Sarah T. Stewart: Where did the Moon come from? A new theory
Sarah T. Stewart: Kako je nastao Mjesec? Nova teorija
Sarah T. Stewart specializes in the study of collisions in the solar system. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
led to a discovery
we think about the Earth and Moon.
na koji razmišljamo o Zemlji i Mjesecu.
is smash planets together.
using cannons like this one.
u stijene iz topova kao što je ovaj.
the extreme conditions
ekstremne uvjete
I can collide whole planets together
mogu međusobno sudarati čitave planete
how to make the Earth and the Moon
kako stvoriti Zemlju i Mjesec
from other planets.
toliko razlikuje od drugih planeta.
of the Earth and Moon
o nastanku Zemlje i Mjeseca
struck the young Earth,
udarilo u mladu Zemlju,
the debris disc around the planet.
koji je okružio planet.
so many things about the Moon,
toliko toga o Mjesecu
from the Mars-sized planet,
nastao od planeta veličine Marsa,
are made from different materials.
građeni od različitih materijala.
are actually like identical twins.
poput identičnih blizanaca.
in the isotopes of the elements.
u izotopima elemenata.
have identical isotopes.
are made from the same materials.
građeni su od istih materijala.
and the Moon are twins.
da su Zemlja i Mjesec blizanci.
from different materials,
od različitih materijala,
have the same genetic relationship.
nema ovakvu genetsku poveznicu.
on the origin of the Moon,
na postanku Mjeseca,
reject the whole idea of the giant impact.
potpuno odbaciti ideju o velikom udaru.
to explain the special relationship
there weren't any better ideas.
što nije bilo boljih rješenja.
had even bigger flaws.
imala još veće nedostatke.
the giant impact theory.
teoriju velikog udara.
that we try changing the spin
predložio je da pokušamo promijeniti
could mix more material
možda bi se pomiješalo više materijala
that part of the model.
the length of Earth's day?
određivalo duljinu Zemljinog dana?
giant impacts that could make the Moon.
velikih udara kojima bi nastao Mjesec.
faster-spinning giant impacts,
velike udare brže rotacije
mixture of materials as the planet.
to explain the Moon.
that that's just not very likely.
vjerojatnost za to vrlo mala.
is different from the planet,
razlikuje od planeta
making our Moon this way
na ovaj način izgradimo Mjesec
for everyone to accept the idea
to Earth was an accident.
sa Zemljom samo slučajnost.
was still in trouble,
i dalje je bila u problemima,
how to make the Moon.
kako napraviti Mjesec.
when I realized my mistake.
kada sam shvatila gdje sam pogriješila.
from these fast-spinning giant impacts.
tih velikih udara brze rotacije.
thinking about the Moon,
and partially vaporized
i dijelom pretvori u plin
connected to the disc.
na čudan način.
osjećaj uzbuđenja,
might be something really interesting.
moglo biti nešto jako zanimljivo.
with a separate disc around it.
s odvojenim prstenom koji ga okružuje.
was how we tested
testirali smo mogućnost
going to look like a planet.
uvijek izgledati kao planet.
was making something completely new.
velikim udarom nastalo nešto potpuno novo.
in front of me
to try and figure it out.
with the unknown?
a planet anymore?
of our old way of thinking,
stari način razmišljanja,
throw away all of the data,
odbaciti sve podatke,
nevjerojatne ideje
into the real world to test them,
i testirati ih,
with computer models
s računalnim modelima
after most giant impacts,
that gets denser and denser with depth.
koji s dubinom postaje sve gušći.
to figure out what was really going on
od izazova da otkrijem
pri velikim udarima.
of astronomical object.
its rounded shape.
i brzinu rotacije,
until it reaches a tipping point.
u kojoj izgubi ravnotežu.
spreads into a disc.
of being a planet.
kojima definiramo planet.
as it gets bigger and bigger;
postala upravo to.
between all of the material.
kad ga temperatura i rotacija
of a spheroidal shape.
sferoidnog oblika.
of one of my simulations,
quickly from a previous giant impact.
zbog prethodnog velikog udara.
would be recognizable
ali moguće ju je prepoznati
vaporizes the surface,
in just a few hours.
za samo nekoliko sati.
giant impacts make synestias,
stvaraju sinestije,
don't live very long.
ne opstaju dugo.
and turn back into planets.
i ponovno postanu planeti.
like Earth were growing,
stjenoviti planeti kao Zemlja
one or more times.
pretvore u sinestiju.
the problem of the origin of the Moon.
za problem postanka Mjeseca.
inside a huge, vaporous synestia.
unutar ogromne plinovite sinestije.
vaporiziranih stijena.
inside the Earth
inside the synestia for years,
orbitirati unutar sinestije,
cooling and shrinking
hlađenje i stiskanje
for hundreds of years longer.
into two new bodies,
identical Earth and Moon.
Zemlju i Mjesec.
throughout the universe.
po čitavom svemiru.
by finding them in our imagination:
pronašavši ih u našoj mašti.
in the world around me?
u svijetu koji me okružuje?
by my own assumptions?
zbog vlastitih pretpostavki?
nešto stvarno nevjerojatno.
something truly amazing.
Sarah T. Stewart - Planetary scientistSarah T. Stewart specializes in the study of collisions in the solar system.
Why you should listen
Sarah T. Stewart has been a Professor in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at UC Davis since 2014, following 11 years as a Professor at Harvard University. A planetary scientist and MacArthur Fellow, she specializes in the study of collisions in the solar system and directs the Shock Compression Laboratory, which uses light gas guns to study shock waves in planetary materials. Stewart is best known for proposing a new model for the origin of the Moon, and she is dedicated to public outreach in the planetary sciences.
Sarah T. Stewart | Speaker |