."
agafa el toro per les banyes.".
without any straps on my boots --
on agafar-me...
to learn from their mistakes
a aprendre dels seus errors
of their classrooms like animals.
de les aules com si fossin animals.
justice in every high school in America.
rehabilitadora als instituts dels EUA.
in the community of Watts in LA
a la comunitat de Watts a Los Angeles
that had been pushed out of school.
del sistema escolar.
that had been given every label.
a qui li havien posat totes les etiquetes.
el que la Sra. Russ solia dir:
whenever you're ready."
that he made the switch.
la seva història poderosa:
in the newspaper the next day.
als diaris l'endemà.
I don't know what to do,
jo no sabia què fer,
on the desk and he said,
a la taula i va dir:
Una abraçada en grup!".
turned into joy and laughter
es convertiren en alegria i rialles,
l'havia ajudat,
that he did have a purpose in life:
que tenia un objectiu a la vida:
of people in his own community.
de la gent de la seva comunitat.
to being the story of a survivor
d'una víctima, per ser la d'un supervivent
fins a acabar a l'institut,
to become a security guard,
de guarda de seguretat
at a local school district.
en una escola de barri.
the mind will follow."
la ment el seguirà."
have emerged the greatest souls.
han sorgit les grans ànimes.
are seared with scars."
estan farcits de cicatrius."
revolution that we're talking about
de què estem parlant,
of the young people that we work with,
dels joves amb què treballem,
resilience and character
resiliència i caràcter
the right kinds of resources.
els recursos adequats.
la meva professora per mi.
into believing in myself.
cregués en mi mateix.
Victor Rios - Educator, authorVictor Rios seeks to uncover how to best support the lives of young people who experience poverty, stigma and social exclusion.
Why you should listen
Based on over a decade of research, Dr. Victor Rios created Project GRIT (Generating Resilience to Inspire Transformation) a human development program that works with educators to refine leadership, civic engagement and personal and academic empowerment in young people placed at-risk.
Rios is a professor of sociology at the University of California, Santa Barbara. He received his Ph.D. in comparative ethnic studies from the University of California, Berkeley in 2005. His book Punished: Policing the Lives of Black and Latino Boys discusses the many ways in which young urban males of color encounter the youth control complex: a ubiquitous system of punitive social control embedded in what has come to be known as the school-to-prison pipeline.
Victor Rios | Speaker |