Alan Smith: Why you should love statistics
Alan Smith: Proč byste měli milovat statistiku
Alan Smith uses interactive graphics and statistics to breathe new life into how data is presented. Full bio
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levels of numeracy
adults in the country,
v produktivním věku
that's low-end GCSE score.
ve zkoušce GCSE (maturita).
procenta a desetinná čísla.
percentages and decimals.
a lot of hand-wringing in Whitehall.
ve Whitehallu (ve vládě) pozdvižení.
the survey again in 2011.
v roce 2011.
what happened to this number?
this figure in the FT,
informoval ve Financial Times,
pro 51 % populace.“
to 51 percent of the population."
the reaction of a schoolchild
at a school this information,
u nich ve škole,
who made that number
která vypočítala toto číslo,
important skills for life,
that we want to introduce in this century
které očekáváme v tomto století,
abychom se vyznali v číslech.
more comfortable with numbers.
looking at numeracy in young people,
které hodnotí znalosti u mladých lidí
in the US have low numeracy.
má nízké znalosti matematiky.
with figures above 20 percent.
s hodnotami nad 20 %.
because it doesn't have to be that way.
mají jednociferné hodnoty.
are in single figures.
problem that we want to address.
kterému se chceme věnovat.
inadvertently into one of two categories;
zařadíme do jedné ze dvou kategorií.
with numbers, that can do numbers,
kteří dokážou pracovat s čísly,
to talk about here today
that is a false dichotomy.
nesmírně vysokou úroveň matematiky,
tremendously high levels of numeracy
to the journey ahead.
we can begin that journey, for me,
jak můžeme začít tuto cestu,
that statistics has got somewhat
že statistika má poněkud
don't particularly like,
nemají obzvlášť rádi,
is all about precision and certainty,
jsou přesné a jednoznačné,
to the world of statistics myself.
dostal později.
mých vysokoškolských profesorů,
to excel in after university,
po univerzitě pravděpodobně nevyniknu,
and computer programming,
nějaké statistické grafy,
some statistical graphics
was actually an interesting thing?
je vlastně zajímavá věc?
statistics are about us.
of the word statistics,
slova statistika,
that we live in.
ve kterém žijeme.
sdílíme zájem o to,
we as individuals relate to our groups,
k našim skupinám,
are at their most powerful
surveys carried out recently
úžasné průzkumy,
1,000 adults in the UK,
1 000 dospělými v UK a ptali se,
in England and Wales,
připadá na každých 100 lidí
of the total population, was 24.
celkovou populaci, byla 24.
people in the country are Muslim.
v zemi jsou muslimové.
that figure to be about five.
že je jich asi pět.
between what we think, our perception,
co si myslíme, co se domníváme
that misperception?
in presentations. I was referring to it.
a klást otázky.
in Hammersmith,
of sixth-form girls.
z dívek ze šestých tříd.
the British public think
dospívajících dívek?“
že každý rok z každé stovky
out of every 100 teenage girls
musel mít téměř 200 koleček,
closer to 200 dots
the official figures tell us.
this is not just an English problem.
není to jen problém Anglie.
in recent years to go across the world.
a vydala se do celého světa.
z každé stovky lidí ve vaší zemi
was just over a quarter.
byla jen něco málo přes čtvrtinu.
má nadváhu nebo obezitu.
are overweight or obese.
it's nearer to three-quarters.
že se to blíží ke třem čtvrtinám.
they asked the Japanese,
just over halfway.
bylo to něco přes polovinu.
Japanese people lived in rural areas.
žije 56 ze 100 Japonců.
and surprising to some,
pro někoho překvapivé,
kteří si přečetli dílo Daniela Kahnemana,
who have read the work
the Nobel-winning economist.
spent years researching this disjoint
léta zkoumali nesoulad mezi tím,
and the reality,
pretty poor intuitive statisticians.
špatnými intuitivními statistiky.
can influence our perceptions,
ovlivnit naše vnímání,
reporting things by exception,
že budou přinášet věci výjimečné,
of referring to that.
co je zřejmé,
to the obvious" --
to our blindness about it."
repercussions for decision making.
ve statistickém úřadě,
while this was all going on,
globální problém,
how well do you know your country?
jak dobře znáte svou zemi.
do you know 64 million people?
jak dobře znáte 64 milionů lidí?
I can't do that.
To ani nejde.
this same sort of approach
in a very local sense.
based on census data
na údajích ze sčítání lidu
in designing this.
to the widest possible range of people,
co nejširšímu okruhu lidí,
who can get the numbers.
piktogramy Otto Neuratha
for representing numbers
but they sit in the background.
of representing quantity
like "percentage,"
výrazy jako „procenta“,
on the left-hand side there,
we're asking you questions about
between zero and a hundred,
mezi nulou a stem
between zero and a hundred.
a quick look at the quiz
how many are aged under 16?
kolik je mladších 16 let?
at all, so I had a guess at this,
takže jsem to odhadl,
of how this quiz works.
jak kvíz funguje.
to highlight your icons,
abyste zvýraznili ikony
between your answer and reality.
vaší odpovědí a skutečností.
terrible guess: five.
byl docela hrozný: skutečnost je 5.
what the average age is,
the population are younger
middle-aged to me.
to mi připadá jako střední věk.
it's incredibly young,
neuvěřitelně mladý
of the university in this area.
vliv univerzity na tuto oblast.
as you go through.
about homeownership:
financováno hypotékou nebo půjčkou?
are owned with a mortgage or loan?
more than 50 out on the answer.
být mimo o víc než o 50.
these questions,
when you're in a community,
když jste ve společnosti,
to whether a population is old or young.
zda je obyvatelstvo staré nebo mladé.
the area, you can see it.
můžete to vidět.
is much more difficult to see,
je mnohem obtížnější rozpoznat,
we think own their own homes.
kolik lidí podle nás vlastní svůj domov.
when we published this quiz,
tento kvíz zveřejnili,
was already a few years old.
byly již pár let staré.
zadat poštovní směrovací číslo
that allow you to put in a post code
za několik let zpětně.
and not necessarily new.
a ne úplně aktuální.
what reaction we might get
bychom mohli získat,
in the way that we have,
hravou formou,
that people have their own preconceptions.
to bring down a statistics website
aby kvůli zájmu veřejnosti
"statistics," "gov" and "UK,"
„statistika“, „vláda“ a „UK“,
favorite words in a URL.
tři nejméně oblíbená slova.
was that the website came down
že internetová stránka spadla
engaging with this data
zajímali o tyto údaje
a quarter of a million people
of 48 hours of launching it.
online, on social media,
na sociálních sítích,
with their misconceptions,
I couldn't have hoped for any better,
sending it to politicians.
že lidé začali kvíz posílat politikům.
kterou chcete zastupovat?“
you claim to represent?
really interesting to see
v tomto kvízu uspěli.
would do on this quiz.
Johna Pullingera,
of England and Wales, John Pullinger,
after a glass of wine -- 36.
nesporně po sklence vína - 36 %.
nás všechny.
can inspire us all.
ve skutečnosti vědou o nás.
be fascinated by numbers.
Alan Smith - Data visualisation editorAlan Smith uses interactive graphics and statistics to breathe new life into how data is presented.
Why you should listen
Alan Smith is Data Visualisation Editor at the Financial Times in London. Previously he was Head of Digital Content at the UK Office for National Statistics (ONS).
With a background in cartography and digital mapping, he has spent the last decade finding ways of bringing statistics to wider audiences. In 2010, he was an inaugural recipient of the Royal Statistical Society's Award for Excellence in Official Statistics. He was appointed Office of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) in the Queen's 2011 Birthday Honours list.
Alan Smith | Speaker |