Casey Gerald: The gospel of doubt
Casey Gerald: Evangelium pochybnosti
Casey Gerald chronicles the current state of the American Dream and explores ways to sustain it for a new generation. Full bio
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into a Texas church
draped in worn-down red fabric,
potaženými červenou látkou,
and a choir at my back
za mými zády
built into the wall behind them.
in the back not paying attention.
kteří nedávají pozor.
that Jesus would return
for all that I had done,
i za své činy.
my house in order very quickly.
nastolit pořádek.
as one might listen for noise,
by jiný mohl naslouchat hluku,
hadn't pulled a fast one on me
rychlosti nevyrazil
that were all the rage at the time.
in the rapture at midnight,
taking the mark of the beast,
znamení bestie,
and the Antichrist himself.
samotného Antikrista.
out of the pews and down to the altar
when midnight struck.
až nadejde půlnoc.
as I like to call them --
jak jim někdy říkám,
has a VIP section.
má své VIP sekce.
had been bent under hot suns
pod horkým pražícím sluncem
a creaseless noble brown,
nezvrásněné noblesně hnědé,
for what life might become
za hranicemi
were the stars of the show for me.
této show.
for this moment,
had longed for the end of the world,
toužili po konci světa.
waited for the Oprah Winfrey Show
na show Oprah Winfrey,
every day at 4 o'clock.
to her hand during this prayer,
přímo za ní během modlitby,
to the call of the prayer
na výzvu k modlitbě
to add the dirge.
doprovázející žalozpěvy,
left in the field.
being separated from the chaff.
any signs of disappointment,
než aby projevili nějaké zklamání.
as best I could.
to turn on the television
abych zapnul televizi
jak ohlašuje nové milénium,
announce the new millennium
been strange anyway,
znovu a znovu,
even more ridiculous --
I did not stop believing.
I had were wrong,
byly špatné.
a mountain of certitude,
to its foundation,
k jejím základům.
prepared for Y2K in a very different way,
Y2K rozdílně,
the same thing that I have done
co jsem udělal já.
and my father stayed away
otec zůstával vzdálený
from Oak Cliff, Texas
all the challenges I had known,
se kterými jsem se dosud potkal,
and broken bodies I had seen.
one winter break,
prázdninách po návratu ze školy.
couldn't save me.
mi tady nepomůže.
at Lehman Brothers
do Lehman Brothers
couldn't save me.
že ani ta nejlepší práce mě nespasí.
in Washington DC as a young staffer,
Washingtonu DC jako mladý stážista,
call out from Illinois,
has come to America."
began to feel like a cruel joke,
the political second coming
že ani politický převrat
of the American Dream,
amerického snu,
that I would either believe
to yet another mecca,
do další Mekky.
simply accept the salvation
že nemohu akceptovat spásu
of a crowded party,
zalidněné párty.
miserable Cambridge winter,
v Cambridge,
for something real have asked
pátrající po něčem opravdovém
or how we'd get there,
nebo jak se tam dostat,
as Jack Kerouac wrote,
and disappear somewhere,"
"vyplížit se do noci a někam zmizet,"
other voices who said
and the proof too thin,
a důkazy nejisté.
in the summer of 2013,
dlouhou 8 000 mil napříč celou Amerikou.
through the desolation of Detroit,
bezútěšný Detroit,
with men and women
s muži a ženami,
co dávalo smysl.
at the West Point of capitalism,
nejlepší akademie kapitalismu,
called MBAs Across America,
MBAs Across America.
on this stage today.
na tomto pódiu.
a great hunger in our generation
protože v naší generaci byl velký hlad
countless entrepreneurs
nespočet podnikatelů
a měnili životy
rozšířil se také proto,
to which I would not go
of a broken country,
přišel podělit.
in New York City,
of Harvard Business School.
Harvard Business School.
and their good deeds.
and assets under management
sitting in an urban farm
tell me of the kids
vypráví o dětech,
all of their belongings in a backpack
in a homeless shelter.
Možná jediné za celý den.
with money from his pension,
z vlastní penze,
himself a salary,
the program struggled for resources.
nedostatkem prostředků.
I felt the sting and salt of tears
cítil jsem pálení a sůl slz,
had half a trillion dollars,
vlastní půl biliónu dolarů,
alespoň jedno jídlo za celý den.
that made me want to cry,
co způsobilo, že mi bylo do pláče.
homeless kids,
dětí bez domova.
because I had finally realized
a kidney transplant.
transplantaci ledviny.
stood in for all those
že můj příběh zastupuje všechny ty,
z bláta bídy za tkaničky od bot,
themselves up by their bootstraps,
that never went to Harlem
která nikdy nepřišla do Harlemu,
for all those voices
všech těch hlasů,
too unwashed, too unaccommodated.
příliš špinavé, příliš nepřizpůsobivé.
in front of the television,
a sledujete
announce the new millennium
příchod nového milénia.
ten falešný spasitel.
from that altar
jsem prošel dlouhou cestu.
the world would end,
as a necessary act of God
jako nezbytná část boží vůle.
as any time that came before.
in the prophecy of Brené Brown
Brené Brownové
of The New Yorker
at the church of TED,
of charismatic leaders
of the capitalism that is our god,
kapitalismu, který je naším bohem.
the human price we pay
kterou platíme.
our whole foundation.
že se základy naší víry zhroutí.
které jsme si zvykli brát za dané,
that we have come to accept,
of disruption or innovation
o rozrušení či inovaci,
to share with you today, in fact.
evangelium žádné víry.
je evangelium pochybování.
that you stop believing,
abyste přestali věřit.
we have are wrong,
které máme, jsou chybné.
themselves are wrong.
které klademe, jsou chybné.
that it is possible that we,
že možná i my,
that we hold in our hands,
kterou máme v rukách,
that we are putting my organization,
že má organizace
and closed our doors
a zavřeli dveře
their power to do this work
dělat tuto práci.
and our odds are too long
a šance malé na to,
there will be no miracles here.
žádné zázraky nestanou.
seem to lead to our demise,
jako by nás vedly k zániku,
no comfort to our wounds,
útěchu našim zraněním,
into the darkness of our lives
našich životů
a zašeptat,
Casey Gerald - AmericanCasey Gerald chronicles the current state of the American Dream and explores ways to sustain it for a new generation.
Why you should listen
Casey Gerald has witnessed every facet of the American Dream -- from his harrowing childhood in Texas, to his tenure at the heights of America's elite institutions, to his journeys through the cities and towns of the American heartland where he has spent his recent years as cofounder and CEO of MBAs Across America. Now his work as a writer, speaker, and business leader centers on the question: will the American dream survive another generation?
Gerald began his career in economic policy and government innovation at the Center for American Progress, and he has worked as a strategist with startup social ventures such as The Future Project as well as companies like The Neiman Marcus Group.
Born and raised in Dallas, Gerald received an MBA from Harvard Business School, where he delivered the 2014 commencement address, and a BA in Political Science from Yale College. He has been featured on MSNBC, in The New York Times, Financial Times, The Guardian, and he has appeared on the cover of Fast Company, which also named him one of the "Most Creative People in Business." He currently serves on the advisory board of NPR's Generation Listen.
Casey Gerald | Speaker |